Inventory Search
Displaying 601 to 700 of 48619 results
Description | Object Type | NAM Accession Number |
Seventeen cans of 8 and 16 mm film showing everyday life in the 16th Light Cavalry 1935-1945 (c). | Film and Videos | 1989-08-94 |
Four VHS video cassettes of films collected by J Wallace of Wigan, mostly taken from televised showings of films and documentaries, relating to Burma campaign: Burma Star Association 38th Annual Remembrance Parade, 1984, Mountbatten of Burma, Japan 1941-1945, Karens of Burma, Burma Campaign 1942-1945, Mountbatten (The Imperial Enemy), Burma Campaign, Burma Victory, Gurkha 85, For Valour (Burma), For Valour (Central) and For Valour (Arakan). | Film and Videos | 1989-11-7 |
The Royal Tournament 1985. Video cassette produced by the BBC; held at Earl's Court. | Film and Videos | 1989-11-10 |
Video cassette: short film on the history and traditions of The Green Howards, featuring the Regimental Museum in Richmond, commentary on artefacts provided by David Smurthwaite, Nigel Arch, and the curator Brigadier Tom Collins CBE. | Film and Videos | 1989-11-12 |
The American Revolution Comes to England. Video record of re-enactment at Audley End, Summer 1987, featuring American re-enactment group and the Napoleonic Association. Produced by English Heritage and Prospect and Company Limited. | Film and Videos | 1989-11-14 |
When You Wake Up. One reel of 16 mm cine film; recruiting film, Women's Royal Army Corps. Video copies available (VHS and U-Matic). | Film and Videos | 1994-01-132 |
Cine film; master material from MOD Film Unit productions SP29, 31, 40, 47, 50, 68; most of the film is 16 mm, with the exception of one 35 mm title sequence. Signal View, Queen's Review of the British Army, DGO Study Period 1978, HRH Princess Anne in BAOR, RAOC Looks to the Eighties (Fair Value), RCT in Ireland, Divisional War Games, Queen's Visit to Northern Ireland, Flexible logistics. | Film and Videos | 1990-02-25 |
16 mm and 8 mm cine film collected by Major-General Sir Stuart Greeves, Royal Indian Army Service Corps, relating to his life in India and to his service career; 38 cans, details given on cans 1-7; a video viewing copy is available for part of this collection. | Film and Videos | 1990-04-236 |
One of six cans of 16 mm cine film containing transferred 35 mm material relating to personalities and events 1897-1914 including Boer War, Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee and Imperial Propaganda 1902-1914; much of the material is copyright IWM or NFA; a short list is available and should be consulted before any request is made to view the film; with DVD copies; video copies available (U-Matic). | Film and Videos | 1990-10-25-1 |
Silver tankard with hinged lid, inscribed in cartouche; presented to Capt J F Sherer by the Calcutta Hockey Club, Feb 1864; marked with initials, possibly to Thomas Rush; London hallmarks 1732-1733; decorated with cast and chased flowers, acanthus leaves and c-scrolls; stepped foot; '?' -shaped handle with hinge and flange; gilt interior. | Silver | 1998-03-6 |
Silver mounted desk set of two polo pony's hooves, one with two-handled cup with removable silver insert on top, the other with a screw-lid inkwell with hinged cover, both engraved with insignia of Capt J F Sherer, 49th Bengal Native Infantry, 1865 (c); no hallmarks, stamped by Allan and Hayes, Calcutta, crescent tally mark, 1865 (c). | Silver | 1998-03-7 |
Silver salver, presented to Capt J F Sherer, 49th Bengal Native Infantry, 1864 (c); stamped by Hamilton and Company, Calcutta, with elephant stamp and horse-shoe tally mark, 1864 (c). | Silver | 1998-03-8 |
Exhibition medal, Calcutta Agricultural Exhibition, 1864, awarded to Capt Joseph Ford Sherer (later Maj Gen), 49th Bengal Native Infantry. | Medals | 1998-03-9 |
