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Displaying 4201 to 4300 of 48619 results

Description Object Type NAM Accession Number
Items belonging to Lt Col Claude Bayfield Stokes, 3rd Skinners Horse, 1918 (c); fencing mask; hat box; boot jack; throat plume. Horse Furniture 1992-04-97-1
Papers collected by Capt A E Hamley, Hampshire Regiment, on the staff of the prisoner of war camp for senior German officers at Trent Park, 1943-1948. Associated with World War Two (1939-1945). Archives 1993-10-162
Swagger stick, 1940 (c); head is embossed with a regimental crest, a crowned kumasi over an Arabic inscription and the initials of the West African Field Force beneath; owned by RQMS H C Norman, 2 (WA) Auxiliary Carrier Group, 2nd Bn The Gold Coast Regiment, Royal West African Field Force. Equipment, general 1992-04-328
Originals and photocopies of documents relating to Col C M Macdonald OBE, Royal Artillery (Territorial Army), mainly relating to his period as a prisoner of war of the Japanese, 1938-69. Archives 1993-10-165
Pouch, 1918-1919 (c); made of canvas; used by Pte R Vincent, No 6 platoon, B Coy, 19th Bn Hampshire Regiment; contained photographs collected by Vincent whilst serving in Vladivostok and in Siberia. Equipment, general 1992-05-20
Wooden signboard, 1985 (c); used by BRIXMIS, British Commanders'-in-Chiefs Mission to Soviet Forces in Germany, in Berlin; painted, 'ATTENTION! PASSAGE TO MEMBERS OF THE SOVIET MILITARY LIAISON MISSION IS PROHIBITED'.vvv Equipment, general 1992-06-44
Collection of papers relating to the Moir Family; a detailed list of the collection is available. Archives 1993-10-217
Plastic signboard, 1985 (c); used by BRIXMIS, British Commanders'-in-Chiefs Mission to Soviet Forces in Germany; printed, 'SPERRGEBEIT'. Equipment, general 1992-06-45
Formation (TAC) sign, 1985 (c); painted in black and yellow, with a stylised tank; used by BRIXMIS, British Commanders'-in-Chiefs Mission to Soviet Forces in Germany. Equipment, general 1992-06-46
Formation (TAC) sign, 1985 (c); painted in black and white on a blue ground; used by Soviet forces during the Commander in Chief's mission to the soviet forces in Germany. Equipment, general 1992-06-47
Soviet 'Halt' sign, 1985 (c); used by Soviet forces during the Commander in Chief's mission to the soviet forces in Germany; painted in Cyrillic characters, 'HALT'. Equipment, general 1992-06-48
French vehicle registration numberplate, 1985 (c); used by the French Military Mission during the French mission to the Soviet forces in Germany. Equipment, general 1992-06-49
British vehicle registration numberplate, 1985 (c); used by BRIXMIS, British Commanders'-in-Chiefs Mission to Soviet Forces in Germany. Equipment, general 1992-06-50
American vehicle registration numberplate, 1985 (c); used by the US military mission during the US mission to the Soviet forces in Germany. Equipment, general 1992-06-51
Length of rope, 1944-1945 (c); presented to the Chief of the BRIXMIS Operation on 6 Dec 1978 by Dr Teichman, the Director of Colditz Hospital; made from blankets and cut from a much longer length; believed to have been intended for use in the escape of Allied prisoners of war from Colditz Castle; rope was found, during reconstruction work in Colditz Castle, with some rolled up escape maps above a door frame in November 1978; associated with World War Two, POWs Germany, (1939-1945). Equipment, general 1992-06-52
Waterbottle, 1990 (c); made of metal with a canvas cover; used by the Iraqi army and captured during the Gulf War. Equipment, general 1992-06-139
Stretcher for airborne casualty evacuation, 1944 (c); made of wood and canvas; associated with the Royal Army Medical Corps. Medical Equipment 1992-07-218
