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Displaying 6501 to 6600 of 48619 results

Description Object Type NAM Accession Number
Collection of unbound pages from a photograph album, bearing photographs relating to Kent Cyclists Battalion in India, World War One, 1919. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-329
Short service commission to Arthur Broadley to be Captain, Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment), 1 Nov 1948. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-490
Short service commission to Maitland Buckeridge to be Captain, Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment), 30 Dec 1946. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-491
Short service commission to John Nesham Bax to be Captain, Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment), 11 Oct 1946. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-492
Bristle clothes brush with wooden handle, belonging to 3007 Sgt P C Ralph, 1900; made by S Chadwick. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Equipment, general 2000-12-390
Memoirs of Pte Sam Rhodda, 1930-1940 (c); Rhodda served with the King's Own Royal Regiment, the Tank Corps, mainly in Egypt, 1930-1937, and as a recalled reservist with the 3rd Divisional Signals, Royal Signals, during the retreat from Dunkirk, 1940. Archives 2000-12-500
Photograph album containing photographs relating to the 4th Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), 1911-1918; locations shown include United Kingdom, Suez and Mhow (?). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Photographs 2000-12-331
Personal photograph album associated with L/Cpl Williams, 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), in Burma, 1930 (c). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Photographs 2000-12-334
Personal photograph album relating to Sgt Tim Ward; containing material including greetings cards concerning 1st Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) in Palestine 1938-1939. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Photographs 2000-12-335
Scrapbook containing memorabilia of the Buffs (East Kent Regiment) compiled by W Royden, 1910 (c). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-336
Photograph album from the family of William Phillips, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), 1890-1900. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Photographs 2000-12-337
Personal photograph album of Lt Col A F French-Blake; containing material relating to Gallipoli, 1915. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Photographs 2000-12-338
Personal photograph album associated with Lt Col R H Dendy, 1939 (c); containing material concerning the 1st Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) in Palestine in 1939; locations include Ybua Station. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Photographs 2000-12-339
Photograph album containing photographs of the Presentation of Colours to 1st Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) at St Lawrence Cricket Ground, Canterbury, 9 May 1955. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Photographs 2000-12-340
Typescript roll of all ranks in the 2nd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) who served in the Boer War, 1899-1902. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-507
Manuscript list of non-commissioned officers and other ranks serving with the Buffs (East Kent Regiment), extracted from the absent Voters List, Isle of Thanet Division, World War One, 1914-1918. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-508
Collection of 333 photographs associated with the Buffs (East Kent Regiment), 5th (Weald of Kent) Bn (TA), 1950-1965 (c). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Photographs 2000-12-341
Manuscript nominal rolls of officers and background notes relating to the Volunteer Forces of Kent, probably compiled by John A Druce, 1930 (c); includes typescript lists of cross-belt plates and medals, probably formerly on display in the Buffs Regimental Museum. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-509
Photograph album from a collection of four photograph albums and one correspondence file containing material concerning reunions of the 2nd Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Photographs 2000-12-342-1
Photograph album associated with Sgt Robert Irons Allen, 5th Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), 1906-1917. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Photographs 2000-12-343
