Inventory Search
Displaying 2701 to 2800 of 48619 results
Description | Object Type | NAM Accession Number |
Group photograph of the Matabeleland Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, Nov 1969; the sitters are named. | Photographs | 1996-11-85 |
Typescript history of 3rd Auxiliary Group, Gold Coast Regiment, Royal West African Frontier Force (RWAFF), 81st (West African) Division, May 1941 to Dec 1945, by Maj E S Stafford, (revised 1996). | Archives | 1996-11-83 |
Items owned by Major E B Weston, 117th Mahrattas: regimental cane, malacca with a silver ferrule and head bearing the crest of the 117th Mahrattas, hallmarked Birmingham 1922; pocket lighter, fashioned from a brace nut and buttoned, bearing the crest of the Royal Pioneers. | Equipment, general | 1974-08-32 |
Field lamp, 1910 (c); metal with a broad arrow mark and maker, Maw, London, stamped on the top; reputedly used by the Royal Army Medical Corps. | Equipment, general | 1974-08-52 |
Items of equipment dating from World War Two and possibly associated with the Indian Cavalry (?)., 1940 (c): petrol can stamped with a broad arrow and 'WD'; spade; tow rope; wire. | Equipment, general | 1974-08-58 |
Identity disc, 1915-1916; belonged to Russell Beaumont Woakes, Indian Army Reserve; with string threaded through a hole in the top. | Equipment, general | 1974-08-80 |
Three photographs relating to Hodson's Horse, 1920' s (c); the pictures show Capt L C T Graham MC, mounted sowar; regiment formed up. | Photographs | 1996-11-88 |
Portrait photograph of Maj Charles Frederick Rogers, Royal Indian Army Service Corps, 1936 (c). | Photographs | 1996-11-89 |
97 photographs mounted on sheets from an album compiled by Capt W S Wicks of the Regimental Centre, 18th Royal Garhwal Rifles, 1943-1945; photographs include groups and portraits, scenes from regimental life, drills and exercises, official ceremonies, internal and external views of the mess and activities of the school boy's company. | Photographs | 1996-11-90 |
Letters, diary entries, telegrams and photographs relating to Lt Laurie Dunkin Wedd DSO, Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment, 1899-1901; Wedd sailed to South Africa on the ship, 'SS Yorkshire', fought at Colenso and was wounded on the 19th Jan 1900 during operations to relieve Ladysmith; he was honoured with the Distinguished Service Order for his actions; associated with the Battle of Colenso (1899) and the Relief of Ladysmith (1900), Boer War (1899-1902). | Archives | 1999-06-94 |
Letters, diary entries, telegrams and photographs relating to Lt Laurie Dunkin Wedd DSO, Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment, 1899-1901; Wedd sailed to South Africa on the ship, 'SS Yorkshire', fought at Colenso and was wounded on the 19th Jan 1900 during operations to relieve Ladysmith; he was honoured with the Distinguished Service Order for his actions; associated with the Battle of Colenso (1899) and the Relief of Ladysmith (1900), Boer War (1899-1902). | Maps | 1999-06-94 |
Two group photographs of 1006 mobile workshop, West African Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Ibadan, Nigeria in 1943 prior to leaving for the Far East. | Photographs | 1996-11-91 |
PMR-2A anti-personnel mine used by the former Yugoslav Army, 1995 (c); made by SDPR, Beograd, Yugoslavia; copy of USSR POM - 2 and C2ECH PP - Mi - 5b stake mine. | Ammunition | 1997-09-66 |
Seven photographs collected by Lt L D Wedd DSO, Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment, during the Boer War 1899-1901: hand coloured photograph of Wedd; two photographs of a town in South Africa; two of a native child with a monkey; officers at luncheon in the field; sailors of the Royal Naval Division constructing a gun redoubt. | Photographs | 1999-06-95 |
27 photographs collected by Pte David Hunt, 3rd Bn Parachute Regiment, during his service in Egypt, 1951-1952. | Photographs | 1999-06-88 |
US 75 mm field artillery cartridge case, 1943 (c), from World War Two; case is possibly from Leicester Yeomanry Artillery Training, B Battery. | Ammunition | 1996-12-25 |
M14 105 mm Pack Howitzer cartridge case, Borneo 1962-1967. | Ammunition | 1996-08-238 |
Base of incendiary bomb dropped behind the officers' mess, Queen Elizabeth Camp, Chidwell, 1941. | Ammunition | 1994-08-20 |
The Windmill 6/6/47. R Humphrys, KIT, Palestine, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on blank back of an Army Form C2136 (Small) [Message Form], by L/Cpl R Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; signed and dated as title. The interior of sparsely furnished room with uncurtained window and bare bed-frame with items of kit, including a steel helmet and webbing. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-96 |
