Inventory Search
Displaying 201 to 300 of 48619 results
Description | Object Type | NAM Accession Number |
Interior of Guard Room, 1840 (c). Oil on canvas by unknown artist, 1840 (c). Life Guards NCO in stable dress, trooper Royal Horse Guards in dismounted full dress, a senior NCO in full dress, a Dragoon Guard (?) in full dress and a trooper of Life Guards in stable dress and forage cap. | Oil Paintings | 1984-07-60 |
Lieutenant J G Brunton, 25th Light Dragoons, 1810 (c). Oil on canvas by unknown artist, 1812 (c). | Oil Paintings | 1972-05-74 |
The Artists' Rifles in Camp, 1884. Oil on canvas, signed and dated lower left 'Godfrey Merry 1884', by Godfrey Pitney Merry, (fl 1883-1915), 1884. Encampment with tents and soldiers forming up, woman with food on table. | Oil Paintings | 1972-10-43 |
The 10th (or the Prince of Wales's Own) Regiment of (Light) Dragoons arriving in camp, Brighton, 1803 (c). Oil on canvas, attributed to A E Eglington, 1803 (c); troopers in stable dress unloading wagons, watched by their officers and officers of 17th Light Dragoons, 15th Light Dragoons and 9th Light Dragoons. | Oil Paintings | 1988-10-73 |
Major William Cunningham, Madras European Infantry, 1801 (c). Oil on canvas by Sir Henry Raeburn (1756-1823), 1801 (c); half-length portrait in uniform, bareheaded, facing slightly to left; subject had 30 years service in India with only one home leave in 1801. | Oil Paintings | 1998-01-17 |
Memoirs of Dame Helen Gwynne-Vaughan, written by Miss Julian Allan in 1967. | Archives | 1998-01-18 |
Postcards of Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (1917) and of painting of Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps at Boulogne; two QMAAC menus. | Archives | 1998-01-19 |
Documents relating to G K Ballard, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps: British Empire Certificate of Identity; ration book; Mentioned in Despatches Certificate; discharge certificate; employment document. | Archives | 1998-01-20 |
Invitation card to Buckingham Palace Garden Party for M Bark, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, 25 Jul 1919. | Archives | 1998-01-21 |
Application by H Audrey Baron to attend the Women's Services Reception at St James's Palace, 27 Oct 1977, giving details of Women's Army Auxiliary Corps and Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps service. | Archives | 1998-01-22 |
Leave of absence form, 28 Oct 1919, F C Berry. | Archives | 1998-01-23 |
Two copies each of memoirs, V May D E C Bramble: 'How I became a WAAC' and 'A Sunday in Russia', (1965). | Archives | 1998-01-24 |
Telegraph to I H Brampton, 28 Feb 1920, requiring her presence at Buckingham Palace, 5 Mar 1920. | Archives | 1998-01-25 |
Memoirs, Vere Brodie: 'QMAAC 1917-1921' and 'Tea & Talk'. | Archives | 1998-01-26 |
British Empire Certificate of Identity and pay book, Agnes Brown, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. | Archives | 1998-01-27 |
Membership card and programme of events 1926, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps Old Comrades Association, London Branch; rules of membership, Service Women's Club, Jul 1949; associated with Helen Brown. | Archives | 1998-01-28 |
Application by Mrs Jean Armour Brown to attend the Women's Services Reception at St James's Palace, 27 Oct 1977, giving details of Women's Army Auxiliary Corps and Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps service. | Archives | 1998-01-29 |
Collection of documents relating to Maud Brown (1897-1956), Women's Army Auxiliary Corps: British Empire Certificate of Identity; character certificate; further reference; typescript details of service provided by her daughter. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Archives | 1998-01-30 |
Savings book, H P Browne, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps OCA Savings Club, London Branch, 1926. | Archives | 1998-01-31 |
Two copies of memoirs of Mrs A E Bucklee, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps and Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-01-32 |
Offprint from the London Gazette regarding the award of the Military Medal to Ethel G Cartledge; two letters of congratulations, 21-22 Aug 1918; camp orders, 23 Aug 1918; Cartledge's WAAC Christmas card 1918; letter and telegram regarding investiture at Buckingham Palace 18 and 19 Feb 1919; character certificate; portrait. | Archives | 1998-01-33 |
Offprint from the London Gazette regarding the award of the Military Medal to Ethel G Cartledge; two letters of congratulations, 21-22 Aug 1918; camp orders, 23 Aug 1918; Cartledge's WAAC Christmas card 1918; letter and telegram regarding investiture at Buckingham Palace 18 and 19 Feb 1919; character certificate; portrait. | Photographs | 1998-01-33 |
Scroll and covering note for memorial plaque for Margaret Selina Caswell, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps/ Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps (d 30 May 1918); portrait photograph in uniform; modern photograph of grave. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Archives | 1998-01-34 |