Oxo tin with a bullet hole, containing a spent bullet and a cardboard Oxo cube box; the tin is painted red, the tin saved Pte Palmer's life by stopping bullet whilst in his tunic, 1914 (c)-1918 (c). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Equipment, general 2000-12-401
Electroplated spoon, used by 3007 Sgt P C Ralph, 1st Bn Buffs (East Kent Regiment), 1914 (c); made by W Tay; marked 'E K'. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Equipment, general 2000-12-403
Copy of a typescript medal roll of men of 2nd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) awarded the South Africa Medal, 1877-1879, with the clasp 1879; copy of an annotated typescript medal roll of men of 2nd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) awarded the South Africa Medal, 1877-1879, with the clasp 1879, to indicate the medals held at the Buffs Regimental Museum in December 1981. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-513
Electroplated spoon, used by 3007 Sgt P C Ralph, 1st Bn Buffs (East Kent Regiment), 1914 (c); marked 'E K'. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Equipment, general 2000-12-404
Identity disc for Capt C T Kenward, 1st Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment), who died on 12 Nov 1938 in Palestine. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Equipment, general 2000-12-405
Typescript and photocopies of manuscript medal rolls relating to men of the 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) awarded the India General Service Medal, 1854-1895, with clasps for Perak 1875-1876, North East Frontier 1891, Waziristan 1894-1895; annotated to indicate medals held at The Buffs Regimental Museum in 1981. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-514
Typescript medal rolls relating to officers and men of the 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) awarded the India Medal, 1895-1902, with clasps for Relief of Chitral 1895, Punjab Frontier 1897-1898 and Tirah 1897-1898; some copies are annotated to indicate medals held at the Buffs Regimental Museum in 1981. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-515
Printed Distribution State of The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) to 9 Nov 1906; comprising of: a nominal roll of officers; battalion strength and location for 1st and 2nd Bns; Depot; 3rd (Militia) Bn; 1st Volunteer Bn; Cadet Corps attached to 1st Volunteer Bn; 2nd Volunteer Bn; Cadet Corps attached to 2nd Volunteer Bn and 1st Cadet Bn. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-528
Identity disc of Col E Airy (1923-1952), 1st Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Equipment, general 2000-12-406
Typescript and photocopies of manuscript medal rolls relating to officers and men of 2nd and 3rd Bns Buffs (East Kent Regiment) awarded the Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, and the King's South Africa Medal 1901-02; some copies are annotated to indicate medals held by the Buffs Regimental Museum in December 1981. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-516
Typescript nominal rolls of decorations and awards to officers and men of The Buffs Regiment, Boer War (1899-1902), 1900-1902. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-517
Photocopies of extracts from typescript medal rolls relating to the award to men of the Buffs (East Kent Regiment), including those serving with the Machine Gun Corps, of the Allied Victory Medal, 1914-19, and the British War Medal, 1914-20. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-518
Manuscript and typescript of medal rolls relating to officers and men of the Buffs (East Kent Regiment) awarded The Territorial Force War Medal, 1914-1919. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-519
Manuscript medal roll relating to the award to men and officers of the Buffs (East Kent Regiment) of the General Service Medal, 1916-1918, with clasps South Persia, 1918-1919, Kurdistan 1919 and 1923, Iraq 1919-1920, North West Persia 1920. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-520
'The Daily Sketch', 2 Sept 1939. Copy of a newspaper containing a report of the sending of ultimatums to Germany by Britain and France. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-530
Photocopies of manuscript and typescript medal rolls relating to men of the Buffs (East Kent Regiment) awarded The Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, 1860-1919. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-521
Computer print out of The Roll of Honour, Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment), 1939-1945; with a photocopy of the Buffs section from the official Roll of Honour at the Public Record Office, including a key to the code numbers. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-522