Identity disc, 1914-1918 (c); with string; worn by Sgt A E Brewster, 7th Bn London Regiment, during World War One. Equipment, general 1992-09-300
Copies of obsolete specifications and catalogues of catering, clothing and other equipment 1929-76; a detailed list of the collection is available. Archives 1993-11-5
Photocopies of material relating to the service of Lt Patrick Wright Anderson, Black Watch, Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force 1892-1921; Anderson died as a result of wounds received during the First World War. Archives 1994-12-296
Map case, 1942 (c); in a canvas cover with a chinagraph pencils and duster; used by Colonel Andrew M Man, Middlesex Regiment, in North Africa. Equipment, general 1992-09-301
Army issue brush, 1942 (c); used by Colonel Andrew M Man DSO MBC, Middlesex Regiment. Equipment, general 1992-09-302
Writing board, 1942 (c); made of tin; used by Colonel Andrew M Man DSO MBC, Middlesex Regiment, in North Africa. Equipment, general 1992-09-303
81 mm Mortar plotter Mk I, 1969 (c); with weather proof cover; made by B H L; used by the Mortar Platoon, 8th (Volunteer) Bn Queens Fusiliers. Equipment, general 1992-09-306
2 printed booklets: 'Christopher's Progress': part 1 an account of postings and journeys in the East, 1925-1992; part 2 a short account of regimental life, 1932-1937 by Lt-Col Christopher (Kit) L C Ward, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, with a typescript transcript of the address given at his funeral service. Archives 1993-11-6
Papers and portrait photograph of Gunner E Elkin, RFA, 1940-46. Archives 1993-11-9
Printed leaflet of exhortation to the troops of the Allied Forces on the eve of the invasion of Normandy, 6 Jun 1944, signed by General D D Eisenhower. Archives 1994-12-300
Swagger stick, 1920 (c); leather covered shaft with a white metal head bearing the regimental crest of the Rajputana Rifles. Equipment, general 1992-09-323
Papers relating to Pte E G Gibbs, 2nd Bn East Surrey Regiment 1895-1904 and 9th Bn East Surrey Regiment 1914-18. Archives 1993-11-11
Papers relating to Pte E G Gibbs, 2nd Bn East Surrey Regiment 1895-1904 and 9th Bn East Surrey Regiment 1914-18. Photographs 1993-11-11
Document case, 1942 (c); made of leather; used by Col Andrew M Man, Middlesex Regiment, in North Africa during World War Two. Equipment, general 1992-09-329
Two swagger sticks, 1915 (c); belonging to Pte Edward M Canham, Royal Army Medical Corps. Equipment, general 1992-09-331
Leather wallet, 1940 (c); carried by Pte Alexander Alfred Rowland, Royal Irish Rifles and Royal Army Service Corps, when killed. Equipment, general 1992-09-332
SAS escape kit belt, 1970 (c); used by Maj H V Gilpin who served with 21st Special Air Service (Volunteers) during 1951-1954 and 1970-1988. Equipment, general 1992-09-336
SAS escape kit belt, 1970 (c); used by Maj H V Gilpin who served with 21st Special Air Service (Volunteers) during 1951-1954 and 1970-1988. Scientific Instruments 1992-09-336
SAS escape kit belt, 1970 (c); used by Maj H V Gilpin who served with 21st Special Air Service (Volunteers) during 1951-1954 and 1970-1988. Edged Weapons 1992-09-336
Riding whip, 1940 (c); associated with the King's Royal Irish Hussars. Horse Furniture 1992-09-338
Swagger stick, 1890-1900 (c); believed to have been the property of William Wales (?), 2nd Bn Scots Guards and the King's Royal Rifle Corps. Equipment, general 1992-10-88
Four maps of Korea contained in wooden and plastic map cases used by Captain (later Major) P A Duckworth, 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards during the Korean War, 1951-1952. Maps 1994-05-374
American pattern mess tin, 1943 (c); used as a binto box by Pte A Gonville, 1st Bn Middlesex Regiment; Gonville engraved his name and regimental badge on the tin whist a prisoner of war in Japan, where he died. Associated with World War Two, Far East (1941-1945) Equipment, general 1992-10-101