'78TH DIV. FIRST ARMY/ NORTH AFRICA/ First Major Engagement/ Djebel Abiod/ Nov 17th 1942'. Brass ashtray fashioned from base of 25 pdr shell, inscription relating to 78th Div, 1st Army, and their first major engagement in North Africa at Djebel Abiod, 17 Nov 1942; inset with gold-metal coin with raised Roman lettering and Arabic inscriptions. | Crafts | 1998-03-10 |
Aluminium statue of horned ram, separate ebonized base bearing silver-metal labels with inscription and dates relating to Tpr G T Smith, Assam Valley Light Horse (?) 1882 and 1947; ram and base probably not connected. | Crafts | 1998-03-12 |
Two reels of Cine film 16 mm striped B/W print: Indian Cavalry; footage shows Great Delhi Durbar 1911; Review at Rawalpindi 1923; Review of Viceroy's Bodyguard and other cavalry regiments 1936-1943 (c); Review by Lord Linlithgow 1936-1943 (c); Indian Cavalry in Palestine 1915 (c); Indian Cavalry in France 1915 (c). Copy on 8 mm (?). Video copies available. | Film and Videos | 1990-10-26 |
Why Not You ? 16 mm Kodachrome cine film, associated with Women's Royal Army Corps. Video copies available (VHS and U-Matic). | Film and Videos | 1994-01-144 |
Five letters written by Pte M Duggan, E Coy, 2nd Bn, Royal Fusiliers, Aldershot, 29 May 1899 and South Africa, 8 April - 26 May 1900; four unrelated envelopes. | Archives | 1998-03-13 |
Princess Royal at Manorbier. 16 mm cine film of Mary, The Princess Royal at Manorbier, Wales, Women's Royal Army Corps. Video copies available (VHS and U-Matic). | Film and Videos | 1994-01-145 |
Two copies of 16 mm cine film TV interview with Brig E J Nolan, DWRAC, when on a visit to the USA Oct 1974. Video copies available. | Film and Videos | 1994-01-147 |
Three copies of 35 mm Women's Royal Army Corps TA filmlet on Sgt Flora Mackenzie. Video copies available. | Film and Videos | 1994-01-146 |
16 mm cine film shot at the Conference of NATO Senior Women's Services Officers in London, Nov 1975. Video copies available. (VHS and U-Matic). [RESTRICTED] | Film and Videos | 1994-01-148 |
Hers to Command. 16 mm cine film relating to Women's Royal Army Corps; Video copies available (VHS and U-Matic). | Film and Videos | 1994-01-149 |
Marjorie Proops takes a Cool, Steady Look at the WRAC; 16 mm film, Central Office of Information recruiting film, a Rayant Picture, produced and directed by John Durst, 1966. The film covers trades open to women including driving, mess staff, artillery technical jobs, horse riding and groom, kennel maid, postal sorter, military police, clerk and teleprinter operator, leisure activities, 'The Travellers', a band formed of WRAC personnel. Includes views of Queen Elizabeth Park Guildford, Middle Wallop, RA Mess Woolwich and Melton Mowbray and interviews with serving members of the Corps. Running time 18mins. Video copies available. | Film and Videos | 1994-01-150 |
Cine film, 16 mm B/W, 2 mins: untitled early 1960s Anglia TV news report on a Women's Royal Army Corps TA Camp, probably in Essex, features Lt Col Sir John Ruggles-Brise (Lord Lieutenant 1958-1978). Silent video copies available. | Film and Videos | 1994-01-151 |
16 mm B/W film: US Army Reserve TV spot 'This Weekend' (WAC); an advertisement encouraging women to join the US Army Reserve, early 1970s (?). Running time 1 min. Video copies available. | Film and Videos | 1994-01-152 |
Collection of 20 video cassettes: Passing Out Parades at the Women's Royal Army Corps Centre (Army Women's Training Centre) Sep 1990 to final parade 14 Jan 1993 (No 20). | Film and Videos | 1994-01-153 |
TV AM interview with Natasha Collins (half-sister of Joan and Jackie) discussing her desire for a commission in the Army and the situation with her family 1990 (c). Running time 5 mins 20 secs. | Film and Videos | 1994-01-156 |
Festival of Remembrance, Royal Albert Hall 1991. Video cassette recorded from BBC1 on VHS video tape, introduced by Raymond Baxter, produced by Bob Reader. Running time: 1 hr 30 mins. | Film and Videos | 1994-01-157 |
