Inventory Search
Displaying 3001 to 3100 of 48619 results
Description | Object Type | NAM Accession Number |
Two swagger sticks, 1950 (c); owned by Capt R C Campbell Preston, Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment). | Equipment, general | 1979-10-42 |
Bayonet, pattern 1903, used by British and Commonwealth Infantry, 1910 (c); pommel marked with Initials OTC, CAM and 22; scabbard; frog; associated with Cambridge University Officer Training Corps. | Edged Weapons | 1992-07-209 |
Bayonet, pattern 1903, used by British and Commonwealth Infantry, 1910 (c); pommel marked with Initials OTC, CAM and 22; scabbard; frog; associated with Cambridge University Officer Training Corps. | Equipment, general | 1992-07-209 |
Loose photographs from photo albums of Maj A C Northey, Scottish Rifles | Photographs | 1997-05-21 |
One of two photograph albums compiled by Maj Arthur Cecil Northey (1873-1931), Scottish Rifles during the Boer War and during unidentified operations on the North West Frontier, India, including shots of Marseilles, Madrid and Suez | Photographs | 1997-05-22-1 |
Socket bayonet, New Land Pattern, Bloomsbury and Inns of Court Volunteers, 1803 (c). With leather scabbard marked to 'BICA 2nd COMY No 95'. Associated with Napoleonic Wars, Home Defence (1803-1815). | Edged Weapons | 1989-05-77 |
Documents relating to Pte Richard Samuel Smith of the 19th London Regiment, 1913-1922. | Archives | 1997-05-23 |
Volunteer's socket bayonet for fusil or carbine, 1795 (c); blade with triangular section, stamped with maker's name P Waldron; spring catch, similar to East India Company style; socket marked with No 69. | Edged Weapons | 1988-09-36 |
Japanese Army Equipment taken in Burma by Lt F Harlan Taylor, Lancashire Fusiliers, 1944: religious sash worn to make the soldier invincible; dressing; medicine tablets in a glass bottle. | Medical Equipment | 1979-11-36 |
Three photographs relating to Pte Richard Samuel Smith of the 19th London Regiment; smith was first a driver and then a groom. | Photographs | 1997-05-24 |
Webley .32in self-loading pistol M1908 and Parker Maxim silencer M1929; SOE No 38 (?). | Firearms | 1996-08-226 |
Eight British wartime newspapers: Tripoli Times, 13, 14 and 17 May and 17 Aug 1943; Union Jack, 9 Aug; Crusader, 8th Army weekly newspaper, 24 Oct 1943; 8th Army News, 9 and 20 Nov 1943. | Archives | 1997-05-88 |
Webley WG Army M1896 .455/476 in centre-fire revolver 1896 (c); 2/Lt R Macleod, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, Battle of Colenso, Dec 15 1899, Boer War (Macleod was wounded at Colenso). | Firearms | 1996-11-55 |
Webley WG Army M1896 .455/476 in centre-fire revolver 1896 (c); 2/Lt R Macleod, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, Battle of Colenso, Dec 15 1899, Boer War (Macleod was wounded at Colenso). | Equipment, general | 1996-11-55 |
Ration biscuit, 1900 (c); square heavy, hardtack biscuit; pierced with holes and the centre has a cross saltire; one corner is cracked; owned by Sgt L G Greig, 1st (7th Middlesex London Scottish RVC) Volunteer Bn, Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own). | Equipment, general | 1979-12-54 |
Webley .455 in Mk VI breechloading revolver, 1915 pattern, Captain Robert Grant, Sind Horse and 41st Indian Cavalry 1916-1919, World War One; 6 Kynoch .455 in cartridge cases and lanyard. | Firearms | 1996-11-57 |
Webley .455 in Mk VI breechloading revolver, 1915 pattern, Captain Robert Grant, Sind Horse and 41st Indian Cavalry 1916-1919, World War One; 6 Kynoch .455 in cartridge cases and lanyard. | Ammunition | 1996-11-57 |
Webley .455 in Mk VI breechloading revolver, 1915 pattern, Captain Robert Grant, Sind Horse and 41st Indian Cavalry 1916-1919, World War One; 6 Kynoch .455 in cartridge cases and lanyard. | Equipment, general | 1996-11-57 |
Two items of equipment, 1886 (c): mess tin, associated with the 5th Vol Bn Cameronians (Scottish Rifles); waterbottle, Oliver pattern. | Equipment, general | 1979-12-81 |
Webley Model 1907 6.35 mm self-loading pistol, 1912; Capt C E Stranack DSO, Royal Field Artillery, India 1912-1914; sights fitted. | Firearms | 1997-07-36 |
