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royal artillery

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Displaying 3901 to 4000 of 4867 results

Description Object Type NAM Accession Number
Uniform and equipment items, Royal Artillery, worn by Lt Col R M Laird, nd; frock coat, helmet, forage cap, sword knot, two helmet plates, three gilt ball buttons and pillbox. Equipment, uniform 1959-07-27
Uniform and equipment items, Royal Artillery, worn by Lt Col R M Laird, nd; frock coat, helmet, forage cap, sword knot, two helmet plates, three gilt ball buttons and pillbox. Badges 1959-07-27
Dress pouch, 3rd North Irish Division Royal Garrison Artillery, 1880 Equipment, uniform 1959-07-34
Mess jacket, Royal Artillery, worn by Maj A H Symes Thompson, 1900 (c). Uniforms 1959-07-46
Uniform items, Royal Artillery, 1908-1913. Uniforms 1959-07-57
Pouch and belt, Royal Artillery, 1900 (c). Equipment, uniform 1959-08-60
Sword belt and slings, Royal Artillery, nd. Equipment, uniform 1959-08-65
Undress officer's shoulder scale, Royal Artillery, 1840 (c). Uniforms 1959-08-67
Uniform and equipment items, Royal Artillery, 1880-1902; tunic, levee dress trousers, mess jacket, mess vest, patrol jacket, pantaloons, trousers, two pouches and pouch belts, sword slings and pillbox forage cap. Uniforms 1959-09-6
Uniform and equipment items, Royal Artillery, 1880-1902; tunic, levee dress trousers, mess jacket, mess vest, patrol jacket, pantaloons, trousers, two pouches and pouch belts, sword slings and pillbox forage cap. Equipment, uniform 1959-09-6
Forage cap, Royal Artillery, nd. Uniforms 1959-09-7
Pillbox forage cap, Royal Artillery, worn by Brig J W Hawkins, nd. Uniforms 1959-09-23
Tunic and trousers, Royal Artillery, 1908 (c). Uniforms 1959-11-14
Uniform items, Royal Artillery, nd; mess jacket, mess vest and overalls. Uniforms 1959-11-15
Badges and uniform items, Royal Artillery, nd; greatcoat, cap buttons, spurs, belt and box spurs. Uniforms 1959-11-19
Badges and uniform items, Royal Artillery, nd; greatcoat, cap buttons, spurs, belt and box spurs. Badges 1959-11-19
Badges and uniform items, Royal Artillery, nd; greatcoat, cap buttons, spurs, belt and box spurs. Equipment, uniform 1959-11-19
Uniform items, Royal Horse Artillery, worn by S M T J Bailey, nd; full dress jacket, overalls, pillbox forage cap, box spurs and body lines. Uniforms 1959-11-21
Helmet, Royal Artillery, 1902. Uniforms 1959-11-206
Busby, Royal Horse Artillery, nd. Uniforms 1959-11-257
Tunic, Royal Artillery, worn by Thomas Alexander Lyons, 1902. Uniforms 1959-11-269
Cocked hat, Royal Artillery, worn by Lt William Change Perry, 1890. Uniforms 1959-11-277
Thirteen uniform and equipment items, Army Staff, worn by Gen William Olpherts, 1878 (c)-1883 (c). Uniforms 1959-11-327
Helmet, Royal Artillery, worn by J O Campbell, 1902-1920. Uniforms 1959-11-329
Fourteen uniform and badge items, Indian Army Staff, Unidentified, worn by Lt Col E A F Redl, 1918 (c)-1920 (c). Equipment, uniform 1959-12-4
Compact disc of digital photographs and documents, Royal Irish Regiment, Musa Qala, Helmand Province, 2006. 252 images relating to Mortar Platoon, 61 further images with caption document. Cpl John Harding's account 'The Defence of Musa-Qale'eh'. Also two video clips and one audio clip. Associated with Operation HERRICK, Afghanistan (2001-2014), 2006. [PARTIALLY CLOSED]. (CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES OF SURGERY). Photographs 2008-01-2158
Officer's patrol jacket, Royal Artillery, 1891-1904. Uniforms 1959-12-38