Scroll and covering note for memorial plaque for Margaret Selina Caswell, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps/ Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps (d 30 May 1918); portrait photograph in uniform; modern photograph of grave. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Photographs | 1998-01-34 |
Farewell order, 9 Feb 1918, A M Chalmers-Watson; photocopies of cuttings. | Archives | 1998-01-35 |
Correspondence concerning Mary Charteris's interview for the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (2 items); information provided by the National Service Dept about WAACs; typescript of howlers written by soldiers' wives regarding repayment of separation allowance. | Archives | 1998-01-36 |
Character certificate and certificate of employment during World War One, for Mary Chaston, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps or Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps. | Archives | 1998-01-37 |
Leave of absence certificate, Cheason, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, 22 Jul 1919. | Archives | 1998-01-38 |
Letter to R Cohen from Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps records accompanying preliminary issue of the British War Medal riband, 11 Aug 1919. | Archives | 1998-01-39 |
Dinner menu for Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps Old Comrades' Association 9th Reunion, Harrods Georgian Restaurant, 8 Dec 1928; associated with D Cooke. | Archives | 1998-01-40 |
Record of service; press cuttings regarding 1920 Wedding and 1970 Golden Wedding Anniversary, associated with A E Cotterell. | Archives | 1998-01-41 |
Two copies of memoirs of G Cunningham (Mrs Margaret Yelf). | Archives | 1998-01-42 |
Discharge and character certificates, M A T Dauncey, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, 1918. | Archives | 1998-01-43 |
Leave of absence pass, Grace Davis, No 17 Officer Cadet Bn. | Archives | 1998-01-44 |
Illuminated certificate of service, Mrs K P Davies, Unit Administrator i/c Chester. | Archives | 1998-01-45 |
Out-of-work donation policy book, Constance Frances Devine. | Archives | 1998-01-46 |
Admission ticket and Order of Service of Thanksgiving, St Clements Danes, 2 Nov 1967, for the life of Dame Helen Gwynne-Vaughan; associated with Major E B Dixon. | Archives | 1998-01-47 |
Pen and ink drawing of Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps on patrol in the rain, 'The End of a 'Perfect Beat' & 'Nothing Doing'', 1919; Madge Druitt; two Women's Army Auxiliary Corps and Auxiliary Territorial Service (1966) anecdotes. | Archives | 1998-01-48 |
Enquiry regarding Mabel Alice Dunford from her granddaughter in 1984; contains some details of Dunford's service. | Archives | 1998-01-49 |
Papers of Nellie Irene Ellingham (Mrs Giles), Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps and Auxiliary Territorial Service: 3 copies of memoir; discharge certificate; character certificate; letter; menu; leave certificate; poetry; 2 newspaper; journal; badge receipt; Women's Army Auxiliary Corps greetings calendar. | Archives | 1998-01-50 |
Discharge and character certificates, Harriet Georgina Evans, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps or Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. | Archives | 1998-01-51 |
Mentioned in Despatches Certificate and warrant for MBE, May A Finlay, Deputy Administrator, Boulogne, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps. | Archives | 1998-01-52 |
Record of service of Ada Emily Francis (Mrs Coplestone), compiled by a friend. | Archives | 1998-01-53 |
Notification to M A Fraynon of a vacancy as waitress with Royal Horse Artillery Cadet Battalion, Weedon, 5 Jun 1919, Cookery Section (Women's Legion). | Archives | 1998-01-54 |
Illuminated certificate of service, Elsie Garnett, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps or Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. | Archives | 1998-01-55 |
Memoir, Emmy Gaunt: 'Recollections of the Great War', written Apr 1940; Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps or Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. | Archives | 1998-01-56 |
Notification to Commander-in-Chief Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, from QMAAC records, of the death of Mrs M A C Gibson, 17 Sep 1918, at Le Treport. | Archives | 1998-01-57 |
Papers of Mrs M E Cobner (née Golding), including newsletters, tickets, programmes, press cuttings and other documents relating to Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps Old Comrades Association events. | Archives | 1998-01-58 |
Memoir of Mrs O B Graham: 'Notes on Experiences during 1914-1918 War as a WAAC Officer', (two copies). | Archives | 1998-01-59 |
British Empire Certificate of Identity, Harriett Greaves, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. | Archives | 1998-01-60 |
Photocopy of Mentioned in Despatches Certificate; copy of Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps orders listing honours and mentions in despatches, B H Grieve. | Archives | 1998-01-62 |
Papers relating to A C L Gummershall, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps: memoirs: 'I Join the Women's Legion' and 'Continuing my Memories of War Service in France from 1917'; theatre programme; tram voucher; Christmas card; letter; discharge certificate and receipt; ration book; membership card; notification of award. | Archives | 1998-01-64 |