Japanese Taisho 14th Year 8 mm self-loading pistol; used by Major Clarke, Madras Regiment, who served with the Chindits 1944; holster adapted for British webbing; ammunition pouch and lanyard. | Firearms | 1997-09-75 |
Japanese Taisho 14th Year 8 mm self-loading pistol; used by Major Clarke, Madras Regiment, who served with the Chindits 1944; holster adapted for British webbing; ammunition pouch and lanyard. | Equipment, general | 1997-09-75 |
Manuscript order to officer in charge of AHQ mails at Elandsfontein about the treatment of Kitchener's mailbag, 20 Jun 1902, with cachets of the Army Post Office, Pretoria and Army postmaster, P O Corps. | Archives | 1997-05-92 |
Manuscript letter from Reeves and Greaves of Birmingham to Sgt Cork, armourer, 9th Lancers at Hounslow, about the supply of weapons to the regiment, 7 Jun 1832. | Archives | 1997-05-94 |
Manuscript letter from Capt Lt William Archer at Charter to Maj William Lee, 16th Light Dragoons at Henley-on-Themen about his claim for compensation for a marquee and a tent lost at Valenciennes, 31 Mar 1796. | Archives | 1997-05-96 |
Order of Service of Thanksgiving, Eighth Army; photocopies of four photographs, with typescript of captions relating to the British in Athens, Oct 1944. | Archives | 1995-03-80 |
Order of Service of Thanksgiving, Eighth Army; photocopies of four photographs, with typescript of captions relating to the British in Athens, Oct 1944. | Photographs | 1995-03-80 |
Bound manuscript history of L Battery, Royal Horse Artillery, 1809-1894, compiled by Maj E B Coke, 1894. | Archives | 1995-03-82 |
Manuscript letter from Pte James Douglas, 1st Dragoon Guards, to his family near Edinburgh, describing conditions in Ireland, 23 Jul 1830; the letter was sent at the soldiers' ld rate. | Archives | 1997-05-98 |
Three documents relating to the 4th Battalion London Regiment, 1855-1961. | Archives | 1995-03-83 |
Five manuscript letters written from India by Sgt James McKinlay, 3rd Light Dragoons, to his brother, 30 Jan 1843 and 17 Nov 1844, 15 Feb, 16 Mar and 6 Jun 1845; the 1st letter was written from Kurnaul the rest from Umballa and sent to Glasgow on the soldiers' ld rate; the 2nd letter mentions the use of the buliop of Calcutta to Umballa and the 3rd letter mentions the cost of his uniform. | Archives | 1997-05-100 |
Folding lamp case, 1915, made of tinned steel, used by the 221st Coy Army Service Corp (Transport) and made by Christopher Collins, Birmingham, Limited; Riding crop. | Equipment, general | 1980-04-43 |
Two Indian clubs, 1884 (c); carved from solid wood into the shape of a teardrop with a dark stained surface; the handle has been carved into ridges to improve the grip; the widest part of the club has been carved with two parallel lines; owned by Lt Col F G Burnaby, Royal Horse Guards (The Blues). | Polearms/Other Weapons | 1980-04-57 |
Spanish .455 in revolver M1914 No 1 Mk I, 5 in barrel, Smith and Wesson pattern; with RFC issue holster 1915; British Army issue. | Firearms | 1992-06-107 |
Spanish .455 in revolver M1914 No 1 Mk I, 5 in barrel, Smith and Wesson pattern; with RFC issue holster 1915; British Army issue. | Equipment, general | 1992-06-107 |
Mauser C96 7.63 mm self-loading pistol 1898, cone hammer, British sights; with wooden shoulder stock holster, marked to Capt Gilbert Wemyss Ellacombe, Royal Army Medical Corps, Boer War (1899-1902). | Firearms | 1993-03-225 |
Mauser C96 7.63 mm self-loading pistol 1898, cone hammer, British sights; with wooden shoulder stock holster, marked to Capt Gilbert Wemyss Ellacombe, Royal Army Medical Corps, Boer War (1899-1902). | Equipment, general | 1993-03-225 |
Socket bayonet, pattern 1853, used by Captain Alexander Robert Badcock of the 5th Gurkhas, 2nd Afghan War, 1878-1880; blade with inscription; made by Enfield Small Arms, 1860 (c). | Edged Weapons | 1985-12-42 |
Swagger cane, 1908 (c); plain cane, in rough segmented wood; slightly curved head with a tapering brass ferrule; owned by Colour Sgt Arthur Taylor, 4th (Territorial) Bn Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment). | Equipment, general | 1980-04-64 |
