Inventory Search
Displaying 401 to 500 of 48619 results
Description | Object Type | NAM Accession Number |
Obituary (1989) for V H C Stirling of Gargunnock, Deputy Director Auxiliary Territorial Service, Scottish Command, 1945-1948. | Archives | 1998-02-139 |
Wartime memoirs of T Taylor: 'ATS Drivers in the Middle East' (three copies) and 'Desert Convoy'; associated with World War Two, Middle East. | Archives | 1998-02-141 |
Wartime memoirs (three copies) of Stella Schmolle, Auxiliary Territorial Service; associated with World War Two, Middle East. | Archives | 1998-02-130 |
Wartime memoirs of Pam Serls (Mrs Waite), Auxiliary Territorial Service; associated with World War Two, Middle East. | Archives | 1998-02-131 |
Diary of Company Commander M M Sivewright, 6th Durham Auxiliary Territorial Service, 26 Aug 1939 to 3 Jan 1940. The diary contains brief details of daily movements and tasks. | Archives | 1998-02-132 |
Soldier's service and pay book, Mary Elizabeth Skyrme, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-133 |
Memoir of service, Vera Smith (Mrs Parkinson), written 1985. | Archives | 1998-02-134 |
Journal of Esme Smuts (nee Du Croz): 'The Journal of an A T 1938-1945'. | Archives | 1998-02-135 |
Three passes 1940-1945, A Green, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-87 |
New Testament, Auxiliary Territorial Service, M Greenstreet. | Archives | 1998-02-89 |
Memoir of service of O B Graham, Chief Commissioner of the Auxiliary Territorial Service in Northern Ireland (two copies). | Archives | 1998-02-85 |
Memoirs of C de Grais-Martin: This and That, January 1940 - April 1965. | Archives | 1998-02-86 |
Photocopies of postcards autographed by members of 102 Group, Auxiliary Territorial Service, Nantes, 1940, belonging to D G Hart. | Archives | 1998-02-91 |
War Department pass, Derby, A R Jones, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-96 |
Award of British Empire Medal to Sergeant F L Kernot; Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes (NAAFI) recognition of service certificates, Palestine, 1948 and Canal Zone, 1951. | Archives | 1998-02-97 |
Memoir of service, E M Mallard (Mrs Cox), Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-107 |
Drafts of talk 'The Female of the Species' by ex-Sgt Jessie Longworth, Auxiliary Territorial Service and Women's Royal Army Corps (TA), 1966. | Archives | 1998-02-104 |
Railway warrant, Knigham, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-98 |
Scrapbook of Auxiliary Territorial Service Camp at Strensall, Jul 1939; compiled by Sergeant F Lee, 11th Derbyshire Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-101 |
Papers of M Wilkinson, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1939-1944. | Archives | 1998-02-153 |
Papers of M Wilkinson, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1939-1944. | Photographs | 1998-02-153 |
Papers and photographs of K P Burge, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1943-1957: soldier's service and paybook; two officers records of service; national registration identity card; two clothing books; release book; release certificate; two letters; eight photographs. | Archives | 1998-02-43 |
Papers and photographs of K P Burge, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1943-1957: soldier's service and paybook; two officers records of service; national registration identity card; two clothing books; release book; release certificate; two letters; eight photographs. | Photographs | 1998-02-43 |
Papers of Daphne M Charles (Mrs Langrish), Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1939-1945: notice to join ATS; two conditions of service; identity card; ATS training leaflet; four passes; letter; record of service. | Archives | 1998-02-52 |
Memoirs of Dorothy Dixon, Auxiliary Territorial Service: 'Bombed Out' and a piece on her posting to Berlin in 1945, (includes original documents and photographs). Associated with World War Two (1939-1945). | Archives | 1998-02-64 |
Soldier's record and pay book, Betty Joyce Morris, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-114 |
Soldier's service and pay book; associated with R B L Puxley, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-123 |
Three copies of wartime motor maintenance booklet and a Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents booklet; associated with E L Payne, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-120 |
Papers and cuttings of Gladys Graeme Caldwell, Auxiliary Territorial Service: letters; press cuttings; lecture notes; certificates; memoir. | Archives | 1998-02-47 |
Photocopied documents and press cuttings relating to 2nd Subaltern Jill Mary Cheesley (nee MacDermot), Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-54 |
Diary and notes of A T Chitty, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1940-1942. | Archives | 1998-02-55 |
Papers of Phyllis Ellen Cleeter: Notice to join Auxiliary Territorial Service, 2 Sep 1939; badge receipt. | Archives | 1998-02-57 |