Papers of A Greene, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps/ Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, 1919 (c): form of summons; absence pass; duty breakdown form; shop card; invitation card; WAAC Christmas dinner menu; dispersal certificate; pay statement. | Archives | 1998-01-61 |
Address book and four postcards depicting Women's Army Auxiliary Corps personnel; associated with Mrs E M Harrison. | Archives | 1998-01-67 |
Discharge certificate, Beatrice Heaney, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps. | Archives | 1998-01-68 |
Discharge and character certificates, Charlotte Johnson. | Archives | 1998-01-73 |
Autograph book, France 1917-1918, includes some photographs; associated with M Wheatcroft. | Archives | 1998-01-114 |
Two copies of memoir of service, Kathleen White (Mrs Bottomley), written in 1966. | Archives | 1998-01-115 |
Leave pass for Paris, 31 Oct to 3 Nov 1918, M Sanders. | Archives | 1998-01-97 |
British Empire Certificate of Identity and pay book, Lucy Snell, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. | Archives | 1998-01-102 |
Third class railway ticket, J E Wharburton, Womens Army Auxiliary Corps. | Archives | 1998-01-108 |
Memoir of service, M E Palmer. | Archives | 1998-01-86 |
Memoir: I was a WAAC; written by No 32139 Fwmn Lia Parfitt, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. | Archives | 1998-01-87 |
Press cutting reporting the appointment of sisters E H and E M Horniblow as Assistant Controllers of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. | Archives | 1998-01-71 |
Papers of Florence Hill (Mrs Palmer): Women's Army Auxiliary Corps Calling-up notice; discharge certificate; hand-written note; memoir: 'My First Introduction to Army Life', with covering letter, Jun 1986. | Archives | 1998-01-69 |
British Empire Certificate of Identity; leave pass and leave or duty ration book; Annie E B Johnston, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. | Archives | 1998-01-74 |
Papers of Isobel Agnes Turner: combined railway and leave ticket; memoirs: 'Joining the WAACS' and 'Air Raids, Wimereux'; transcripts of three letters home (two copies each); warrant for award of MBE with covering letter and invitation to the investiture. | Archives | 1998-01-107 |
Journal of E J Welsford, Feb-Sep 1921, Government Mycologist in Zanzibar; Welsford served with Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps in France; presented by Dame Helen Gwynne-Vaughan. | Archives | 1998-01-111 |
Three photocopies from local newspapers reporting the death of Dolly Shepherd, pioneering parachutist and late member of the Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, in Sep 1983. | Archives | 1998-01-100 |
Press cutting from Newbury Weekly News, 23 Dec 1980, reporting the Golden Anniversary of Mr and Mrs Charles Thomas, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps. | Archives | 1998-01-105 |
Notification to Commander-in-Chief Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, from QMAAC records, that May Westwell drowned aboard the RMS Leinster, 10 Oct 1918. | Archives | 1998-01-113 |
Papers of Martha Ann Traynor: note from Unit Administrator Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, Weedon, allowing extension to Traynor's victory leave, 11 Dec 1918; discharge, character and leave certificates. | Archives | 1998-01-106 |
British Empire Certificate of Identity and letter informing H T Ward that a Medical Board has found her unfit for service, 8 Jun 1917, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. | Archives | 1998-01-109 |
Recollections of G E G Watkins: 'Memories of a Hushwaac in France. St Omer Sept 1917 - Apr 1918; Paris Plage Apr 1918 - Nov 1918' | Archives | 1998-01-110 |
Papers of Olive K Jordan (Mrs King), Women's Army Auxiliary Corps and Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, 1917-1920: 2 identity certificates; 15 letters; officers advance book slip; movement pass; bread ticket; slip; Christmas card; travel ticket; dress code notice; pay notes; account of pay and allowances; leave and transfer notes; receipt; notification of award. | Archives | 1998-01-75 |
Two copies of memoirs of A Kimber (Mrs Brazier), Women's Army Auxiliary Corps and Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, with donor's covering letter of 31 May 1966. | Archives | 1998-01-76 |
British Empire Certificate of Identity, National Registration Card, 1915 and 'WAAC Book' scrapbook; associated with Enid Owen, Womens Army Auxiliary Corps. | Archives | 1998-01-85 |
Memoir of service of E M V Newing (Mrs Rumbold), in three parts (two copies): 'On Stage, France 1919'; British Empire Certificate of Identity; Out of Work Donation Policy. | Archives | 1998-01-84 |
Letters from Lt Gen F Shaw, Commander-in-Chief Ireland, and Brig P B Skinner, CO Curragh Infantry Brigade, expressing appreciation of the work undertaken by Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps at GHQ, 21 Nov 1919; associated with Mrs Lane-Pritchard. | Archives | 1998-01-94 |