Officer's No 3 dress tunic for hot weather, sealed pattern, 1955, Gurkha Rifles. | Uniforms | 1999-06-117 |
CARRIER PARK, Jerusalem 6/6/47, CARRIERS PARKED, Palestine, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on the blank back of an Army Form C2136 (Small) [Message Form], by L/Cpl Robert Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; overhead oblique view of five carriers in an enclosure protected by barbed-wire. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-97 |
Pipe Major's and Piper's No 1 dress doublet, sealed pattern, 1954, 1968, 1969, Royal Irish Rangers 1968-1992, Royal Irish Fusiliers (Princess Victoria's) 1954-1968. | Uniforms | 1999-06-118 |
Back of officers mess 7/6/47, BACK OF OFFICER'S MESS, Palestine, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on the blank back of an Army Form C2136 (Small) [Message Form], by L/Cpl Robert Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; view of the rear of a building with a corrugated iron shed and vegetation in the foreground. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-98 |
Uniform worn by Lt Col David Andrew Girran, 1966 (c), Royal Army Pay Corps, 51st Gurkha Infantry Brigade: khaki drill tunic and bush jacket; two pairs of khaki drill trousers; two olive green bush jackets; four pairs of olive green trousers; two pairs of olive green shorts; pair of khaki drill shorts; olive green cloth waistbelt. | Uniforms | 1999-06-121 |
Uniform worn by Lt Col David Andrew Girran, 1966 (c), Royal Army Pay Corps, 51st Gurkha Infantry Brigade: khaki drill tunic and bush jacket; two pairs of khaki drill trousers; two olive green bush jackets; four pairs of olive green trousers; two pairs of olive green shorts; pair of khaki drill shorts; olive green cloth waistbelt. | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-121 |
Jerusalem 7/6/47, KING DAVID HOTEL. YMCA GUARD TENTS - COLLEGE GATES, Palestine, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on the blank back of an Army Form C2136 (Small) [Message Form], by L/Cpl Robert Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; elevated view across road junction of the King David Hotel and other buildings, with tented accommodation in the middle distance. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-99 |
Jerusalem 7/6/47, The street opposit [sic], Palestine, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on the blank back of an Army Form C2136 (Small) [Message Form], by L/Cpl Robert Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; view across a street junction with a hill rising steeply behind buildings opposite. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-100 |
Jerusalem 9/6/47, Palestine, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on the blank back of form ME Form 125 [Message Form], by L/Cpl Robert Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; overhead oblique view of three military vehicles parked outside a building with a first floor balcony. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-101 |
Kilt, sealed pattern, 1968, Royal Irish Rangers, Irish Guards. | Uniforms | 1999-06-123 |
'KING DAVID' SIGNAL EXCHANGE Sept - 1947, Palestine, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on the blank back of form ME Form 125 [Message Form], by L/Cpl Robert Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; detail view of signal exchange equipment, with a switchboard and two telephone receivers. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-102 |
Papers relating to Capt A Scott Garnham's period in command of a prisoner of war company, 1918 and his involvement in raising a battalion of the Isle of Wight Rifles, 1919-1924. | Archives | 1996-11-92 |
Brassard, worn by 19 Mechanised Brigade in Bosnia. | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-125 |
KD [King David] Exchange R Humphrys, Palestine, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on the blank back of Army Form C2136 (Large) [Message Form], signed and dated as title, by L/Cpl Robert Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; interior of tented accommodation with Signals equipment and a signaller at work. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-103 |
Hut '36' Purfleet Musketry Camp 20.[11].47 R Humphrys, England, 1947. Pen and ink drawing on the blank back of Army Form C2136 (Large) [Message Form], signed and dated as title, by L/Cpl Robert Humphrys, Signal Platoon, HQ Company, 1st Bn Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1947; interior of hutted accommodation with a stove, bed-frame, ammunition boxes and four soldiers. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1999-06-104 |
