Inventory Search
Displaying 2001 to 2100 of 48619 results
Description | Object Type | NAM Accession Number |
Royal Artillery Sunset Ceremony, Firepower and Music. Commemorative programme of the Horse Guards Parade, 8 Jun 1998 to 11 Jun 1998. | Archives | 1999-04-4 |
Royal Artillery Sunset Ceremony, Firepower and Music. Video of the ceremony at the Horse Guards Parade, 8 Jun 1998 to 11 Jun 1998. | Film and Videos | 1999-04-5 |
'Form line'! R.F.A. India, 1922. Watercolour sketch by Richard Barrett Talbot Kelly; gun limbers of the Royal Field Artillery galloping across a plain in India; signed and dated. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-04-7 |
Light Cavalry Officer's sword and leather covered wooden scabbard, 1822 Pattern, belonging to Capt (later Maj Gen Sir) Charles Lane 1918 (c). | Edged Weapons | 1964-08-21 |
Medal group awarded to Colonel Philip Sydney Newton, late Royal Sussex Regiment: Order of the British Empire, Member; 1939-45 Star; Africa Star 1940-43 clasp: 8th Army; France and Germany Star; Defence Medal, 1939-1945; British War Medal 1939-45; General Service Medal 1962-2007, clasp: Borneo. | Medals | 1999-04-8 |
Scottish Broad sword; double edged blade with narrow fuller, engraved with regimental crest, title and owners initials outside and E II R and serial number on inside; basket hilt with red felt, buff liner and prune tassel; fishskin grip bound with wire; chromium plated scabbard with round terminal. | Edged Weapons | 1964-06-84 |
Scottish Broadsword, nineteenth century, Gordon Highlanders; double edged blade with dual fuller, engraved with decoration including maker's name Carter and Company, regimental name, battle honours and royal cypher; pierced basket hilt lined with red felt and leather, with pommel and tang button, stamped with AWB; fishskin grip bound with silver wire; steel scabbard with brass mouthpiece, two suspension rings and small, round button chape. | Edged Weapons | 1964-06-6 |
Pattern 1896, British Cavalry sword, 12th Lancer's; chromium plated blade, stamped with serial number; chromium plated hilt. | Edged Weapons | 1964-01-29 |
Light Cavalry sword, possibly Indian Army, 1796-1853 (c); blade with broad fuller; half basket hilt, engraved with initials POC and serial number; wooden grip; ears on backpiece. | Edged Weapons | 1963-12-251 |
Order of the British Empire, Medal awarded to Miss Jane Caple, January 1920, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps. | Medals | 1999-04-11 |
Hanger's sword; Royal Field Artillery, 1808-1820 (c); flat backed blade, similar to German hunting sword 1777-1778, marked with maker's name Osborne and Gunby; brass knuckle bow hilt; leather covered wooden grip. | Edged Weapons | 1963-12-251 |
Indian Army sword, pattern 1853; slightly curved, narrow blade with flat spine and blunt point, engraved with serial number and Edward VII cypher; leather scabbard with steel mouthpiece and chape guard, with leather suspension attachments. | Edged Weapons | 1963-12-250 |
Medal group awarded to Capt Kenneth Buchanan McKenzie, 123rd Outram's Rifles: 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Commemorative Medallion 1914-1918, issued to the next of kin of Capt McKenzie. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Medals | 1999-04-12 |
Infantry officer's sword, pattern 1895; blade engraved with decoration including maker's name, J R Gaunt and Son, London, royal coat of arms and serial number; guard engraved with royal cypher and crown; leather scabbard with metal chape. | Edged Weapons | 1963-12-45 |
Infantry officer's sword, pattern 1895; blade engraved with decoration including royal cypher, serial number and maker's name S J Pillin, London; guard engraved with royal cypher and crown; leather sword knot; leather scabbard with metal chape. | Edged Weapons | 1963-12-44 |
Medal group awarded to Pte A L Moore, Bedfordshire Regiment: King's South Africa Medal 1901-02, with clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Medals | 1999-04-13 |
Mameluke-hilted sword, 1910-1915; curved blade, engraved with decoration including serial number, George V cypher, maker's name Wilkinson, London and regimental name; gilt hilt with crossguard, engraved with royal cypher; ivory grips; knot with gilt cord and acorn with crimson worm; two chromium plated scabbards, one with cruciform locket, the other with gilt decorated locket, rectangular gilt foot and gilt mouthpiece, for dress. | Edged Weapons | 1963-12-10 |