DVD of Multimedia; photographs set to music relating to 21 Air Assault Battery Provincial Reconstruction Team Operations Company at Lashkar Gah, and Long Range Patrols, Garmsir; associated with Operation HERRICK, Helmand Province, Afghanistan (2001-2014).[Restricted] Film and Videos 2008-01-2159
Uniform and equipment items, Royal Artillery, worn by Brig Gen Robert Arthur Gwynne Harrison, 1881-1901; mess jacket, mess vest, overalls, pouch and belt, waistbelt, sword and sabretache slings, sword knot, collar badges, buttons, trousers, sword knot and white gloves. Uniforms 1959-12-95
Uniform and equipment items, Royal Artillery, worn by Brig Gen Robert Arthur Gwynne Harrison, 1881-1901; mess jacket, mess vest, overalls, pouch and belt, waistbelt, sword and sabretache slings, sword knot, collar badges, buttons, trousers, sword knot and white gloves. Equipment, uniform 1959-12-95
Uniform and equipment items, Royal Artillery, worn by Brig Gen Robert Arthur Gwynne Harrison, 1881-1901; mess jacket, mess vest, overalls, pouch and belt, waistbelt, sword and sabretache slings, sword knot, collar badges, buttons, trousers, sword knot and white gloves. Badges 1959-12-95
Compact disc of 5 digital photographs relating to I Bty (Bull's Troop) 7 PARA Royal Horse Artillery in Sangin, 2006; associated with Operation HERRICK, Helmand Province, Afghanistan (2001-2014). Photographs 2008-01-2165
OMLT video (Captain Crossley), OP HERRICK 4 relating to I Bty (Bull's Troop) 7 PARA Royal Horse Artillery in Sangin, 2006; compilation of video clips, photographs and soundtrack; associated with Operation HERRICK, Helmand Province, Afghanistan (2001-2014).[Restricted] Film and Videos 2008-01-2166
Uniform and equipment items, Royal Artillery, worn by Col Harold Souther Stewart, nd; waistbelt, pouch and helmet chain. Equipment, uniform 1960-01-157
Uniform and equipment items, Royal Artillery, worn by Col Harold Souther Stewart, nd; waistbelt, pouch and helmet chain. Uniforms 1960-01-157
Binocular case, Royal Artillery, nd. Equipment, uniform 1960-03-8
Black lambskin, Royal Artillery, nd. Equipment, uniform 1960-03-9
Compact disc containing one digital photograph of a 105 mm field gun firing, 2006; associated with I Bty (Bull's Troop) 7 PARA Royal Horse Artillery, Operation HERRICK, Helmand Province, Afghanistan (2001-2014). Photographs 2008-01-2174
Officer's undress shoulder scale, Royal Regiment of Artillery, 1838-1855. Uniforms 1986-02-56
Compact disc of 437 photographs; associated with 51 PARA Sqn, 23 Engineer Regiment, 16 Air Assault Brigade, Operation HERRICK, Helmand Province, Afghanistan (2001-2014). Photographs 2008-01-2176
CD of multimedia, 32 Regiment Royal Artillery (18 Bty, UAV); associated with Operation HERRICK, Helmand Province, Afghanistan (2001-2014), 2006.[Part numbers -6 to -7 RESTRICTED: CLOSED UNTIL 2039] Photographs 2008-01-2177
CD of multimedia, 32 Regiment Royal Artillery (18 Bty, UAV); associated with Operation HERRICK, Helmand Province, Afghanistan (2001-2014), 2006.[Part numbers -6 to -7 RESTRICTED: CLOSED UNTIL 2039] Film and Videos 2008-01-2177
CD of multimedia, 32 Regiment Royal Artillery (18 Bty, UAV); associated with Operation HERRICK, Helmand Province, Afghanistan (2001-2014), 2006.[Part numbers -6 to -7 RESTRICTED: CLOSED UNTIL 2039] Archives 2008-01-2177
Tunic and overalls, Royal Artillery, 1902. Uniforms 1960-04-116
Busby, with bag, officers', Royal Artillery, nd. Uniforms 1960-04-120
Gold cord and sword knot, Royal Artillery, nd. Equipment, uniform 1960-04-138
Tunic, Royal Artillery, pre 1902. Uniforms 1960-08-38