Army issue table knife converted to a camp razor, 1943; used in Shanshuipo Camp, Hong Kong, by the camp barber, D J Cook, Middlesex Regiment; during a search the knife was hidden in the boot of the owner. Equipment, general 1992-10-104
Leather paymaster's wallet, 1799; used by Capt Lt Joshua Gregory, paymaster to the Middlesex (Westminster) Militia. Equipment, general 1992-10-107
Two numberplates, 1940; carried on the car of the commanding officer, Lt Col B G Horrocks, 2nd Bn Middlesex Regiment, throughout the operation in France and Belgium, 10 May to 31 May 1940; the driver of the car, L/Cpl W Snell, removed the plates when the car was immobilised at La Panne. Equipment, general 1992-10-110
Copies of battalion orders 4/8 Gurkha Rifles, Oct 1941 to Feb 1943, and arrangements for official visits Apr 1946, collected by Lt I G Paterson. Archives 1993-11-14
Papers of Lance Corporal T Neller, Royal Sussex Regiment and RGA 1891-1904. Archives 1993-11-22
Ration book issued to Lt A R Braddy, 2nd battalion Lincolnshire Regiment, 1919. Archives 1993-11-25
Papers relating to Capt William Angus Muir, 1/4 Royal Scots Fusiliers, 1914-1918. Archives 1993-11-27
HQ 14 Army, Occupation of Tanglin Barracks and adjacent houses. Three versions of the plan of Tanglin Barracks, including blueprint, property of Captain Eric C Strathen, Royal Artillery, Assistant Camp Commander, 22 Sept 1945. Maps 1994-09-35
Razor, 1900 (c); belonging to Charles Puryer, Queens Own Cameron Highlanders. Equipment, general 1992-11-37
Maps relating to the British Army and 6th Armoured Brigade in Germany, 1986 (c). [RESTRICTED: CLOSED UNTIL 2023] Maps 1994-09-117
Two escape button compasses, 1941-1945; these were sewn into the battle dress blouse when required, they formed a simple magnetic compass; belonging to Prof C J Taylor, 1st Bn Gold Coast Regiment Royal West African Frontier Force, who served in Burma during World War Two. Scientific Instruments 1992-11-105
Portable altar, 1940 (c); made of wood, with collapsing sides; used by the Middlesex Regiment. Equipment, general 1992-12-55
Papers collected by Paul Francia during the course of his researches into the Middlesex Regiment with particular emphasis on his service in World War Two. Archives 1993-11-76
Six maps issued to Major John Ffrench, 6th Rajputana Rifles during the North African Campaign and in Italy, 1943. Maps 1994-11-173
Despatch case, 1860 (c); belonging to General Sir John Cheape, Bengal Engineers. Equipment, general 1992-12-61
Signboard, 1985 (c); written in German, translates as, 'HALT, state border crossing and photography forbidden except BRIXMIS'; associated with BRIXMIS, British Commanders'-in-Chiefs Mission to Soviet Forces in Germany, Berlin. Equipment, general 1992-12-63
Button stick, 1900 (c); made of brass and made by Bodill Parker and Co, Birmingham; associated with the 4th Dublin Fusiliers. Equipment, general 1992-12-68
Nine coins contained in a cardboard sleeve and plastic folder, 1991; the coins represent countries who joined Operation DESERT STORM for the Liberation of Kuwait: Britain, Kuwait, USA, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, France, Canada and Italy. Equipment, general 1992-12-71
Folder of pamphlets and leaflets 'The Volunteer and Reserve Forces', produced by the National Employers' Liaison Committee for the Territorial and Reserve Forces to increase awareness and understanding of the volunteer reserves, Nov 1993. Archives 1993-11-88
Papers of Cyclist S Chapman, 1/25th (County of London) Cyclist battalion, London Regiment, India 1917-20; a detailed list of the collection is available. Archives 1993-11-87
Papers of Cyclist S Chapman, 1/25th (County of London) Cyclist battalion, London Regiment, India 1917-20; a detailed list of the collection is available. Maps 1993-11-87