Metal identity disc, 1914-1918; belonged to Capt Kenneth Buchanan McKenzie; with chain. | Equipment, general | 1999-04-15 |
Scottish basket-hilted sword; double edged blade with central fuller, engraved with decoration including George V cypher and maker's name, Henry Wilkinson, London; nickel plated guard with red fabric and buckskin lining; fishskin covered grip bound with wire; unscrewable nickel plated pommel; red silk tassle; nickel plated scabbard with two suspension rings and button at chape end; conversion kit with two nickel plated crossguards, two lockets with suspension rings, spacer and unscrewing bar. | Edged Weapons | 1963-11-208 |
Artillery sword, 1780-1820 (c); possibly of the Royal Field Artillery; made by Hadley of Birmingham; spear point blade with illegible inscription; brass stirrup guard with scrolled quillon and integral langets; brass pommel and backpiece; black ribbed wooden grip with brass ferrule. | Edged Weapons | 1963-11-42 |
Cavalry officer's sword, 1881; owned by Brig Gen John Burnard Edwards, 2nd Central Indian Horse; made by Edward Thurkle; blade is pattern 1796 Light Cavalry sword and has an extremely sharp, slashing edge; pattern 1821 three bar guard; wooden scabbard covered in leather. | Edged Weapons | 1951-02-1 |
Infantry officer's sword, pattern 1822; 96th Regiment (RMAS); straight, spear point blade, engraved with decoration including Victorian cypher, POW feathers, regimental name, serial number and maker's name Henry Wilkinson, London; 'gothic' brass hilt inscribed with VR cypher; checkered black plastic grip bound with wire; brown leather knot; brown leather scabbard with strap. | Edged Weapons | 1973-01-96 |
Regimental cane, 1922-1947; polished malacca with a white metal head bearing the device of an elephant on a plinth inscribed with the regimental name, the 1st Punjab Regiment, over a Chinese dragon and sun; cracked white metal ferrule. | Equipment, general | 1957-01-33 |
Regimental cane, 1922-1929; polished malacca with an Indian silver head which is cylindrical and bears the device of the number '4' surmounted by crossed axes and a crown over the regiment's name, the Hazara Pioneers; white metal ferrule. | Equipment, general | 1957-01-31 |
Fragment of rock or pebble; white with embedded stone fragments; found by Maj H F N Jourdain, Connaught Rangers, at Langemarck, France, on the 2 Sep 1917. | Equipment, general | 1956-02-956 |
Chair back, 1855 (c); leather covered, round topped chair back; top is embroidered in silver thread with the name and date, 'SEBASTOPOL 1855', within a laurel wreath; chair was part of the Officer's Mess of the 88th Connaught Rangers and the back was removed in 1906 by Col Jourdain; the chair was originally taken at Sevastopol during the Crimean War. | Furniture | 1956-02-955 |
Sugar cane; cylindrical sectioned piece of cane with four irregular rings; bearing a label inscribed in manuscript, 'Sugar Cane Barbados 1895'; the cane was brought from the West Indies by Pte R W Cattely, 1st Bn Connaught Rangers. | Equipment, general | 1956-02-950 |
Cavalry officer's sword, 1915 (c); 25th Cavalry (Frontier Force); curved blade with broad shallow fuller; mameluke hilt with decorated steel crossguard; ivory grip, cracked, with three rivets; engraved strap; black leather covered wooden scabbard with steel chape and mouthpiece with two suspension rings. | Edged Weapons | 1972-10-23 |
A pair of African cow's horns; white horn with a hollow base and grooves running from base to point; owned by Maj H F N Jourdain, Connaught Rangers, and were acquired by him from a bush cow in Gambia, West Africa, 1914. | Equipment, general | 1956-02-949 |
Trooper's sword, 1661-1700 (c); Royal Horse Guards; straight, double sided blade with oval section, stamped with initials; brass guard with double shells and knucklebow, engraved with decoration; round pommel with crests; wooden grip bound with brass wire, with two turks head knots. | Edged Weapons | 1972-08-31 |
Turkish army entrenching spade, 1915 (c); rectangular blade with a curved back, polished patina and a bullet hole right of the centre; wooden handle; owned by Lt Col H F N Jourdain, 5th Bn Connaught Rangers, and was taken near Kabak Kuyu, Gallipoli, 1915. | Equipment, general | 1956-02-947 |