Notice to join Auxiliary Territorial Service, notification of officer casualty and photocopy of Christmas card, associated with J M S Dutton, 40th Hampshire Coy. | Archives | 1998-02-67 |
Papers of B R L Denyer, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1941-1944: soldier's service and pay book; form; identity card; photograph; subscription record; certificate of meritorious service; receipt; release book; certificate of relegation to the unemployed list. | Archives | 1998-02-63 |
Papers of B R L Denyer, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1941-1944: soldier's service and pay book; form; identity card; photograph; subscription record; certificate of meritorious service; receipt; release book; certificate of relegation to the unemployed list. | Photographs | 1998-02-63 |
Papers and photographs relating to Sally Croucher, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1939-1945: soldier's service and pay book; three Christmas dinner menus; certificate of meritorious service; two covering notes; release book; photograph. | Archives | 1998-02-60 |
Papers and photographs relating to Sally Croucher, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1939-1945: soldier's service and pay book; three Christmas dinner menus; certificate of meritorious service; two covering notes; release book; photograph. | Photographs | 1998-02-60 |
Memoir of E P Ewen, Auxiliary Territorial Service: either 'I was on Duty' or 'Unforgettable Memories with the MT Companies, ATS 1941-1945'. | Archives | 1998-02-74 |
Certificate of meritorious service, E M Elbourne, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1 Jan 1945. | Archives | 1998-02-69 |
Memoir of Margaret A Elliott (Mrs Treadaway), one of the first Auxiliary Territorial Service personnel to go ashore in Normandy with 21 Army Group HQ, written in 1986. | Archives | 1998-02-72 |
Warrant relating to the award of the DBE to Dame Regina Evans, Auxiliary Territorial Service; death notices; copies of order of memorial service, 1969. | Archives | 1998-02-73 |
Officer's record of service and letter of thanks to Senior Commander Diana Law on her discharge, Mar 1947; with notice of award of MBE, 1978. | Archives | 1998-02-100 |
Photocopy of magazine profile of Colonel Stella Levy, Israeli Army, recalling her service with the Palestinian Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-102 |
Papers of V M Falkner, Auxiliary Territorial Service: notice to join Auxiliary Territorial Service: service memoirs: press cutting, 1949. | Archives | 1998-02-75 |
Papers of N B Fallon, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1939-1949: AWOL charge sheet; two soldier's service and pay books; discharge certificate; membership card; release book. | Archives | 1998-02-76 |
Papers of Stella Fisher (Mrs Perrett), Auxiliary Territorial Service: memoir; press cutting; photographs. | Archives | 1998-02-77 |
Papers of Stella Fisher (Mrs Perrett), Auxiliary Territorial Service: memoir; press cutting; photographs. | Photographs | 1998-02-77 |
Memoir, photographs and cuttings relating to the first women's camp at Blackmore Park, Malvern, Jun 1939; with contemporary magazine cuttings and poem by S L Ford, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-78 |
Memoir, photographs and cuttings relating to the first women's camp at Blackmore Park, Malvern, Jun 1939; with contemporary magazine cuttings and poem by S L Ford, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Photographs | 1998-02-78 |
Menu and photographs relating to No7 ATS Training Centre, 1942; associated with Barbara Frawley, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-79 |
Menu and photographs relating to No7 ATS Training Centre, 1942; associated with Barbara Frawley, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Photographs | 1998-02-79 |
Papers relating to M G Goodwin, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1940-1966: two soldier's service and pay book; two certificates of service; airgraph; certificate of meritorious service; seven photographs; order of service; first day cover; invitation card; letters and notes on discharge; five typing certificates; six admission certificates; programmes. | Archives | 1998-02-83 |
Papers relating to M G Goodwin, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1940-1966: two soldier's service and pay book; two certificates of service; airgraph; certificate of meritorious service; seven photographs; order of service; first day cover; invitation card; letters and notes on discharge; five typing certificates; six admission certificates; programmes. | Photographs | 1998-02-83 |
Warrant and covering letters for the award of the King Christian X Liberty Medal and certificate of appreciation for service as a member of the Home Guard, 1952-1956, E M C Gowers, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-84 |
Papers relating to Sadie Green, Auxiliary Territorial Service and Essex Territorial Army Association, 1945-1963: two soldiers service and pay books; notice to join ATS; notice; three prayers; two identity cards; two testimonials; leave pass; letter. | Archives | 1998-02-88 |