Typescript account, based on letters and postcards, of the service of L/Cpl A E Ensor, 102nd Company MGC (Infantry) who was killed in action at Tyne Cot, 20 Oct 1917, written by K S Platt, 1993. Archives 1993-11-89
French half franc coin, 1805; stamped with a profile of Napoleon; associated with Cpl Herbert Grubb, Duke of Cambridge's Own Middlesex Regiment. Equipment, general 1994-12-289-1
Printed propaganda leaflet issued by the Shanghai Defence Force Revolutionary Soldiers Committee, 11 Jun 1927, urging British soldiers not to support the sending of Japanese troops to North China; from papers of Brig E F Shewell, Commander, Royal Artillery, Shanghai Defence force, 1927. Archives 1993-11-90
Two sample certificates of Trade Proficiency, REME, Armourer Class I and Armourer Class 3/2, 1993. Archives 1993-11-91
Gas goggles and wrapper, 1917; owned by Capt W H Lowe, Royal Field Artillery. Scientific Instruments 1994-12-231
Commemorative bottle of wine produced by the Women's Royal Army Corps, 1990: the label shows WRAC, Womens Army Auxiliary Corps and Auxiliary Territorial Service uniforms. Equipment, general 1994-12-230
Four wallets relating to Brig Dame Frances Coulshed, Women's Royal Army Corps, 1951-1954. Equipment, general 1994-12-229
Identity tag, 1917; worn by Georgina Baxter, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, during World War One. Equipment, general 1994-12-224
Piece of flooring from the bunker in which Hitler committed suicide, Berlin 1945. Taken by Miss M Cheyne, Auxiliary Territorial Service; associated with World War Two, North West Europe (1944-1945). Equipment, general 1994-11-101
Papers collected by Maj I D McLean, 8th and 2nd battalions Middlesex Regiment, relating to the final days of the campaign in North West Europe May - Jul 1945, with three postcards sent by a German soldier or soldiers, 1941 (c). Archives 1993-11-106
Housewife, 1940; owned by Mrs Beatrix Lousdale (nee Blumfeld), Auxiliary Territorial Service; Lousdale was a driver for the military in the Southampton area during World War Two. Equipment, general 1994-11-100
Swagger stick, 1917-1918; associated with Tom Weatherill, London Scottish, who served in World War One. Equipment, general 1994-11-99
Military police whistle, 1943; made by J Hudson and Company. Equipment, general 1994-11-98
Bottle of Remembrance Ale, 1994 (c); brewed in aid of the Royal British Legion Poppy appeal; brewed by Eldridge Pope and Company Limited. Equipment, general 1994-10-90
Identity tag, 1915; belonging to 2/Lt Felix Tolcher Birdwood, attached to 36th Sikhs. Equipment, general 1994-10-88
Two booklets relating to the campaign in Burma 1945, with menu for British other ranks victory dinner, 17 Aug 1945. Archives 1993-12-20
One of two escape kits, 1954 (c); consists of a black wallet containing a map, a compass and letter requesting assistance in many languages. Map dates from 1954, issued to British servicemen. One escape set still sealed. Equipment, general 1994-10-87-1
One of two escape kits, 1954 (c); consists of a black wallet containing a map, a compass and letter requesting assistance in many languages. Map dates from 1954, issued to British servicemen. One escape set still sealed. Scientific Instruments 1994-10-87-1
Papers relating to the marriage settlement of Capt J A Moggridge, South Lancashire Regiment and Miss A R Govett of Gibraltar, 1877-1912. Archives 1993-12-23
Papers collected by 24057159 WO2 David Langham, 81 Ordnance Company, Royal Army Ordnance Corps, 1982-1994; associated with the South Atlantic (Falklands War) (1982), Archives 1999-11-171