Typescript Roll of Honour of men of the 2nd Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) buried at El Alamein Military Cemetery, 1942 and Baghdad War Cemetery, Iraq, 1944. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-523
Typescript Roll of Honour of men of the 2nd Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) buried at Taukkyan War Cemetery, Rangoon, Burma, 1945. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-524
'The Daily Telegraph', 4 Sept 1939. Copy of newspaper containing report of the declaration of war against Germany. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-531
Copy of 'The Times' newspaper, 8 May 1945. Announcing the end of the war in Europe. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-532
Commemorative scroll dedicated to G/13289 Pte Osbourne Ethelbert Winch, 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), who died of wounds 30 Apr 1917; accompanying letter of condolence bearing the facsimile signature of King George V, and a printed letter sent from the Record Office, Hounslow, with the British War Medal and the Victory Medal, includes the original postal tube, 1 Sept 1921. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-542
Copy of the 'The Times' newspaper, 9 May 1945. Relating to the end of the war in Europe. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-533
Commemorative scroll dedicated to L/8241 Pte Henry Green, 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), killed in action 13 Apr 1917; accompanying letter of condolence bearing the facsimile signature of King George V, with original postal tube. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-543
Wall clock mounted in a wooden case, 1935 (c); made in England; presented to the Sergeants of the 1st Bn The Buffs Regiment, by Lt Col Jackson. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Scientific Instruments 2000-12-410
Commemorative scroll dedicated to 2/Lt Harold Milford Norsworthy, 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), killed in action 18 Mar 1917; accompanying printed letter of condolence bearing the facsimile signature of King George V, with original postal tube. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-544
Souvenir edition of South East Asia Command newspaper, 'SEAC Souvenir Part 2'. Relating to the Burma campaign, 1945. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-534
Commemorative scroll dedicated to Pte John Edwards, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), 1914-1918 (c); accompanying printed letter of condolence bearing the facsimile signature of King George V, with original postal tube. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-545
Three copies of the South East Asia Command's Picture Weekly, 'Phoenix', Vol 1, No 2, 3 Mar 1945; Vol 3, No 7, 6 Oct 1945; lacking cover undated. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-535
Commemorative scroll dedicated to G/198 Pte George Frederick Wells, 6th Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), who died 13 Oct 1915; illustrated with photographs of the Loos memorial and cemetery. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-546
Two copies of 'Eighth Army News': 6 Sept 1944, announcing the Allied invasion of Holland and Luxembourg; 8 May 1945 announcing the end of the War in Europe. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-536
Six French cartridges used in World War One 1914-1918; three 8 mm Berthier rifle bullets, one Berthier cartridge, 1908, one Gras cartridge, 1870 (c) and one Berthier ammunition clip, model 1892; manufactured by the French Government Arsenal, Atelier de Chargement de Vincennes; associated with Taylor, 7th Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment); all mounted on card. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Ammunition 2000-12-413
Four supporting straps, pattern 1937; manufactured by Mills Equipment Company, Edmonton, London, 1944; used by Lt L C Sharpe, Middlesex Regiment, in the Korean War (1950-1953), 1950-1951. Equipment, general 2000-12-554
'Emergency Bulletin; Home Edition', No 2. 5 May 1926. Newsheet giving the latest news about the General Strike. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-537
Two shoulder straps, pattern 1937; used by Lt L C Sharpe, Middlesex Regiment, in the Korean War (1950-1953), 1950-1951. Equipment, general 2000-12-555
Two stainless steel knives with plated handles and the Buffs dragon badge stamped into the handles; made by Walker and Hall, Sheffield. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Equipment, general 2000-12-414
Two cross straps, pattern 1937; used by Lt L C Sharpe, Middlesex Regiment, in the Korean War (1950-1953), 1950-1951. Equipment, general 2000-12-556