Uniform and equipment items, Royal Artillery, worn by A Slade-Baker, nd; tunic, mess jacket, mess vest, pantaloons, overalls, pillbox forage cap, pouch and pouch belt, sword belt and slings, three sabretache slings, sword knot and two shoulder cords and buttons. Uniforms 1960-08-254
Uniform and equipment items, Royal Artillery, worn by A Slade-Baker, nd; tunic, mess jacket, mess vest, pantaloons, overalls, pillbox forage cap, pouch and pouch belt, sword belt and slings, three sabretache slings, sword knot and two shoulder cords and buttons. Equipment, uniform 1960-08-254
Sword knot and frog, Royal Artillery, used by Lt Col C G Robinson, nd. Equipment, uniform 1960-09-24
Uniform items, Royal Artillery, worn by Capt Frank Beaumont Hamilton Moore, 1902; tunic, overalls, mess jacket and mess vest. Uniforms 1960-11-49
Uniform and equipment items, Royal Horse Artillery, worn by Bde Sgn John May Trehane Symons, 1860 (c)-1890; tunic, frock coat, shell jacket, two waistcoats, forage cap, pouch and pouch belt and waistbelt and slings. Uniforms 1960-11-165
Uniform and equipment items, Royal Horse Artillery, worn by Bde Sgn John May Trehane Symons, 1860 (c)-1890; tunic, frock coat, shell jacket, two waistcoats, forage cap, pouch and pouch belt and waistbelt and slings. Equipment, uniform 1960-11-165
Uniform items, Royal Artillery, used by Capt R E Chaloner, 1945 (c); tunic, service dress, waistbelt, Sam Browne waistbelt, two ties, forage cap, lanyard, trousers, khaki drill, shorts and greatcoat. Uniforms 1986-08-25
Uniform items, Royal Artillery, used by Capt R E Chaloner, 1945 (c); tunic, service dress, waistbelt, Sam Browne waistbelt, two ties, forage cap, lanyard, trousers, khaki drill, shorts and greatcoat. Equipment, uniform 1986-08-25
Uniform items, Army Commandos and Royal Artillery HAA Regiment, used by WO2 A G Hields, 1944 (c); two berets, blouse, battle dress and lanyard. Uniforms 1986-07-61
342 photographs of the post war British Army 1943-1983, showing active service in Malaya, Cyprus and Borneo; various exercises, including LONGSTOP and RUNAGROUND which were intended to test airborne and amphibious capabilities respectively. Photographs 2008-07-34
2nd China War Medal 1857-60 and miniature, awarded to Lt R C W Campbell (later Major), Royal Artillery, 1857-1860; associated with the 2nd China War (1856-1860). Medals 1959-12-96
Eight buttons, Royal Horse Artillery, 1855-1873. Badges 1959-11-328
Button, Royal Artillery, 1873-1901. Badges 1959-11-125
Medal ribbons, awarded to Capt T J Bailey, Royal Horse Artillery, 1899-1920: MC 1918; Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902; King's South Africa Medal 1901-02; 1914 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; George V Coronation Medal 1911; Long Service and Good Conduct Medal post 1915. Medals 1959-11-86
Button, Royal Artillery, 1873-1901. Badges 1959-09-224
Badges, helmet plate, helmet chain, rose, ball and base, Royal Artillery, 1902 (c)-1914; helmet plate and two cap badges. Badges 1959-09-10
Tibet Medal 1903-04, with clasp: Gyantse, awarded to Gnr D Church, Royal Garrison Artillery, 1903-1904; associated with Tibet (1903-1904). Medals 1959-08-120
Button, Royal Artillery, 1860 (c). Badges 1959-04-60
Collection of medals awarded to members of the Royal Artillery, 1854-1935; associated with the 2nd Afghan War (1878-1880) and India, North West Frontier. Medals 1958-11-65
Collection of badges and buttons, Royal Artillery and Royal Field Artillery, 1878-1920. Badges 1958-07-32
Compact disc of multimedia, documents, obituaries, photographs and video footage, D Sqn Household Cavalry Regiment; associated with Operation HERRICK, Helmand Province, Afghanistan (2001-2014), 2006. Archives 2008-01-2178