Six bottles of Young's Special Ale celebrating the Presentation of Colours to the London Regiment, 1997; in a cardboard carrying box. | Equipment, general | 1998-03-16 |
Shield shaped plaque, 1947 (c); wood with plastic, no makers details; emblem of a red eagle inscribed on scroll below 'Fourth Indian Division 1941-45; metal label with inscription 'Field Marshal Earl Wavell Wrote...' . | Crafts | 1998-03-14 |
Eight photographs of North West Frontier, India, collected by Pte Alfred Humphreys, Rifle Brigade, 1930s. | Photographs | 1998-03-18 |
Gold and brass sweetheart brooch with blue and red enamelling, 1925 (c); given to Mrs F C Jewell by her second husband, Capt John Witherow Jewell; inscription relating to Sam Browne's Cavalry, 12th Frontier Force, encircling mounted figure, all surmounted by crown; vertical pin and safety catch verso; some loss of red enamel in crown. | Crafts | 1998-03-19 |
Wolseley pattern pith helmet with badge, 1927-1939 (c), associated with British South Africa Police. | Uniforms | 1998-03-20 |
Embroidered chair back used in officers' mess of the 2nd King Edward VII's Own Goorkhas (The Sirmoor Rifles), 1973 (c)-1994. | Equipment, uniform | 1998-03-22 |
Regimental flag of the Bihar Regiment, 1950 (c)-1997; flown at Hurlingham at annual meeting of Indian Army Association. | Flags and Colours | 1998-03-23 |
Rex Whistler's self-portrait in Welsh Guards uniform, May 1940. Oil on canvas by Rex Whistler (1905-1944), 1940. Whistler is seated on the balcony at the von Hofmannsthal's flat in York Terrace, Regent's Park which the artist was using as a temporary studio in 1940. | Oil Paintings | 1994-01-113 |
Should Women Bear Arms. VHS video cassette recorded from Central Television, 10 Apr 1987, running time 25 mins. | Film and Videos | 1994-01-142 |
Flag of the Queen's Regiment, 1975 (c). | Flags and Colours | 1998-03-28 |
Silver standard finial in form of hand; replica of the Persian finial captured by the Poona Horse at Koosh-ab, Persian War, 1857; replica made from melted down mess silver in India, 1921; the original surmounted the standard of the 1st Khasghai Regiment of Fars; palm engraved with Arabic script. | Silver | 1998-03-29 |
Silver obelisk on plinth, presented to officers of the 2nd Bn 16th Punjab Regiment by their comrades, 1948; silver by Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company, London hallmarks, 1948-1949; obelisk bears regimental badge; stepped base, resting on square ebonized wood plinth bearing plaques; inscription and lists of subadar majors, regimental titles, battle honours and commandants; wooden carrying box, lined with green felt. | Silver | 1998-03-30 |
Wazirforce 1919-1920 Fifty Five Sketches by Captain C G Borrowman 4th Gurkha Rifles. Folder of uncoloured lithographs after Capt Charles Gordon Borrowman, 4th Gurkha Rifles, published 1920 (c).; 55 caricatures in cardboard and fabric folder, each inscribed with title and officer's name, signed in monogram and dated lower left. | Prints | 1998-03-31 |
Brass trench art canister made from the bases of two 13 pdr shell cases; one with brass and copper regimental badges attached, commemorating Ypres, 1914-1917; one base forms the lid with badges of York and Lancaster Regiment, Staffordshire Regiment, Northamptonshire Regiment and Australian Commonwealth Military Forces; probably made by a soldier, 1917 (c), contains fragments of glass from Ypres Cathedral, Associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). | Crafts | 1998-04-4 |
Two cap badges and a formation badge, Queen's Regiment Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, 1994 (c). | Badges | 1998-04-1 |
Button, Royal Army Pay Corps, 1994 (c). | Badges | 1998-04-2 |