Photocopy of typescript memoir of Lance/Corporal C B Norris MM, 4th Battalion Middlesex Regiment, Western Front, 1916 (c)-1918, compiled from original diary and letters by his nephew in 1991, and including notes on his experiences in the advance from Albert to the River Selle (August - November 1918). Archives 1993-12-30
10 letters and 2 cards illustrated by pen, ink and watercolour sketches, from Lt A S Begbie, East Yorkshire Regiment, India, 1887 and Aden, 1888. Archives 1993-12-31
Manuscript and typescript poems written by Sergeant A C Piper, 3rd battalion Rifle Brigade, Western Front 1917; together with a cartoon drawn by Sergeant Croft showing Piper as Orderly Room Sergeant at Les Brebis, 1918. Archives 1993-12-35
Typescript account by Pte J R Scarr of his service with 2nd Bn Gloucestershire Regiment 1931-32, written in 1987. Archives 1993-12-40
Typescript account by Maj Desmond Eric Renforth Scarr CBE of his service with the London Rifle Brigade, 1939, OCTU 1940, Gloucestershire Regiment, 1940-1941, Reconnaissance Regiment, 1941-1946, 14th/20th Hussars 1947-62, edited by Mr J R Scarr 1993. Archives 1993-12-41
Typescript memoirs: 'Mario's Watch' by Capt K R R Scarr, 43rd Reconnaissance Regiment 1934-46 and Sgt P R R Scarr RAF Coastal Command, 1941-46, and 'Thirty-Six Hour Days' by P R R Scarr, edited by Mr J R Scarr, 1993. Archives 1993-12-42
Postcards sent by and photographs with related correspondence of the grave of Rifleman A C Shelly, 7th Rifle Brigade, 1916-17. Archives 1993-12-43
Photocopies of cuttings from the 'Harrow Observer and Gazette', 26 May and 9 June 1922, reporting the unveiling of the roll of honour, 9th battalion Middlesex Regiment at the Drill Hall, Wealdstone. Archives 1993-12-44
Collection of 106 colour photographs relating to the South Atlantic (Falklands War) (1982), Apr to Jul 1982, taken by 24057159 WO2 David Langham, 81 Ordnance Company, Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Photographs 1999-11-172
Papers collected by 2386859 Sergeant T C Waterman, Royal Signals India and Burma, 1945-1946; a list of the collection is available, which includes a long run of South East Asia Command newspaper, 'SEAC'. Archives 1993-12-45
Papers collected by 2386859 Sergeant T C Waterman, Royal Signals India and Burma, 1945-1946; a list of the collection is available, which includes a long run of South East Asia Command newspaper, 'SEAC'. Maps 1993-12-45
Letters and postcards sent to his family from Egypt and the Sudan by CSM S R Cookson, 6th battalion Manchester Regiment, 1914-15, Cookson was killed in action 29 May 1915. Archives 1993-12-50
Printed and manuscript papers relating to the keeping of accounts for 9th Hodson's Horse 1906 with colour poster '1857-1982' presumably produced for the regiment's 125th anniversary. Archives 1993-12-52
Trench map sheet 36 SW 3, scale 1:10,000, possibly used by Capt J J Harper-Nelson, Indian Medical Service, 1916 (c). Maps 1993-04-36
Map, 29th Division march through Belgium and Germany across the Rhine to bridghead, 18 Nov-16 Dec 1918 Maps 1993-06-44
German map of south-east England, scale 1:250,000, with street plans at 1:10,000 of Reading, Brighton, Folkestone and Dover; printed in Berlin 1941; these are British Ordnance Survey maps of 1935 overprinted with all strategic military targets to be captured. Maps 1993-10-131
Two 1:100 000 Palestine map sheets-11, Gaza, and 15, Beersheba, reprinted by 512 Field Survey Company Royal Engineers 1945. Collected by Robert Dorman, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Archives 1993-12-27
Map showing Army Corps Districts in Germany, scale 1:2,00,000, printed by the War Office 1917, collected by Bombardier Harry Dorman, King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery. Maps 1993-12-28
Identity tag, 1917; belonging to Butcher, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, during World War One. Equipment, general 1994-07-164