Officer's smoothbore percussion pistol. Carried by Sgt Joseph Wickstead, 5th Dragoon Guards at the Battle of Balaklava, Crimean War (1854-1856), 1854. Made by Parker Field and Sons. | Firearms | 1959-11-224 |
Pipe and two paperweights owned by Captain H Jepson, 7th (Queen's Own) Hussars, 1910 (c). | Equipment, general | 1980-05-45 |
Pipe and two paperweights owned by Captain H Jepson, 7th (Queen's Own) Hussars, 1910 (c). | Crafts | 1980-05-45 |
Photocopied typescript history of the 23rd Indian Division, fighting in Burma, 1942-1947. | Archives | 1997-06-38 |
Lecture notes and other training material of Maj John Max Keyworth, RAOC, 1943-1946, including Cairo Fasa programmes, 1946. | Archives | 1997-06-39 |
Bound manuscript notebook of reminiscences, with loose offprints from the 'Kensington Catholic Kalender' and typescript articles compiled by Captain S Loretz, 13th FF Rifles, concerning his service in India, 1923-1930 (c). | Archives | 1995-04-19 |
Welrod 9 mm pistol with silencer, 1944-1945 (c). Associated with World War Two (1939-1945). | Firearms | 1963-12-251 |
Memoirs of service of 2/Lt Stanley Martin, Motor Machine Corps and 1st battalion Worcestershire Regiment, 1914-1918. | Archives | 1997-06-40 |
Papers of General John Severne, 8th Hussars, relating to the regiment 1759-1787. | Archives | 1995-04-20 |
Colt 1851 Navy Model percussion revolver, .36in, 1855; bearing British War Department broad arrow and view marks. | Firearms | 1979-05-3 |
Webley .455 in Mk IV breechloading service revolver; typical of World War One, issued to several units. | Firearms | 1989-02-162 |
Collection of equipment owned by Maj E K Ridley, 2nd Bn Dorsetshire Regiment, 1903 (c): map case, made by Hughs Rees Limited, Lincoln; binoculars and case; set of three glass beakers in a leather case; regimental playing cards, made by De La Rue and Company; camp bed, made by Boota, Singh and Son (?); malaca walking stick; ball headed cane, 1906 (c), hallmarked, Birmingham 1906-1907. | Equipment, general | 1980-07-62 |
Collection of equipment owned by Maj E K Ridley, 2nd Bn Dorsetshire Regiment, 1903 (c): map case, made by Hughs Rees Limited, Lincoln; binoculars and case; set of three glass beakers in a leather case; regimental playing cards, made by De La Rue and Company; camp bed, made by Boota, Singh and Son (?); malaca walking stick; ball headed cane, 1906 (c), hallmarked, Birmingham 1906-1907. | Scientific Instruments | 1980-07-62 |
Collection of equipment owned by Maj E K Ridley, 2nd Bn Dorsetshire Regiment, 1903 (c): map case, made by Hughs Rees Limited, Lincoln; binoculars and case; set of three glass beakers in a leather case; regimental playing cards, made by De La Rue and Company; camp bed, made by Boota, Singh and Son (?); malaca walking stick; ball headed cane, 1906 (c), hallmarked, Birmingham 1906-1907. | Furniture | 1980-07-62 |
Three files and records: Quartermaster's file for 8th Queen's Fusiliers 1991-1992; Ministry of Defence directory, Feb 1988; British Army of the Rhine (BAOR) telephone directory. [RESTRICTED: CLOSED UNTIL 2023]. | Archives | 1997-06-43 |
Typed transcript of a letter from Lt Frederick Jarvis, Suffolk Yeomanry (temporarily attached to the 13th Hussars) to his mother Lady Jarvis from Elandslaagte camp, South Africa, 11 Mar 1900. | Archives | 1997-06-44 |
Personal file of Capt G W T Tomlinson RASC, 1946; the period covers his command of 'X' detachment (Horse Transport), RASC, Antwerp, Belgium; Tomlinson felt his competence was called into question and requested an interview with the military secretary; also payment at a major's rate for his period in command. | Archives | 1997-06-46 |
Warrant, certificate and letter issued to WO2 Anne Ramsden, Women's Royal Army Corps, 1977 (c). | Archives | 1997-06-47 |
35 letters written by Capt (later Maj Gen) H J M MacAndrew, 5th Bengal Cavalry. | Archives | 1997-06-48 |
Two editions of South East Asia Command newspaper, 'SEAC' for 13 and 16 Jul 1944; also a special souvenir edition, 'SEAC Souvenir', August 1944. | Archives | 1997-06-49 |
Photocopied press cuttings relating to the 1st Queen's Dragoon Guards when serving with Implementation Force (IFOR) in Bosnia, during Operation RESOLUTE, 2 Jun to Dec 1996, also typewritten impressions of service in Bosnia by members of the regiment. | Archives | 1997-06-50 |