Uniform worn by Lieutenant Peter Compton Spencer-Smith, 1939, 79th (Hertfordshire Yeomanry) Anti-Aircraft Regiment; frock; overalls; field service forage cap; pair of Wellington boots; box spurs; shoulder straps. | Uniforms | 1999-06-127 |
British Military Uniforms and Equipment Series 1. The Light Cavalry 1789 1855 No 2 3rd Light Dragoons 1821. Chromolithograph, part of the set 'British Military Uniforms and Equipment', published by Kingsland Cox Limited, 1971; three officers in full dress, two on horseback. | Prints | 1999-06-106 |
Brassard, worn by 19 Mechanised Brigade in Bosnia. | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-129 |
The Household Division 1750 1970 No 2 Royal Horse Guards 1814. Chromolithograph, part of the set 'British Military Uniforms and Equipment', published by Kingsland Cox Limited, 1971; two officers in full dress, one on horseback. | Prints | 1999-06-108 |
British Military Uniforms and Equipment Series 3 The Highland Corps No 2 The 92nd Regiment of Gordon Highlanders, 1822. Chromolithograph, part of the set 'British Military Uniforms and Equipment', published by Kingsland Cox Limited, 1971; two officers and a drummer boy in full dress uniform. | Prints | 1999-06-109 |
United Nations beret worn by Mr Julian Humphrys during a National Army Museum collecting expedition in Bosnia, 1995 (c). | Uniforms | 1999-06-131 |
Corporal's brassard, worn by the Royal Highland Fusiliers in Bosnia. | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-132 |
Brassard, worn by the Royal Welch Fusiliers in Bosnia; the regiment was based in the Muslim enclave of Goradze. | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-133 |
Brassard, worn by British Logistics Battalion in Bosnia; the unit, based near Split, provided support required by British troops. | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-134 |
Brassard, worn by Royal Military Police in Bosnia, 1991 (c). | Equipment, uniform | 1999-06-138 |
Mess tin, 1930 (c); stamped on the lid, 'CH2019/S GLENN' and with the maker, 'CORFIELD LTD LONDON'. | Equipment, general | 1974-10-190 |
Blanket, 1900 (c); woollen; used by trooper A E Tilley, French's Scouts during the Boer War. | Equipment, general | 1974-11-15 |
BRIXIA model 35 mortar bomb, used by the Italian Army 1939 (c), possibly earlier. | Ammunition | 1989-09-12 |
12 bore shotgun cartridge, 1940 (c); body stamped with maker's name, Eley-Kynoch, Birmingham, and 'Trapshooting Cartridge' and broad arrow; it is believed that such cartridges were used by the Home Guard and used as a training aid in anti-aircraft fire. | Ammunition | 1988-07-31 |
24 hours ration tin, 1890 (c); belonging to the father of the donor, who served in the Rifle Brigade. | Equipment, general | 1975-02-109 |
Mk IX 2 pounder anti-tank shell, used by the Royal Artillery and Royal Armoured Corps during World War Two 1939-1945; body inscribed with 'P 2PR 1 x TCI MK IX x X Guns C Lot No 94 2/42'. | Ammunition | 1986-04-50 |
16 12 bore ball cartridges contained in a white cardboard box, issued to donor's father, Swire, whilst he served in the Local Defence Volunteers' or Home Guard, Essex, 1940; box bears the text '25 12 BORE CARTRIDGES....SPH BALL'; made by Eley-Knoch. | Ammunition | 1984-01-16 |
16 12 bore ball cartridges contained in a white cardboard box, issued to donor's father, Swire, whilst he served in the Local Defence Volunteers' or Home Guard, Essex, 1940; box bears the text '25 12 BORE CARTRIDGES....SPH BALL'; made by Eley-Knoch. | Equipment, general | 1984-01-16 |
Items owned by Lt Gen R G Broadwood, 12th (Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers, 1898: leaves collected from General Charles George Gordon's garden in Khartoum, is a glass phial contained in a case; writing case with an embroidered crown and cypher on the face, from a shabraque. Associated with the Siege of Khartoum, 1st Sudan War (1883-1885) and 2nd Sudan War (1896-1899). | Equipment, general | 1975-08-41 |
Papers relating to Capt F P Marrian, 4th Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, 1939-1944 (c). | Archives | 1996-12-1 |
Papers relating to CSM John Cunningham, West Yorkshire Regiment, 1898-1934. | Archives | 1996-12-2 |
Papers of Joseph William Daniel, City Imperial Volunteers, attached Army Service Corps, 1900, 16th battalion Manchester Regiment, 1918 and Royal Army Pay Corps, 1920. | Archives | 1996-12-3 |
Photograph album containing 115 photographs (including three loose) relating to the Auxiliary Territorial Service 1946-1948; photographs include informal and formal portraits and groups and a wedding. | Photographs | 1995-01-66 |