German army respirator, 1917; field grey, rubberised canvas with two circular eye holes glazed with clear yellow talc; filter fits directly on to the mouthpiece; cylindrical, grey case includes a paper disc bearing an inscription and a strap at the bottom with a button hole for securing it to the user's uniform; captured from a German Guards regiment by Lt Col H F N Jourdain, Connaught Rangers, at Langemarck, in August, 1917. | Equipment, general | 1956-02-929 |
Purple leather wallet, 1915; with two tying strings; taken by Maj H F N Jourdain, Connaught Rangers, from a dead Turkish soldier at Gallipoli on the 21 Aug 1915. | Equipment, general | 1956-02-927 |
Wooden spring bobbin, 1915 (c); shaft is irregular and tapering to the ends; there are long splits in the wood at both points and discs; highly polished and worn through use; taken by Lt Col H F N Jourdain, Connaught Rangers, whilst serving at Tatarli, Serbia, Nov 1915. | Equipment, general | 1956-02-926 |
Wooden spoon 1900 (c), Edendale, Transvaal; bowl has a caked deposit on the surface; decorated with spiral carvings and staining; acquired by Lt Col H F N Jourdain, Connaught Rangers, whilst serving in South Africa during the Boer War. | Equipment, general | 1956-02-918 |
Fragment of red and white rock; pitted and worn; taken by Lt Col H F N Jourdain, Connaught Rangers, from the Moori River, Natal, South Africa, whilst serving in the Boer War, March 1900. | Equipment, general | 1956-02-917 |
Steel track bolt, 1900 (c); broad thread with a domed cap and square projection for screwing; used to secure the bracket which held a railway track rail to a sleeper; reputedly from an armoured train commanded by Capt Haldane and Winston Churchill; acquired by Capt H F N Jourdain, Connaught Rangers. | Equipment, general | 1956-02-903 |
Enamelled tin cup, 1900 (c); rusted metal covered in white enamel; rim was originally blue; blue handle;owned by Capt H F N Jourdain and used during the Boer War and World War One. | Equipment, general | 1956-02-894 |
Black leather wallet containing four currency notes and two coins of different denominations, and four postage stamps; taken from the body of a Turkish soldier killed during a charge by the 20th Hussars in Anatolia, 1919. | Equipment, general | 1956-02-45 |
Brass bed plate, 1920 (c); an oval cartouche bears the device of a flaming grenade bearing a tiger, above the regimental name, 2nd Bn Royal Munster Fusiliers; made by F Narborough, Birmingham; the plate is blank, awaiting issue. | Equipment, general | 1956-02-31 |
Two wooden polo sticks, 1910 (c); the heads are stained and pitted; staffs are of bamboo and are bound with red cord at the head and handle; owned by Capt V N Lockett, 17th (Duke of Cambridge's Own) Lancers. | Equipment, general | 1955-10-27 |
Wooden rule, 1914 (c); wooden cylinder, painted black and highly polished, mounted alongside a curved wooden bar by brass brackets; revolving; Mess Orderly Room Rule used by the 5th Bn Connaught Rangers. | Furniture | 1955-05-94 |
Ship's control wheel, 1915; eight spoked brass wheel from the engine room of the ship the River Clyde which transported the Royal Munster Fusiliers to Gallipoli; presented, with a mast head lamp, to the 1st Bn Royal Munster Fusiliers by Vice Admiral Sir John de Robeck in memory of the landing of the 29th Division at Sedd-el-Bahr, April 1915. | Equipment, general | 1954-11-10 |
Indian Army pattern 1912 Cavalry Officer's sword, 1931; belonged to Maj (later Lt Col) Gerald Gibson Gray, Skinner's Horse; bowl hilt with 'GR I' imperial cypher inscribed; blade stamped with GR I cypher, serial number and maker's name, Wilkinson, London; bowl guard stamped with GR I cypher; leather knot; nickel plated scabbard, not belonging to sword. | Edged Weapons | 1972-03-32 |
Indian Army pattern 1912 Cavalry Officer's sword, 1931; belonged to Maj (later Lt Col) Gerald Gibson Gray, Skinner's Horse; bowl hilt with 'GR I' imperial cypher inscribed; blade stamped with GR I cypher, serial number and maker's name, Wilkinson, London; bowl guard stamped with GR I cypher; leather knot; nickel plated scabbard, not belonging to sword. | Equipment, general | 1972-03-32 |
Officer's sword, 1901-1910 (c); Royal Horse Guards; blade stamped with Edward VII cypher. | Edged Weapons | 1971-10-21 |