Seven photographs collected by Capt F H Arrowsmith, Royal Army Medical Corps: camp guards burying the dead at Belsen concentration camp after its liberation in 1945; Arrowsmith was one of the first into the camp. | Photographs | 1998-04-7 |
Copy photograph of a group from 1st Volunteer Bn, Essex Regiment, 1902-1905; NCOs are wearing the Broderick cap introduced 1902 and discontinued 1905. | Photographs | 1998-04-8 |
Manuscript account of the 8th Cape Frontier War (1850-1853) based on the letters of Lieutenant (later Major General) Edward Horatio Henry Foster, 2/12th Regt; with typescript account of the removal of the colours of the Suffolk Regiment from St Mary le Tower, Ipswich. | Archives | 1998-04-11 |
Notebook with notes on engine operation and maintenance; kept by Tpr F W Edgington 4/7 Royal Dragoon Guards and dated 19 May 1941. | Archives | 1998-04-15 |
Medal group awarded to Lance Corporal Albert Edward Griffin, Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment), 1914-1916; served in France and Flanders, died of wounds 21 Oct 1916: British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Commemorative Medallion 1914-1918; issued to next of kin; associated with World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). | Medals | 1998-04-16 |
Dressing case, Artist's Rifles, 1936; blue leather, containing silver implements: two hairbrushes, two clothes brushes, mirror and comb, each with regimental badge; made by Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Company. | Equipment, general | 1998-04-17 |
Lieutenant General Sir Thomas Downman, KCH, Royal Horse Artillery, 1832 (c) . Oil on millboard, signed lower right 'A J Dubois Drahonet', by Alexandre-Jean Dubois-Drahonet (1791-1834), 1832 (c); full-length, in uniform. | Oil Paintings | 1969-02-6 |
A Queen is crowned. The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II 1953. Six VHS video cassettes (three recordings of two parts each). | Film and Videos | 1994-01-143 |
Cap badge, Royal Dragoon Guards, 1992. | Badges | 1998-04-47 |
Lapel badge, National Association of Discharged Sailors and Soldiers, 1914-1920; worn by Battery Sgt Maj A G Tickner. | Badges | 1998-04-48 |
Jigsaw, wood and paper, 1915 (c); reproduction of Charles Dixon's painting: The Landing of the Hampshires and Munsters from the 'River Clyde' at V Beach, Gallipoli, 25 Apr 1915; pieces in the shape of animals and birds, some lacking paper and one piece missing, replaced by shaped wooden piece. | Prints | 1998-04-51 |
Am I OK for the theatre, Boys?. Pen and ink drawing, signed lower left; by Harry Riley, 1945 (c).An original drawing for the Sunday Chronicle. Caricature of German troops, and a man from Entertainments National Service Association (ENSA) preparing for the imminent occupation of Germany, 1945 (c); associated with World War Two, North West Europe (1944-1945). | Drawings and Watercolours | 1998-04-40 |
COLOURS OF THE NEW TERRITORIAL HOME DEFENDERS, 1909. Chromolithograph after Alfred Lambert; published by 'Boy's Own Paper', Pasternoster Row, London, Oct 1909. | Prints | 1998-04-43 |
16 reels of 35 mm Women's Royal Army Corps training film, with some duplication. Video copies available. | Film and Videos | 1994-01-140 |
35 mm untitled cine film, Women's Royal Army Corps. Video copies available. | Film and Videos | 1994-01-141 |
One reel of 35 mm cine film, Women's Royal Army Corps Staff Band, pre 1970. Video copies available. | Film and Videos | 1994-01-138 |
Dear Miss Jennings; Women's Royal Army Corps. One reel of 16 mm cine film: with VHS copy. | Film and Videos | 1994-01-139 |
Why Not You ? One reel of 35 mm cine film; Women's Royal Army Corps. | Film and Videos | 1994-01-137 |
A New Life. One reel of 16 mm cine film; B/W TV recruiting trailer, Women's Royal Army Corps 1960s. Video copies available (VHS and U-Matic). | Film and Videos | 1994-01-136 |