Officer's sword, pattern 1897, 1985; associated with Lt P S Corbin, Royal Tank Regiment; with black leather scabbard, frog and sword knot. | Edged Weapons | 1999-07-28 |
Officer's sword, pattern 1897, 1985; associated with Lt P S Corbin, Royal Tank Regiment; with black leather scabbard, frog and sword knot. | Equipment, general | 1999-07-28 |
60 photographs of the deployment of the 1st Queen's Dragoon Guards in Bosnia, Jun to Dec 1996, during Operation RESOLUTE for Implementation Force (IFOR). | Photographs | 1997-06-51 |
Papers relating to the service of Adelaide Victoria Rose (nee Stafford) in the Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1940-1988. | Archives | 1997-06-52 |
Three regimental canes sold in the shop of the National Army Museum 1978; reproduction canes with genuine issue regimental heads, 1950 (c): Essex Regiment; Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment); Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own). | Equipment, general | 1980-09-49 |
Photographs relating to the service of Adelaide Victoria Rose (nee Stafford), Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1939-1950. | Photographs | 1997-06-53 |
Photographs collected by Maj H M Cox of the Corps of Military Police in Egypt and Palestine 1943-1945. | Photographs | 1997-06-54 |
3 photographs of officers and regiments taken between 1874 and 1926. | Photographs | 1997-06-56 |
Photographs of the Hong Kong Military Service Corps. | Photographs | 1997-06-58 |
Five No 1 leather bayonet frogs, pattern 1939, Home Guard; associated with World War Two, Home Front (1914-1918). | Equipment, general | 1983-06-33 |
Commemorative medallion 1914-1918, issued to the next of kin of Pte Leonard Lambourne, 2nd (City of London) Battalion (Royal Fusiliers), 1916. | Medals | 1999-07-30 |
Temporary grave cross, 1917 (c); erected over the grave of 2/Lt L S Gueret Jones, 1st Monmouthshire Regiment, died of wounds 20 June 1917, during World War One; later replaced by a headstone. | Equipment, general | 1980-10-6 |
Mule trunk, 1917-1918; made from wickerwork with Egyptian army markings; Owned by Captain Godfrey Spencer Tavener Dawson, MVO, 5th Service Bn, Royal Irish Regiment attached to the Egyptian Expeditionary Force when he used the trunk and 3rd (North Tipperary Militia) Bn, Royal Irish Regiment and used by him during World War One (1914-1918). | Horse Furniture | 1980-10-36 |
Camp bed, 1918; owned by Capt C B Richards, Royal Army Service Corps. | Furniture | 1980-11-36 |
Papers of the Hong Kong Military Service Corps. [RESTRICTED: CLOSED UNTIL 2027] | Archives | 1997-06-59 |
Items owned by Tpr J A Moffatt, Kitchener's Scouts, 1900 (c): combination stove and mess tin; silver pencil. | Equipment, general | 1980-11-105 |
Cigar case possibly owned by Capt Alfred Western Hatchell Hornsby (later Hornsby-Drake), 1880-1886 (c); bearing the badge of the 1st Regiment of Madras Light Cavalry. | Crafts | 1980-11-110 |
Case No 2 for Prismatic binoculars, 1916; made from pigskin with two belt loops are on the back, a pair of suspension loop straps on either side and the lid has a carrying handle; below the buckle is a broad arrow mark and a withdrawn from service mark; lid is impressed with the maker's name, T E Jones, London and the owner's name, 2/Lt T E Jones, 7th (Territorial Force) Bn Royal Welsh Fusiliers. | Scientific Instruments | 1980-11-113 |
Regimental cane, 1910 (c); wooden staff covered in polished brown stained pigskin, with a brass ferrule and white metal head; head is ball shaped and bears a device, including, the Prince of Wales' feathers, coronet and motto, below which is a tiger and the word, 'INDIA', and the name of the regiment, West Yorkshire Regiment. | Equipment, general | 1980-11-114 |
Clay pipe bowl, 1890 (c); unglazed china clay body, stem missing; rim is decorated with a indentations; on the back, above the stem stump is the badge of the Royal Marine Light Infantry, including a globe within a circlet bearing motto, and a starburst flanked by laurel sprays, surmounted by the initials of the regiment. | Crafts | 1980-11-116 |