Fabric covered waterbottle, a collection of gold weights and a folding knife; acquired by Lt H C Burton, 5th Bn Royal Munster Fusiliers (Royal Limerick County Militia), whilst on special duty in the Gold Coast. | Equipment, general | 1954-10-9 |
Fabric covered waterbottle, a collection of gold weights and a folding knife; acquired by Lt H C Burton, 5th Bn Royal Munster Fusiliers (Royal Limerick County Militia), whilst on special duty in the Gold Coast. | Edged Weapons | 1954-10-9 |
Writing table, 1922 (c); in mahogany wood with four lather turned baluster legs decorated with bands of incised girdles; the top is in two parts, which, when linked by a lockable sliding panel, form a square with clipped corners; used in the Officer's Mess of the 1st Battalion Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians) and was received on disbandment in 1922 by Maj Thomas Burton Newenham Deane. | Furniture | 1953-07-15 |
Sackcloth bag, 1903 (c); originally held Qur'an; owned by Capt F W Pirrie, Indian Army Staff. | Equipment, general | 1953-05-29 |
Infantry officer's sword, pattern 1822; spear point blade; 'gothic' guard stamped with VR cypher; leather knot. | Edged Weapons | 1971-02-24 |
Waterbottle and cover, 1916 (c); steel with brown enamel covering; owned by Maj Thomas Burton Newenham Deane, 1st Bn Prince of Wales' Leinster Regiment; pierced by a bullet which remains inside the bottle, and has left a lump at the back as it tried to exit; associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Equipment, general | 1953-03-64 |
Chain whip, 1892 (c); wrought iron handle linked by a loop to eight iron strands, each consisting of three long oval loops, in spiral square section ending in a small pointed horseshoe, or trisula; probably a camel flail, owned by Maj G A Keef, Royal Scots Fusiliers and acquired by him in Afghanistan. | Equipment, general | 1951-09-8 |
Lead seal matrix, 1819-86 (c); oval with the name of the 1st Regiment of Light Cavalry raised in reverse; wooden handle; found in the Quarter Master's Store of the 26th King George's Own Light Cavalry, in 1918. | Equipment, general | 1951-07-5 |
Binocular case, 128th Pioneers, 1903-1922. | Scientific Instruments | 1951-01-18 |
Tripod stool, 1882 (c); three turned legs with a bulbous central portion; legs fold and and lie parallel and when opened they form a tripod, the seat of which is missing; owned by Colonel Ahmed Arabi, or Arabi Pasha, Egyptian Army,and was taken from him after the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, Egyptian Campaign, 1882. | Furniture | 1950-10-13 |
Pattern 1827 Rifle Regiment Officer's Sword with scabbard. Used by Kenrick Verulam Bacon, 2nd Jaeger Corps British German Legion, Crimean War (1854-1856), 1855 (c). | Edged Weapons | 1970-07-11 |
Indian Army officer's shamshir sword; 5th Punjab Cavalry and 25th Cavalry (Frontier Force), late nineteenth - early twentieth century; curved blade with broad fuller on each side; mameluke hilt with decorated crossguard and langets; riveted ivory grip; metal tang button engraved with foliage; pommel with crimson worm knot attached; black leather scabbard with steel chape and mouthpiece with two suspension rings and leather slings with gold braid. | Edged Weapons | 1970-05-14 |
Three medals awarded to Lance Corporal Michael S Horton, Welsh Guards: General Service Medal 1962-2007, with clasp: Northern Ireland; South Atlantic Medal 1982, with rosette; Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal; mounted together court style. | Medals | 1999-04-32 |
A Second Lieutenant of the Middlesex Regiment, 1917. Oil on canvas, artist unknown, 1917 (c). Bust portrait of a 2nd Lieutenant, The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment), wearing regimental cap and collar badges of the period 1913-1920. | Oil Paintings | 1999-04-19 |
Sikhs and Garwolies [sic] of the 11th Indian Division Cutting their way of Retreat through the Jungle, 1941 (c). Watercolour over pencil by Gnr Leo Rawlings (1918-1984), 137th Field Regiment Royal Artillery, signed in lower right corner; a soldier wields an axe to clear the way for other soldiers marching through the thick jungle, two carrying an invalid on a stretcher. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-04-26 |