Compact disc with digital document, Operational Mentoring and Liaison Teams, I Bty (Bull's Troop) 7 Para Royal Horse Artillery; associated with Operation HERRICK, Helmand Province, Afghanistan (2001-2014), 2006.[RESTRICTED: CLOSED UNTIL 2039] Archives 2008-01-2179
Medals awarded to Brig Gen Sherwood Browne, Royal Artillery and Army Staff, 1881-1919: Order of the Bath; Order of the British Empire; British South Africa Company's Medal 1890-97; India Medal 1895-1902, with clasps: Tirah, 1897-98, Punjab Frontier 1897-98; 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Coronation Medal 1911; miniature medals of above; Royal Humane Society Medal; miniature medal of above; athletics medal. Medals 1956-11-14
Case containing fourteen medals representing the campaigns of the 19th King George V's Own Lancers: 2nd Afghan War Medal 1878-80; India Medal 1895-1902; 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; 2nd China War Medal 1857-60; 2nd Afghan War Medal 1878-80; 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; 1939-45 Star; Burma Star 1941-45; 1939-45 Star; India Service Medal 1939-45. Medals 1954-10-12
Miniature medals awarded to Maj Gen T C Crowe, Bombay Regiment of Artillery and Royal Artillery: miniature of India General Service Medal 1854-95, with clasp: Persia; miniature of Indian Mutiny Medal 1857-58 with clasp: Central India; miniature of Canada General Service Medal 1866-70, with clasp: Fenian Raid 1866. Medals 1952-11-10
Canada General Service Medal 1866-70, with clasp: Fenian Raid 1866; awarded to Maj Gen T C Crowe, Royal Artillery; associated with Canada, Fenian Raids (1866-1870). Medals 1952-11-9
Medals awarded to Sgt A Brown, Royal Field Artillery, Royal Artillery, Surma Valley Light Horse, 1914-1935: Military Medal; 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19, with oakleaf; Jubilee Medal 1935; Efficiency Medal, India; miniature medals of above. Medals 1962-11-70
Medals awarded to BSM W J Nicholls, Royal Garrison Artillery, 1914-1920: 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, Army; Meritorious Service Medal; Medal of Honour for Saving Life (France) 1919; associated with World War One (1914-1918). Medals 1962-07-40
Three portrait photographs of Lt John Brian Overton-Fox, Royal Artillery, and a booklet of twelve French commercial postcards of subjects in the Salonika Campaign, 1915-1918; associated with World War One, Salonika (1914-1918). Photographs 2008-08-22
2nd Afghan War Medal 1878-80, with clasp: Ali Musjid; awarded to Capt W P Graves, Royal Artillery. Medals 1961-12-117
Medals awarded to Gnr W Sandy, Royal Field Artillery: Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, with clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State; King's South Africa Medal 1901-02, with clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). Medals 1961-11-60
Medals awarded to Gnr E E Crisp, Royal Artillery: 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; associated with World War One (1914-1918). Medals 1961-11-54
Medals awarded to Brig Gen Sir H A D Simpson-Baikie, Royal Artillery, Royal Horse Artillery and Army Staff: Order of St Michael and St George; Order of the Bath; Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, with clasps: Cape Colony, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Wittebergen; King's South Africa Medal 1901-02, with clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902; 1914 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Order of the Mejidie, Turkey; Legion of Honour, France; Khedive's Sudan Medal 1896-1908. Medals 1961-03-35