Papers of Jessie Isabel Piggie, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps and Women's Royal Air Force, 1917-1920: report; cretificate from East Ham Technical College; notice to join WAAC; two employment documents; discharge certificate; character certificate; greetings card; membership card; two photographs. | Archives | 1998-01-93 |
Papers of Jessie Isabel Piggie, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps and Women's Royal Air Force, 1917-1920: report; cretificate from East Ham Technical College; notice to join WAAC; two employment documents; discharge certificate; character certificate; greetings card; membership card; two photographs. | Photographs | 1998-01-93 |
Sketches of Unit Administrators Grundy and Phillpots and Asst Administrator Bastow, 1918; signed 'JMS'. | Archives | 1998-01-89 |
Autograph book presented to Miss Milligan, 6 Jun 1918, and inscribed with messages from members of Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, Oxford Barracks, Warrington. | Archives | 1998-01-81 |
Papers of Lady Edith Londonderry including correspondence with Sir Alfred Keogh: fourteen letters; four recruiting forms. | Archives | 1998-01-80 |
Papers relating to the service of Miss Edith Parrott, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, later Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, 1917-1919, including discharge certificates, photographs, background information, and the award of the British Empire (Military) Medal, January 1920. | Archives | 1998-01-88 |
Papers relating to the service of Miss Edith Parrott, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, later Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, 1917-1919, including discharge certificates, photographs, background information, and the award of the British Empire (Military) Medal, January 1920. | Photographs | 1998-01-88 |
Papers of Doris M Senior, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps and Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, 1918-1982: identity certificate; certificate; 2 ration books; discharge certificate; employment document; admission ticket; notes; press cutting; newsletter. | Archives | 1998-01-99 |
Papers relating to Marion Welsh, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps: British Empire Certificate of Identity; two pay statements; invitation card; travel ticket; two discharge certificates; character certificate. | Archives | 1998-01-112 |
Papers relating to Dorothy Hill Young, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps/ Queen Mary's Auxiliary Army Corps: identity certificate; two identity cards; six movement orders; railway warrant; four leave passes; programme; Christmas card; two orders; notes; employment document; pay statement; wallet; two photographs; postcard; discharge certificate; character certificate. | Archives | 1998-01-117 |
Papers relating to Dorothy Hill Young, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps/ Queen Mary's Auxiliary Army Corps: identity certificate; two identity cards; six movement orders; railway warrant; four leave passes; programme; Christmas card; two orders; notes; employment document; pay statement; wallet; two photographs; postcard; discharge certificate; character certificate. | Photographs | 1998-01-117 |
Papers of Dame Florence Leach (Dame Simpson), 1916-1956: 6 letters; invitation card; three order of services; two press cuttings; visitor form; note; newspaper supplement; order; warrant; two booklets; three scrapbooks. | Archives | 1998-01-78 |
Letters and diaries, 1875-1900 (c), Surgeon Lt Col Charles William Owen (1853-1922), Indian Medical Service. | Archives | 1998-01-121 |
Medal group awarded to Lieutenant John Silvester Colbourne, South Staffordshire Regiment and Warwickshire Regiment: 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Jubilee Medal 1935; ribbon bar and miniature medals; associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Medals | 1998-01-124 |
Two cap badges and a button worn by Lt John Silvester Colbourne, South Staffordshire Regiment and Warwickshire Regiment, 1914 (c)-1920. | Badges | 1998-01-125 |
Medal group awarded to Pte Alfred Leslie Colbourne, South Staffordshire Regiment, 1914-1917, killed 9 Feb 1917 on the Western Front: 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Commemorative Medallion 1914-1918; issued to next of kin. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Medals | 1998-01-126 |
Miniature medals of Colonel Elizabeth Rosemary Denne, Women's Royal Army Corps, 1948-1982: Order of the British Empire, Members badge; General Service Medal 1918-62, clasp; General Service Medal 1962-2007, with 2 clasps. | Medals | 1998-01-127 |
Papers of Lt Col Thomas William Chattey OBE, Middlesex Regiment, 1933-1996. | Archives | 1998-01-128 |
Six photographs, two with press cuttings, collected by Lt Col T W Chattey OBE, Middlesex Regiment, 1933-1995. | Photographs | 1998-01-129 |
Manuscript diary of the Siege of Ladysmith, 26 Oct 1899 to 29 Jan 1900, kept by Sgt (later Capt) R B Hayward, 2nd Bn Rifle Brigade; with typescript transcript and obituary in The Canadian Bandmaster, Spring 1961. | Archives | 1998-01-130 |
Letters written by Capt (Later Maj Gen Sir) Edmund Hakewill-Smith, Royal Scots Fusiliers, in France and Britain, 1915-1918. | Archives | 1998-01-131 |