Photograph album containing 59 photographs relating to the Auxiliary Territorial Service in Egypt, 1946-1949. | Photographs | 1995-01-67 |
Photograph album containing 37 photographs relating to the Auxiliary Territorial Service camp, Fayid, Egypt, 1947-1948. | Photographs | 1995-01-68 |
Photograph album containing 80 photographs relating to the Auxiliary Territorial Service in Cyprus and Egypt, 1948-1949. | Photographs | 1995-01-69 |
Photograph album containing 85 photographs (including two loose): 'Three Years with the Middle East Land Forces, Jun 1947 to Mar 1950 ATS and WRAC'; with ephemera relating to the Auxiliary Territorial Service and Women's Royal Army Corps in Egypt, Cyprus and Kenya. | Photographs | 1995-01-70 |
Collection of 179 letters and notes, 1811-1860: correspondence of Lieutenant General William Staveley, (1784-1854), and Captain E Staveley. Correspondence includes letters relating to the Peninsular War and the Waterloo campaign. | Archives | 1999-06-149 |
Photograph album containing 157 photographs relating to the Auxiliary Territorial Service and Women's Royal Army Corps in Austria (?), 1948-1950; mostly views and off-duty portraits and groups. | Photographs | 1995-01-71 |
Photograph album containing 58 photographs (including four loose) relating to the Auxiliary Territorial Service and Women's Royal Army Corps in Egypt and Switzerland, 1946-1951. | Photographs | 1995-01-72 |
Photograph album containing 108 photographs (including three loose) possibly taken by a member of the Auxiliary Territorial Service or Women's Royal Army Corps while on leave or off duty, 1946-1952; include views of Gibraltar, Malta, Port Said, Ismailia, Cairo, Cyprus, Suez, Switzerland and views of the camp at Fayid, Egypt. | Photographs | 1995-01-73 |
Photograph album containing 107 photographs relating to the Q Battery 565 (M) LAA/SL Regiment RA Surrey Territorial Artillery, 1948-1950. | Photographs | 1995-01-74 |
Equipment associated with Maj Gen 1st Earl of Athlone, 1894-1955 (c): bamboo cane, ferrule hallmarked London 1894, head inscribed with the name, 7th Hussars; swagger stick presented by the German Emperor, William II, 1904, also bears name of the Royal Dragoons; walking stick, 1900 (c), bearing the cypher 'FS'; whitewood coat hanger, 1955 (c), impressed with the letter 'A' surmounted by an Earl's crown. | Equipment, general | 1976-07-68 |
Photograph album containing 48 photographs illustrating the work of the Women's Royal Army Corps Experimental Gunnery Assistants, Shoeburyness, Essex, 1949 (c); include bathing on the beach, cricket, netball, on the rifle range and the shooting team. | Photographs | 1995-01-75 |
Photograph album containing 123 photographs relating to the Women's Royal Army Corps (TA ?) in Yorkshire, 1949. | Photographs | 1995-01-76 |
Barrack box, 1914; wooden with the name of the owner painted on the exterior in white; owned by Quarter Master Sergeant Robert Ernest Manwaring, Royal Army Medical Corps. | Equipment, general | 1976-08-7 |
Photograph album containing 26 photographs, with ephemera, relating to the 10th Battalion Women's Royal Army Corps, 1949-1950. | Photographs | 1995-01-77 |
Photograph album containing 294 photographs, probably taken by a member of the Women's Royal Army Corps stationed in Germany during the 1950s; photographs include views of France, Holland, Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg. | Photographs | 1995-01-78 |
Photograph album containing 16 photographs (including five loose) with newspaper cuttings and ephemera from the Women's Royal Army Corps Staff College scrap book, 1951-1955 (c). | Photographs | 1995-01-79 |
Photograph album containing 376 photographs (including one loose) relating to the Women's Royal Army Corps camp, 1951-1958 (c). | Photographs | 1995-01-80 |
Photograph album containing 34 photographs (including one loose) with ephemera relating to the Women's Royal Army Corps Staff College, 1951-1957; presented to the WRAC Staff College by Maj B M Balmer, WRAC Administrative Officer, Feb 1951 to Dec 1952. | Photographs | 1995-01-81 |
Photograph album containing 131 photographs (including one loose) with ephemera and sketches relating to the 18th Independent Company, Women's Royal Army Corps in Gibraltar, 1952-1962. | Photographs | 1995-01-82 |
Riding crop or cane, 1915-1917; covered in brown leather; carried by FM Sir Douglas Haig and given by him to Staff Sergeant Haynes, Royal Army Service Corps, mounted orderley to Haig in France. | Horse Furniture | 1976-09-22 |