5th 11th Sikhs in action against the Japanese at Yong Peng..., 1941. Pencil by Gnr Leo Rawlings (1918-1984), 137th Field Regiment Royal Artillery; a Sikh soldier is poised to bayonet a Japanese soldier whilst two other Sikhs pursue a fleeing Japanese soldier. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-04-30 |
Two identity discs attached with string, 1939-45 (c); belonged to Captain H J H Newton. | Equipment, general | 1999-04-35 |
Parachutist's steel helmet, 1942-1944; lining stamped with maker's name and numbers. | Armour | 1999-04-53 |
Life Guard officer's sword; Life Guards, 1931-1938 (c); owned by Arthur William Onslow, Viscount Cranley, later 6th Earl Onslow; with leather sword knot; Cranley served in the Life Guards from 1931 until resigning his commission in 1938, he later served in the Royal Artillery, Territorial Army; blade is marked with the Regiment's battle honours, maker's name and the owner's name. | Edged Weapons | 1982-07-13 |
Indian Army infantry officer's sword, pattern 1897; 4th Indian Grenadier's; blade inscribed with crown over GRI and crown over royal arms; leather and steel scabbards. | Edged Weapons | 1982-06-88 |
Indian Army rifle regiment officer's sword, pattern 1827; blade marked with VR cypher; donkey skin covered Indian Army Service scabbard, with steel chape and mouthpiece. | Edged Weapons | 1982-06-87 |
Presentation sword, 1805; curved blade inscribed with dedication and maker's name, JJ Runkel, Germany; associated with 1st Bn Banff Volunteers; boatshell hilt with stirrup guard; gilt brass lion's head pommel with integral backpiece; grip bound with wire. | Edged Weapons | 1982-04-777 |
Infantry officer's sword, pattern 1821; blade inscribed with maker's name, J B Johnstone, London and Dublin, and VR cypher; white leather and crimson worm sword knots; brass scabbard; sword bag. | Edged Weapons | 1982-04-746 |
Infantry officer's sword, pattern 1821; blade inscribed with maker's name, J B Johnstone, London and Dublin, and VR cypher; white leather and crimson worm sword knots; brass scabbard; sword bag. | Equipment, general | 1982-04-746 |
Colonel Probyn, CB, VC, and Honorary ADC to the Viceroy of India and HM's Indian Cavalry, 1867. Oil on canvas, by James Rannie Swinton (1816-1888), 1867 (c), exhibited at the Royal Academy 1868 (No 69). Full-length in uniform of 11th Bengal Lancers, with decorations, a kurta with dark blue facings and red lace; gilt frame. | Oil Paintings | 1999-04-55 |
Infantry officer's sword, pattern 1897; Essex Regiment; blade engraved with three knives and Regimental name; guard stamped with Edward VII cypher; leather scabbard. | Edged Weapons | 1981-09-17 |
Cavalry officer's sword, pattern 1912; 9th Queens Royal Lancers; leather sword knot; steel scabbard. | Edged Weapons | 1981-03-79 |
Enfield .38 in revolver No2 Mk I 1939; issued to the Royal Air Force; with diagonal grooves on grips. | Firearms | 1989-05-119 |
Enfield .38 in revolver No2 Mk I; marked to Special Air Service. | Firearms | 1989-05-120 |
Luger artillery model 9 mm P08 automatic pistol, 1917; long range sights and fitted for stock; British proofs and lanyard ring with broad arrow points towards re-use, possibly by the Home Guard; grips are chequered wood. | Firearms | 1989-05-211 |
Mauser New Safety 7.63 mm C96 semi-automatic pistol 1912 (c) with Home Guard style canvas holster; holster appears to be converted 37 pattern or similar webbing - closure stud similar to those found on 1939-1940 type equipment of British Army. | Firearms | 1989-05-233 |
Mauser New Safety 7.63 mm C96 semi-automatic pistol 1912 (c) with Home Guard style canvas holster; holster appears to be converted 37 pattern or similar webbing - closure stud similar to those found on 1939-1940 type equipment of British Army. | Equipment, general | 1989-05-233 |
Webley and Scott .455 in Mk I Navy automatic pistol 1916; with canvas holster 1941 (Home Guard ?). | Firearms | 1989-05-235 |
Webley and Scott .455 in Mk I Navy automatic pistol 1916; with canvas holster 1941 (Home Guard ?). | Equipment, general | 1989-05-235 |
Marine Artillery officer's sword, nineteenth century; blade engraved with winged thunderbolt, serial number, regimental name, royal cypher and maker's name, Robert Mole, Birmingham; three bar guard. | Edged Weapons | 1980-11-22 |