Notification of award of MBE to RSM Florence M Hadley. | Archives | 1998-02-90 |
Papers relating to Cynthia B (Sally) Healey, Auxiliary Territorial Service: note on career as CSM; soldier's service and pay book; booklet; two airgraphs; MID certificate; testimonial; release book; certificate of relegation to the ATS unemployment list 1946; two certificates of service 1951 and 1954; three photographs. | Archives | 1998-02-92 |
Papers relating to Cynthia B (Sally) Healey, Auxiliary Territorial Service: note on career as CSM; soldier's service and pay book; booklet; two airgraphs; MID certificate; testimonial; release book; certificate of relegation to the ATS unemployment list 1946; two certificates of service 1951 and 1954; three photographs. | Photographs | 1998-02-92 |
Services Supplementary Clothing Book, issued by London District group Auxiliary Territorial Service; from papers relating to D C M Hingston, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-93 |
Papers relating to Doris I Humphries, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 40th Berkshire Coy: clothing list; ration card; press cutting; church service offertory insctructions; permission to wear sports clothes; late pass; letter; notice of WO and Sgts mess function; payment of war gratuity and post war credits form; application for particulars of a soldiers rate of pay and balance. | Archives | 1998-02-94 |
Copy of the Freedom of the City of London awarded to Sub-Leader E S Jacobs, Auxiliary Territorial Service, Apr 1942; with covering letter, 1984. | Archives | 1998-02-95 |
Papers of Violet Martha Long, Auxiliary Territorial Service: identity certificate; pass; memoir recollecting a bombing raid on Yarmouth, 1942. | Archives | 1998-02-103 |
Photocopy of Auxiliary Territorial Service memoirs published in the Dumfries and Galloway Standard and Advertiser, Aug 1985, relating to Olive MacRae (nee Dunn). | Archives | 1998-02-105 |
Papers of Sergeant K Martin, Mechanical Transport driver, Auxiliary Territorial Service: soldier's service and pay book; identity card; certificate of passing driving test; clothing coupon; two poems; two admisison tickets. | Archives | 1998-02-108 |
Evaluation of candidates folder, pre OCTU Wing, No7 Auxiliary Territorial Service Training Centre, Guildford, 1943 and Register of personnel, 1942, A R Malden (Mrs Harding). | Archives | 1998-02-106 |
Papers of Marjorie Last, as an officer in the Auxiliary Territorial Service (1938-1945) and in the Territorial Army (1948-1953) in particular at Strathpeffer (1942), with 65 Anti-aircraft Brigade at Grimsby (1943-1944), and 3 Anti-aircraft Command at Aigburth (1945): including her soldier's service and pay book, clothing coupons, press cuttings, correspondence, training files, nominal rolls, release book, identity certificate, published material and photographs. | Archives | 1998-02-99 |
Papers of Marjorie Last, as an officer in the Auxiliary Territorial Service (1938-1945) and in the Territorial Army (1948-1953) in particular at Strathpeffer (1942), with 65 Anti-aircraft Brigade at Grimsby (1943-1944), and 3 Anti-aircraft Command at Aigburth (1945): including her soldier's service and pay book, clothing coupons, press cuttings, correspondence, training files, nominal rolls, release book, identity certificate, published material and photographs. | Photographs | 1998-02-99 |
Correspondence of and concerning Mary, The Princess Royal 1939-1941. | Archives | 1998-02-109 |
Norah Violet Middleton British Expeditionary Force Officer's Identity Card, 1940. | Archives | 1998-02-110 |
Papers of Mildred S F Millington, Auxiliary Territorial Service: ration card; pass; travel ticket; letter; order of service; memoir. | Archives | 1998-02-111 |
War Department railway warrant, Jul 1948, C S Monham-Brown, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-112 |
Papers of A J Montresor (Mrs Waller), Auxiliary Territorial Service: notice to join ATS; leave certificate; release certificate; distribution of ATS personnel papers. | Archives | 1998-02-113 |
Papers of Eileen Mulholland, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1939-1945: travel permit; pass; identity card; ration coupon. | Archives | 1998-02-115 |
Notebook on height and range finding for anti-aircraft work, Emily Newbould, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-116 |
Memorial notice in 'The Trefoil', No 119 Apr 1983, for ex-Senior Commander Mildred Nicholl MBE, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-117 |
Leave of absence pass for L/Cpl S K Nugent, 1 Apr 1943. | Archives | 1998-02-118 |
Anti-Aircraft Command Christmas card, 1948, from Cpl Dorothy Palmer to RSM Ashworth, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-119 |
Notes for an ABCA discussion for a platoon at No 19 Training Centre, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Mar 1943; given by 2nd Subaltern D G Phillips, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-121 |
Papers of Doris Evelyn Plourde (nee Bunch, later Madill), Auxiliary Territorial Service: memoir of Douglas Bader; autobiographical wartime memoir; two photographs; service record, Queens Silver Jubilee 1977 and Canadian Wives Bureau repatriation instructions. | Archives | 1998-02-122 |