Clay pipe bowl, 1890 (c); unglazed china clay body, stem missing; either side bears the badge of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, including a three towered castle with a flag flying from the central tower, surmounted by a crown, below the gate is the regiment's name and a sphinx with the battle honour, Egypt, the whole is flanked with shamrocks. | Equipment, general | 1980-11-117 |
Clay pipe bowl, 1890 (c); unglazed china clay body, stem missing; either side bears the badge of the South Staffordshire Regiment, the Staffordshire knot, enclosing the initials 'SR'. | Equipment, general | 1980-11-118 |
Clay pipe bowl, 1890 (c); unglazed china clay body, stem missing; the rim is decorated; either side bears the badge of the York and Lancaster Regiment, including a tiger surmounted by ducal coronet, above the regiment's name and a rose. | Equipment, general | 1980-11-119 |
First of six photograph albums, 69 photographs of the Hong Kong Military Service Corps. | Photographs | 1997-06-60-1 |
Clay pipe bowl, 1890 (c); unglazed china clay body, stem missing; the rim is decorated; either side bears the badge of the Connaught Rangers, consisting of an Irish harp surmounted by a crown. | Equipment, general | 1980-11-120 |
Clay pipe bowl, 1900 (c); unglazed china clay body, stem missing; in the form of a human head, representing General Redvers Buller, wearing a King's Royal Rifle Corps busby with a chinstrap, and sporting a moustache. | Equipment, general | 1980-11-125 |
Clay pipe bowl, 1900-1902 (c); unglazed china clay body, stem and the bottom of the bowl are missing; in the form of a human head, wearing a slouch hat, the face wears a chin strap and on the turn up of the hat are the initials, 'CIV', for the City Imperial Volunteers. | Equipment, general | 1980-11-127 |
Bound duplicated typescript transcript of 27 letters written by or relating to Maj GG Clowes, 8th Hussars, of the period May 1854 to Nov 1859; associated with the Crimean War (1854-1856) and the Indian Mutiny (1857-1859). | Archives | 1995-04-21 |
Bound volume of 43 manuscript letters, with separate typescript transcripts, written by Brevet Major R Poore, 8th Hussars, to his parents, June 1854 to December 1858; associated with the Crimean War (1854-1856) and Indian Mutiny (1857-1859). | Archives | 1995-04-22 |
Box for a feather bonnet, 1959; made of cardboard, in two parts, one fitting into the other; the inner box is stapled and reinforced with black sticky tape; stencilled in black with the hat size and inscribed with the regiment and owner, Drummer G P Hall, 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders; possibly associated with L/Cpl Alexander. | Equipment, general | 1981-03-51 |
Films collected by the Hong Kong Military Service Corps. | Film and Videos | 1997-06-61 |
Printed circular letter from the War Office to Captain R Mahaffy, Irish Guards, thanking him for his services on release from active military duty, and granting him permission to use the honorary rank of Captain, 2 Apr 1947. | Archives | 1995-04-23 |
Papers of Gunner Frederick Horace Brittain, Royal Artillery, UK, 1940-1952. | Archives | 1995-04-24 |
23 official photographs relating to Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps, 1964-1970. | Photographs | 1997-06-126 |
Colour transparencies from an Army briefing pack. Subjects include British Army equipment, vehicles and activities. | Photographs | 1997-06-127 |
French Fusil Depareille 1793 (c), .70 in musket surrendered at Fishguard, 1797; made up of unmatched parts of muskets modeles 1763, 1774 and 1777. | Firearms | 1999-07-32 |
Official photographs relating to the WRAC and its trades. | Photographs | 1997-06-128 |
Recruitment scrapbook, Women's Royal Army Corps; compiled and presented by members of the WRAC recruiting staff, London district. | Archives | 1997-06-129 |
QARANC recruitment material intended for magazines/journals, 1978 (c). | Archives | 1997-06-131 |
Lovell's pattern socket bayonet for Pattern 1842 Smoothbore Percussion Musket, post 1842. Blade is stamped with the maker's name, S Hill, Birmingham. Engraved to the 92nd (Highlanders) Regiment of Foot. | Edged Weapons | 1979-07-11 |