Military Medal 1914-18; awarded to Sgt W C Stafford, Royal Field Artillery; associated with World War One (1914-1918). Medals 1960-12-208
Medals awarded to Gnr E J Campbell, Royal Field Artillery: 1914-15 Star; Commemorative Medallion 1914-1918; associated with World War One (1914-1918). Medals 1960-08-212
Album of 610 photographs taken and compiled by Lt John Brian Overton-Fox, Royal Artillery, chiefly during service in Salonika, principally in the Struma Valley, possibly with 129th Brigade Royal Field Artillery, 27th Division, between 1916 and 1918; associated with World War One, Salonika (1914-1918). Photographs 2008-09-1
Waterloo Medal 1815; awarded to Gnr John Forster, Royal Foot Artillery; associated with the Napoleonic Wars, Waterloo (1815). Medals 1960-07-209
Territorial Efficiency Medal 1908-10; awarded to Cpl J Hughes, Shropshire Royal Horse Artillery. Medals 1960-03-88
Medals awarded to Syce Hussain, Royal Artillery: India Medal 1895-1902, with clasps: Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Tirah 1897-98; 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; General Service Medal 1918-62, with clasp: Iraq. Medals 1960-01-164
Three buttons and rank badge of Thomas Cope, Royal Horse Artillery, 1855-1877; associated with Indian Mutiny (1857-1859). Badges 2008-09-11
Memoir: Family, War & Captivity; by William Harrison Crowder DSO, the bound typescript consists mostly of copies of original documents, including the unit war diary and Crowder's statement on the circumstances of his capture; associated with World War One (1914-1918). Archives 2008-09-15
Commission certificate, with envelope, and protection certificate on the discharge of Lt John Brian Overton-Fox, Royal Artillery, 1915 and 1919, as well as the original manuscript list of prints in his photograph album. Archives 2008-09-30
Boxed set of four mules carrying parts of gun, six soldiers and an officer, manufactured by Britains Limited, London, No 28, Mountain Artillery with Mule Team and Quick Firing Gun, 1895; associated with the childhood collection of Henry Oswald Brown (1891-1967). Models 2008-10-9
Four cap badges associated with Artillery, 1914 (c)-1936 (c). Badges 2008-10-14
Five uniform items, Royal Artillery, worn by Lt Col Charles Vernon Hume, 1896 (c)-1907 (c). Uniforms 2008-10-21
Five uniform items, Royal Artillery, worn by Lt Col Charles Vernon Hume, 1896 (c)-1907 (c). Equipment, uniform 2008-10-21
Trousers, battle dress, parachutists', 1 Forward Observation Unit (Airborne) Royal Artillery, worn by Capt C W Ikin, 1944; associated with World War Two, North West Europe, Operation MARKET GARDEN, (1944-1945) 1944. Uniforms 1984-11-189
Tunic and lanyard, service dress, battery sergeant majors', Royal Field Artillery, 1918 (c). Uniforms 1984-11-229
Photograph of a Royal Field Artillery field battery on parade in the Curragh, Dublin, 1922, plus written explanation from the memoirs of the donor's father Sgt H W O'Riley of how gun carriages from the battery were handed to the Irish Free State for use in Michael Collins' funeral; associated with Ireland (1916-1922). Photographs 2008-10-32
Wolseley helmet and bag or cover, other ranks', Royal Regiment of Artillery, 1917. Uniforms 1982-04-744
Two bush hats, other ranks', Pioneer Corps and Royal Regiment of Artillery, 1943 (c). Uniforms 1982-06-16
Coat, British warm, officers', Royal Artillery, Territorial Army, worn by Maj M M Cahill, 1950 (c). Uniforms 1982-09-75
Pouch belt, pouch and sword slings, officers', Norfolk Yeomanry, 1911-1935. Equipment, uniform 1982-10-36