Staff Sergeant's sword, Mk I, pattern 1905, 1913; guard marked with the cypher of George V, post 1910; made by Robert Mole and Son; associated with the Army Medical Corps; with metal scabbard. | Edged Weapons | 1999-04-56 |
Photograph album of Capt Duncan Bairnsfather, younger brother of the artist Bruce Bairnsfather. | Photographs | 1999-04-60 |
Pattern 1892, Officer's sword, Royal Army Medical Corps, 1919; blade inscribed with presentation inscription, serial number, regimental name and maker's name, Henry Wilkinson, London; steel scabbard. | Edged Weapons | 1980-01-2 |
Heavy Cavalry officer's sword, possibly of Horse Grenadier's Guards, 1778 (c); engraved blade; perforated stool guard with scrolled bars; fluted pommel. | Edged Weapons | 1979-04-3 |
Indian Army Cavalry Officer's Mameluke Hilted Dress sword, 1900 (c); curved blade with oval section; steel crossguard with langets and spatulate quillons; gold knot; nickle plated scabbard. | Edged Weapons | 1978-12-30 |
Indian Army Mameluke Hilted sword, Royal Indian Engineers, 1900 (c); blade inscribed with maker's name, C F Johns and Pegg, London, serial number and regimental name; crossguard inscribed with regimental name in cartouche; sword knot; nickle plated scabbard with brass fittings. | Edged Weapons | 1978-12-29 |
Pattern 1822, Cavalry Officer's sword; blade stamped with name Cleghorp, possibly maker's name, and GR under crown; with scabbard. | Edged Weapons | 1978-12-20 |
Pattern 1908 Cavalry Trooper's sword; blade marked with arrow over EFD, crown over 35E and '13 crown over 75E; leather covered guard; leather covered scabbard. | Edged Weapons | 1978-12-19 |
Lothian Ravine, 7.3.17, Salonika, 1917. Pen and ink with watercolour by Capt Gerard Chowne, NEAC, 9th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-04-86 |
Webley .455 in Mk I breechloading service revolver, 1887 pattern, issued 1893 to 11thHussars. | Firearms | 1991-08-78 |
Webley .455 in Mk I breechloading service revolver, 1887 pattern; issued 1893 (c) to the 2nd Bn Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment). | Firearms | 1991-08-79 |
The Somme, 1916. Drawing in coloured inks by Lt Richard Barrett Talbot Kelly MBE MC RI, Royal Field Artillery, 1916; associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-04-91 |
A famous raider - Lancashire Fusiliers, 1914-1918. Coloured lithograph by Pte Eric Henri Kennington, Royal Artillery, 13th (County of London) Princess Louise's Kensington Battalion, 1918 (c). | Prints | 1999-04-92 |
Bombardment of Gaza from the O.P. Kurd Hill 1917. the observation post of 195th Heavy Battery RA, in front of Queen's Hill, 22 September 1917. Watercolour by Lt James McBey (1884-1949), Army Postal Stationary Service (Special List), 1917. View of the city of Gaza and surrounding desert, framed the dark mass of sacking and cloth of the observation post. McBey was the Official War Artist to the Egyptian Expeditionary Force; associated with World War One, Egypt and Palestine (1914-1918). | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-04-95 |
The Somme Front, 1916 - heavy Howitzer position. Etching by Lt James McBey, Army Postal Stationary Service/ Special List, 1916. | Prints | 1999-04-96 |
Ready for the 1st of July 1916. Watercolour by Sgt-Maj George R Spragg, Royal Army Medical Corps, 54th Field Ambulance attached to 18th Division 1916; associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-04-98 |
Somme Alphabet/ Castle/ 'H is a hero. 'John Smith D.S.O.'/ (just how he got it, he doesn't quite/ know)', 1916 (c). Charcoal, pencil and crayon drawings by Capt Godfrey E Castle, MC, 12th East Lancashire Battery, RFA, 1916 (c). Caricatures from a sketch book, 6 pp with descriptions and drawings for five letters of the alphabet, and 24 pp with scenes, 'types' and portraits. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-04-99 |
Horse-shoe sweetheart brooch, 20th Hussars, 1906 (c); silver by Marshall Bros, hallmarked Birmingham, 1906-1907 (c); pin back; inscribed with battle honours; dent in top back rim; text on three scrolls beneath regimental device; velvet lined case. | Crafts | 1999-04-101 |
Two letters: one from 'Griffiths' to 'Knowles', 1896, commenting on Kitchener's fitness to command; second from Gen Sir Redvers Buller to Ellison on War Office finances, 1904. | Archives | 1999-04-106 |