Greensleeves. One reel of 16 mm cine film relating to Women's Royal Army Corps. Video copies available (VHS and U-Matic). | Film and Videos | 1994-01-134 |
The Gentle Sex. Two reels of 16 mm cine film relating to the Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1943 (c). Video copies available (VHS, 2 cassettes; U-Matic, 2 cassettes). | Film and Videos | 1994-01-135 |
Not Just Nine to Five. Two reels of 16 mm cine film relating to Women's Royal Army Corps. Video copies available (VHS and U-Matic). | Film and Videos | 1994-01-133 |
Film: A Cool Steady Look at the WRAC; two reels of 16 mm cine film, 1966; running time 18 mins; Central Office of Information film made by Rayant Pictures, Directed by John Durst, Director of Photography, Douglas Williams, Composer, Johnny Hawksworth, narrated by Marjorie Proops; video copies available (VHS and U-Matic). | Film and Videos | 1994-01-131 |
Women are Not Bad Drivers. One reel of 35 mm cine film relating to Women's Royal Army Corps. Video copies available (VHS and U-Matic). | Film and Videos | 1994-01-130 |
One reel of 16 mm cine film of the Commissioning Ceremony at the Women's Royal Army Corps College, Duchess of Kent with The Women's Royal Army Corps 1967. Video copies available. | Film and Videos | 1994-01-129 |
One reel of 16 mm cine film of the Abbey and Garden Party - 50th Anniversary of the formation of Women's Services. Video copies available. | Film and Videos | 1994-01-128 |
51st Highland Division. The Legendary 51st. Video cassette; includes footage relating to the division's service during the two World Wars, memorials, reunion pilgrimage and 51st Highland Volunteers of today. Copyright Services Sound and Vision Corporation (SSVC). | Film and Videos | 1994-01-17 |
Video cassette, Royal Army Pay Corps disbandment parade, Winchester, 3 Apr 1992. Video copies available (VHS and U-Matic) | Film and Videos | 1992-10-142 |
The Fight at Chagru Kotal, from the Camp at Shinowrie, North West Frontier, India, 1897. Watercolour en grisaille by Richard Caton Woodville, from a sketch by Sgn Maj H Hathaway, 1897; depicts troops of Lt Palmer's main column, including the 15th Sikhs, leaving the tented camp of Shinawari to engage the Orakzai Ali Khels drawn up on the Dargai Heights. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1998-05-29 |
An Incident During the Indian Frontier Rising, North West Frontier, India, 1897. Watercolour en grisaillle by Richard Caton Woodville, 1897; depicting soldiers and mules fording a river, with one pack mule breaking out of line. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1998-05-30 |
Photographic portrait of Sir Charles Warren, 1890 (c); by W and S Limited, 1890 (c). | Photographs | 1998-05-34 |
Decorations and medals awarded to Major Oliver 'Stewpot' Stewart, Royal Flying Corps, 1915-1918: Military Cross 1917; Air Force Cross 1918; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Aero Club of France Prize Medal 1925; Union Syndicate des Industries Aeronautiques 50th Anniversary Medal 1958; associated with World War One, Air Operations (1914-1918). | Medals | 1998-05-27 |
'Military Train', lithograph after J T Wood, 1840 (c); with a drawing, '4th Bn Mil Train', a soldier in undress uniform. Associated with the Royal Military Train. | Prints | 1998-05-38 |
'Military Train', lithograph after J T Wood, 1840 (c); with a drawing, '4th Bn Mil Train', a soldier in undress uniform. Associated with the Royal Military Train. | Drawings and Watercolours | 1998-05-38 |
Second Lieutenant Edward Younger, 16th Queen's Own Lancers, 1901 (c). Oil on canvas by Charles Martin Hardie RSA (1858-1916), 1902; signed and dated at lower left 'CMH/1902'. Full-length portrait in uniform, holding his helmet under his right arm. | Oil Paintings | 1998-05-50 |
Manuscript letter to Ensign Harvest, 97th Regiment, on regimental administration in Corfu, 1844. | Archives | 1998-05-51 |