Photograph album containing 131 photographs (including one loose) with newspaper cuttings and ephemera relating to the Women's Royal Army Corps staff band, BAOR 17-28 Oct 1953; presented to the WRAC staff band on the occasion of their visit to BAOR by Lieutenant-Colonel F G Grierson and all ranks. | Photographs | 1995-01-83 |
Photograph album containing 141 photographs (including one loose) relating to the Women's Royal Army Corps, 1953-1954. | Photographs | 1995-01-84 |
Photograph album containing 141 photographs (including five loose) compiled by a member of the Women's Royal Army Corps stationed in Singapore, 1952. | Photographs | 1995-01-85 |
Photograph album containing 19 photographs, with newspaper cuttings relating to the Women's Royal Army Corps Staff Band Tour, France, 1955. | Photographs | 1995-01-86 |
War Office change of address form relating to Capt J A G Corrie, Seaforth Highlanders, Dec 1942; with a photocopy of an obituary from 'The Queen's Own Highlander', vol 27, no 72, Summer 1987. | Archives | 1996-12-7 |
Photograph album containing 49 photographs (including four loose) related to Women's Royal Army Corps; presented to Brigadier M Railton, DWRAC on the occasion of her visit to MELF, Apr 1955. | Photographs | 1995-01-87 |
Copy of group photograph including: seated, 2262 Pte Robert Brown, 1/4th East Yorkshire Regiment during his period as a prisoner of war in Germany; he was reported missing, 23 Apr 1917 and returned home during 1919. | Photographs | 1996-12-10 |
Photograph album containing 26 photographs of the 17th Independent Company, Women's Royal Army Corps in Shoeburyness, Essex, 1955 (c). | Photographs | 1995-01-88 |
Photograph album containing 51 photographs relating to the visit of Brigadier M Railton, DWRAC, to Cyprus, 1957. | Photographs | 1995-01-89 |
Photograph album containing 119 photographs (including one loose) relating to the Women's Royal Army Corps in Malaya, 1958. | Photographs | 1995-01-90 |
Photograph album containing 145 photographs relating to the Women's Royal Army Corps in the UK, Jamaica and Singapore, 1959-1963; photographs include family portraits; B Company 12th Battalion, band; informal groups and portraits; views of the camp at Kingston; drill competition; sports; handicraft display; corps day; in Singapore, weddings, 5th Independent Cavalry, WRAV; in Jamaica, informal groups and portraits. | Photographs | 1995-01-91 |
Photograph album containing 45 photographs (including four loose) with newspaper cuttings relating to the Women's Royal Army Corps, 1959-1960. | Photographs | 1995-01-92 |
Photograph album containing 427 photographs, with newspaper cuttings from the Women's Royal Army Corps scrap book, covering all aspects of life in the WRAC, 1959-1989. | Photographs | 1995-01-93 |
Photograph album containing 79 photographs, with ephemera, relating to a detachment of the Women's Royal Army Corps posted to Australia to assist in the analysis of guided weapons trials, 1960-1961. | Photographs | 1995-01-94 |
Photograph album containing 36 photographs relating to No 4 Independent Company, Women's Royal Army Corps, at GHQ FARELF, Singapore, 1960. | Photographs | 1995-01-95 |
Photograph album containing 28 photographs relating to the visit of Brigadier The Honourable Mary Anderson, DWRAC, to the School of Artillery, Manorbier, 19 Nov 1968. | Photographs | 1995-01-96 |
Photograph album containing 37 photographs with newspaper cuttings and ephemera relating to the visit of the Duchess of Kent to the Women's Royal Army Corps in Singapore and Hong Kong, Feb 1970. | Photographs | 1995-01-97 |
Photograph album containing 13 photographs with ephemera relating to the visit of Brigadier Eileen Nolan, DWRAC, to the USA, 18 Oct to 2 Nov 1974. | Photographs | 1995-01-98 |
Photograph album containing 24 photographs with manuscript name index relating to groups of the Women's Royal Army Corps on long courses, 1974-1983. | Photographs | 1995-01-99 |
Photograph album containing 17 photographs with manuscript name index relating to groups of the Women's Royal Army Corps on short courses, 1975-1983. | Photographs | 1995-01-100 |
Photograph album containing 27 photographs relating to the visit of HM the Queen to the Grand Reunion on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Queen Mary Auxiliary Army, Auxiliary Territorial Service and Women's Royal Army Corps Association, 26 May 1979. | Photographs | 1995-01-101 |
Photograph album containing 24 colour photographs relating to the visit of the Duchess of Kent to the Women's Royal Army Corps Centre, Guildford, 27 Nov 1979. | Photographs | 1995-01-102 |
Photograph album containing 25 photographs illustrating the activities of the 29th Company, Women's Royal Army Corps, based in Germany, outside their normal working environment, 1980-1981. | Photographs | 1995-01-103 |