Papers of Doris Evelyn Plourde (nee Bunch, later Madill), Auxiliary Territorial Service: memoir of Douglas Bader; autobiographical wartime memoir; two photographs; service record, Queens Silver Jubilee 1977 and Canadian Wives Bureau repatriation instructions. | Photographs | 1998-02-122 |
Invitation to an Afternoon Party in honour of Anti-Aircraft Command hosted by the Lord Mayor of London at the Mansion House, Sept 1943; covering letter from Miss E Raper, 1975. | Archives | 1998-02-124 |
Papers of Edna Rimington, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1938-1939 (c): letter; notice to join ATS; poster; four programmes; two press cuttings. | Archives | 1998-02-125 |
Papers of Peggy Roberts, associated with Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1945: record of service; release certificate; map; telex; poem; seven programmes; press cutting; invitation card; nine photographs. | Archives | 1998-02-126 |
Papers of Peggy Roberts, associated with Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1945: record of service; release certificate; map; telex; poem; seven programmes; press cutting; invitation card; nine photographs. | Photographs | 1998-02-126 |
Receipt for Auxiliary Territorial Service badge, 10 May 1939, and mobilisation envelope, 4 Sep 1939; associated with Letitia Routledge, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-128 |
Two soldier's service and pay books associated with Doreen Saunders, Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-129 |
Papers of Emily May Robinson, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1939-1943 (c): notice to join ATS; list; instructions as to procedures of calling up ATS; certificate of relegation to the unemployment list; testimonial; release book; training papers; order; two telegrams; six letters; two invitation cards; greetings card; leaflet; message; War Office note; Christmas card; soldiers service and pay book; two press cuttings; unit historical record; four photographs. | Archives | 1998-02-127 |
Papers of Emily May Robinson, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1939-1943 (c): notice to join ATS; list; instructions as to procedures of calling up ATS; certificate of relegation to the unemployment list; testimonial; release book; training papers; order; two telegrams; six letters; two invitation cards; greetings card; leaflet; message; War Office note; Christmas card; soldiers service and pay book; two press cuttings; unit historical record; four photographs. | Photographs | 1998-02-127 |
Papers of Company Commander Elizabeth Frazer Stewart, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1939 (c): telegram; notice to join ATS. | Archives | 1998-02-138 |
Secret and confidential message, with envelope, from the Adjutant, 7th (Wiltshires) Motor Driver Company, Auxiliary Territorial Service, to all personnel on orders following mobilisation telegram, 24 Aug 1939; associated with B Stone. | Archives | 1998-02-140 |
Memoir of service of V Thursby, 51 Coy Auxiliary Territorial Service in the Middle East 1940-1941 (two copies); covering correspondence of Dame Helen Gwynne-Vaughan. | Archives | 1998-02-143 |
Papers of I B Waddell, 16th Glasgow Coy, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1939: diary; camp list for Women Territorials; two notebooks of ATS lectures; Mechanised Transport Corps Driver's manual, 1939. | Archives | 1998-02-147 |
Personal copy of M N Wallace's father's memoirs of service with the Royal Army Pay Corps, in which there are a number of references to the work of the Auxiliary Territorial Service. | Archives | 1998-02-149 |
Papers of L E Whateley, Chief Controller, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1945-1988: letter; press cutting; two programmes; copy of speech. | Archives | 1998-02-151 |
Photocopy of extracts from Public Record office WO 32/4007 relating to the King's and War Office Premiums granted in connection with the War Office Light Horse Breeding Scheme, 1931. | Archives | 1998-02-174 |
Collection of sealed pattern valise numerals and letters of Cavalry Regiments, 1858; contained in a leather-bound folder. | Badges | 1998-02-162 |
Athletics prize medal for cross country, 1911, G Company, 5th Bedfordshire Regiment. | Medals | 1998-02-163 |
Medal group awarded to Margaret Selina Caswell, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps/ Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, and issued to her next of kin: Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Commemorative Medallion 1914-1918; issued to next of kin. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Medals | 1998-02-164 |
Badges associated with Nellie Irene Ellingham (Mrs Giles), Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, 1914-1919: two cap badges; pair of lapel badges. | Badges | 1998-02-165 |
Pair of formation badges and pair of shoulder titles worn by Sergeant S Scott, No 3 Commando, 1940-1946. | Badges | 1998-02-166 |