Shoulder straps, pattern 1937; manufactured by Mills Equipment Company, Edmonton, London; used during World War Two, 1940. Equipment, general 2000-12-557
Waistbelt, pattern 1937; used by Lt L C Sharpe, 1st Bn Middlesex Regiment, in the Korean War (1950-1953), 1950-1951 Equipment, general 2000-12-558
Metal dessert spoon, military issue, 1938; made by W M Page and Company; used by the British Army during the retreat and evacuation from Dunkirk, France, 1940. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Equipment, general 2000-12-417
Newsheet with photographs associated with the involvement of 2nd Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) with the Tehran Conference, December 1943. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-540
Haversack, pattern 1937; manufactured by R P Limited, Britain, 1944; used by Lt L C Sharpe, 1st Bn Middlesex Regiment, in the Korean War (1950-1953), 1950-1951. Equipment, general 2000-12-562
Metal dessert spoon, military issue, 1939; made by Mappin and Webb; used by the British Army during the retreat and evacuation from Dunkirk, France, 1940. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Equipment, general 2000-12-418
Canvas kitbag, 1950-1951 (c); used by Lt L C Sharpe, 1st Bn Middlesex Regiment, in the Korean War (1950-1953), 1950-1951. Equipment, general 2000-12-563
Printed programme for Trooping the Colours, 1st Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) Stanley Fort, Hong Kong, 11 Feb 1949. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Archives 2000-12-541
Brass identification plate for S Heathfield, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), 1925 (c). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Equipment, general 2000-12-419
Army wristwatch with leather strap, 1942 (c); manufactured in Switzerland; used by Senior Sister L J Hornsby, Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps, who served in India and Egypt during World War Two, 1942-1949. Scientific Instruments 2000-12-564
Army wristwatch with leather strap, 1942 (c); manufactured in Switzerland; used by Senior Sister L J Hornsby, Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps, who served in India and Egypt during World War Two, 1942-1949. Equipment, general 2000-12-564
Notebook relating to map reading, 1916 (c); kept by Norman Glover, (later Lt), 28th (County of London) Bn, The London Regiment (Artists Rifles). Archives 2000-12-576
Rifle sling, webbing, 1972; manufactured by Mills Equipment Company, Edmonton, London, 1972; printed with the NATO code number. Equipment, general 2000-12-565
Webbing rifle bag, pattern 1937, 1958; associated with Finsbury Rifles, probably used for Rifle Club. Equipment, general 2000-12-566
Brass identification plate for F Book. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. Equipment, general 2000-12-420
Twenty photographs collected by Arthur W Notley, 1/7th Bn Middlesex Regiment, United Kingdom, 1939 (c), France, 1940, and with 9th Bn Parachute Regiment, United Kingdom, 1944. Photographs 2000-12-583
Identity card of Capt Patric John Emerson, British Commonwealth Forces Korea, issued 23 July 1954; with attached full face and profile photographs. Archives 2000-12-580
A Soldier's Story. Photocopy of a memoir by Cpl Harry Pritchard, 1938-1945. Archives 2000-12-581
Papers associated with Lt Gordon Russell Gardner, Royal Signals, 150 Officer Cadet Training Unit, in Catterick, 1943; 140th Infantry Brigade, 47th (London) Infantry Division, in the Isle of Wight, 1943, 81st West African Infantry Division and 3rd and 5th Infantry Brigades, Burma. Archives 2000-12-579
Papers associated with Lt Gordon Russell Gardner, Royal Signals, 150 Officer Cadet Training Unit, in Catterick, 1943; 140th Infantry Brigade, 47th (London) Infantry Division, in the Isle of Wight, 1943, 81st West African Infantry Division and 3rd and 5th Infantry Brigades, Burma. Maps 2000-12-579
Steel helmet, pattern 1938 Mk II, 1940; manufactured by Fisher and Ludlow, Coventry, England; with bespoke lining made by Thomas and Stone, Hat and Cap Makers, London; used by Lt Col Harry Whitehill DSO, City of London Yeomanry (Roughriders) and the Home Guard, Westminster, 1940-1945. Armour 2000-12-572
Steel helmet, pattern 1938 Mk II, 1940; manufactured by JSS, England; with bespoke lining made by Thomas and Stone, Hat and Cap Makers, London; used by Lt Col Harry Whitehill DSO, City of London Yeomanry (Roughriders) and the Home Guard, Westminster, 1940-1945. Armour 2000-12-573