Struggy and R.N.S. 14-4-17. Photolithograph of a pen and ink drawing, the original signed at lower left by E Grenwick (?), 1917 (c); British bi-planes of the Royal Flying Corps in an encounter with two German aircraft. | Prints | 1998-05-53 |
The Irish Wolfhound Regimental Mascot of the Irish Guards, with handler and Drum Major, 1990 (c). Colour photolithograph after C A Collins, published for the Irish Guards, 1990 (c); wolfhound standing in front of steps, Wellington Barracks (?). | Prints | 1998-05-54 |
Welcome to the Irish Republic, Sir! A British infantry patrol lost on the border with Northern Ireland, 1988. Oil on hardboard, signed lower left 'J A Wade', by Capt Jonathan Wade (b 1960), Royal Highland Fusiliers, 1988; three soldiers crouch down to consult a map while two pickets keep a look-out. | Oil Paintings | 1997-07-9 |
Metal identity disc made from a Turkish, 5-piastres coin, 1915. | Equipment, general | 1998-06-5 |
Drum Major's staff, 1960 (c); 254th City of London Field Regiment, Royal Artillery (TA); with blue cotton cover. | Musical Instruments | 1998-06-6 |
Queen Victoria gift chocolate box, 1900; containing chocolate, sent by Queen Victoria to the troops in South Africa during the Boer War, 1900. | Equipment, general | 1998-06-12 |
Commemorative cigar case, 1900 (c); brown rectangular cardboard (?) case with silver inscription; metal strip on the top and bottom ends and 'Oakes 'ORIENTALS.' written inside slip case; patent number 6153, produced for members of the City Imperial Volunteers by Oakes Bros and Company, London; case manufactured by Stevenson; presented to J W Daniel, City Imperial Volunteers by Oakes Bros and Company, on the regiment's return from South Africa, 27 Oct 1900. | Crafts | 1998-06-13 |
Pair of identity discs, 1916 (c); used by Herbert Maurice Chaundy, 4th Bn Middlesex Regiment during World War One. | Equipment, general | 1998-06-19 |
White metal cigarette case, 1918 (c); owned by Herbert Maurice Chaundy, 4th Bn Middlesex Regiment, World War One; manufactured by Aonian. | Equipment, general | 1998-06-20 |
Leather purse with multi-pocket interior, 1918 (c); owned by Herbert Maurice Chaundy, 4th Bn Middlesex Regiment during World War One. | Equipment, general | 1998-06-21 |
Compass, 1916; associated with Herbert Maurice Chaundy, 4th Bn Middlesex Regiment during World War One; manufactured by Dennison, Birmingham. | Scientific Instruments | 1998-06-22 |
Identity bracelet, 1917 (c); used by 2nd Lt John Silvester V Colbourne, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment. | Crafts | 1998-06-23 |
Brassard, worn by LT Col Thomas Chattey OBE at the Investiture of the Prince of Wales, 1969; blue/purple fabric mounted with a metal badge with the Prince of Wales plumes, fastened with velcro. | Equipment, general | 1998-06-25 |
Baton; used by LT Col Thomas Chattey OBE at the Investiture of the Prince of Wales, 1969. Green painted wooden baton, silver painted end sections; an illustration of a red dragon transfer printed on the silver. | Equipment, general | 1998-06-26 |
Princess Mary gift box of tobacco; associated with Pte R S Smith, 19th London Regiment 1914-1922. | Equipment, general | 1998-06-27 |
Suede pouch, 1940 (c); associated with Lt R J Blyth, Royal Dublin Fusiliers. | Equipment, general | 1998-06-28 |
Wooden baton; used by Lt Col Thomas Chattey OBE at the state funeral of Sir Winston Churchill, 1965; painted purple with gold painted ends. | Equipment, general | 1998-06-29 |
Embroidered cloth arm band; used by Lt Col Thomas Chattey OBE at the state funeral of Sir Winston Churchill, 1965. | Equipment, general | 1998-06-30 |
Black enamelled metal tin, 1940 (c); associated with Lt Col Thomas Chattey OBE, Middlesex Regiment; key attached to a label from G Weeks and Sons Limited, Bromley. | Equipment, general | 1998-06-31 |