Shield-shaped plaque, 'HQ. SOUTHERN SUB DISTRICT', 1955 (c). Hand-painted wood; decorated with the badge of Nigerian Military Forces Southern Sub-District and a gold palm tree on black ground; one of a collection of eight plaques that belonged to Brig M R Lonsdale, Commander of the Southern Sub-Distrist, Nigerian Military Forces. Crafts 2000-12-594
THE KING'S OWN ROYAL REGIMENT, 1940-1950 (c). Shield-shaped plaque, 1940-1950 (c); hand-painted wood; Retailer (?) Montague Jeffrey, St Giles Street, Northampton, Gentlemen's Outfitter, Est. 1901; decorated with the badge of King's Own Royal Regiment, a gold lion and red rose on orange and blue ground; one of a collection of eight plaques that belonged to Brig M R Lonsdale, Commander of the Southern Sub-Distrist, Nigerian Military Forces. Crafts 2000-12-595
Two photographs collected by W Froom, Berkshire Yeomanry, 1905-1909. Photographs 2000-12-584
THE NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE REGIMENT, 1940-1950 (c). Shield-shaped plaque, 1940-1950 (c); hand-painted wood; decorated with the badge of the North Staffordshire Regiment, a gold knot and Prince of Wales's feathers on a silver, burgundy and black-striped ground; one of a collection of eight plaques that belonged to Brig M R Lonsdale, Commander of the Southern Sub-Distrist, Nigerian Military Forces. Crafts 2000-12-596
THE ROYAL SUSSEX REGIMENT, 1940-1950 (c). Shield-shaped plaque, 1940-1950 (c); hand-painted wood; decorated with the badge of the Royal Sussex Regiment, the order of the garter on an orange and blue striped ground; one of a collection of eight plaques that belonged to Brig M R Lonsdale, Commander of the Southern Sub-Distrist, Nigerian Military Forces. Crafts 2000-12-597
THE DORSET REGIMENT, 1940-1950 (c). Shield-shaped plaque, 1940-1950 (c); hand-painted wood; decorated with the badge of the Dorset Regiment, a castle and key within a wreath surmounted by the Sphinx on a green, gold, and burgundy ground; one of a collection of eight plaques that belonged to Brig M R Lonsdale, Commander of the Southern Sub-Distrist, Nigerian Military Forces. Crafts 2000-12-598
S. S. D. NIGERIA, 1955 (c). Shield-shaped plaque, 1955 (c); hand-painted wood; decorated with a badge of the Southern Sub-District, Nigerian Military Forces, palm tree on black ground; one of a collection of eight plaques that belonged to Brig M R Lonsdale, Commander of the Southern Sub-Distrist, Nigerian Military Forces. Crafts 2000-12-599
N.W. EUROPE 1944 1945, 1945 (c). Shield-shaped plaque, 1945 (c); hand-painted wood; painted with badges of The Dorset Regiment and The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, both surmounted by a dragon or wyvern; associated with Pte H Nye; one of a collection of eight plaques that belonged to Brig M R Lonsdale, Commander of the Southern Sub-Distrist, Nigerian Military Forces. Crafts 2000-12-600
Shield-shaped plaque, 1940-1950 (c); enamelled metal on wood; decorated with gold lions on red ground, quartered by white cross, unidentified; one of a collection of eight plaques that belonged to Brig M R Lonsdale, Commander of the Southern Sub-Distrist, Nigerian Military Forces. Crafts 2000-12-601
Two pairs, and one single, shoulder straps, 1949-1979 (c); light khaki rectangular cotton; decorated with a lion rampant within a wreath, embroidered in black or pale green thread; associated with the British South Africa Police. Uniforms 2000-12-602
Two photographs relating to FM Lord Roberts, 1902-1910 (c). Photographs 2000-12-585
Cap badge, Royal Army Medical Corps, 1941-1945 (c); oval white and gilt metal. Badges 2000-12-604
Printed theatrical programme for the play 'Nine Till Six', presented by Entertainments National Service Association (ENSA) at the Garrison Theatre, 1940s. Archives 2000-12-582
Four formation badges, 1944 (c); circular in shape and made of cotton and silk; decorated with the word 'BERLIN' in red silk thread, over a red silk woven circle and against a black background; associated with Maj Dunn, Durham Light Infantry. Badges 2000-12-615
Pair of slip-on shoulder tabs, Maj Dunn, Durham Light Infantry, 1944 (c). Badges 2000-12-616
Photograph album of 73, compiled by Chief Commander Blanche Barton, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1938-1945. Photographs 1995-02-67
Pair of shoulder tabs, Maj Dunn, Durham Light Infantry, 1945 (c). Badges 2000-12-617
Pair of shoulder titles, Maj Dunn, Durham Light Infantry, 1944 (c). Badges 2000-12-618
Four formation badges of the 24th Infantry Brigade, Maj Dunn, Durham Light Infantry, 1955-1958 (c). Badges 2000-12-619
Nine copies of official photographs relating to 22nd Armoured Brigade during World War Two, 1940-1945 (c). Photographs 2000-12-587
Five formation badges of the 2nd Infantry Brigade; associated with Maj Dunn, Durham Light Infantry, 1959-1960 (c). Badges 2000-12-620