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Displaying 6901 to 7000 of 110863 results

Description Object Type NAM Accession Number
18 pdr shell case, fired by the 4th Brigade Royal Artillery during the Irish Rebellion, 1916; stamped with date '1915'; with plaque or base. Ammunition 1961-12-73
18 pdr shell case, fired by the 4th Brigade Royal Artillery during the Irish Rebellion, 1916; stamped with date '1915'; with plaque or base. Equipment, general 1961-12-73
Shell driving band, believed to be German, from World War One. Ammunition 1961-12-59
Fuse from the Boer War, 1899-1902; mounted on a brass plate, inscribed with battle honours 'Pretoria 1900-1901. Ammunition 1961-12-39
Iron shot from the battlefield of Vimeiro, Portugal, 1808. Associated with the Battle of Vimeiro, Peninsular War (1808-1814), 1808. Ammunition 1961-11-103
Spherical iron ball fired by Hyder Ali's forces during the 2nd Mysore War, 1780-1784; mounted on a stand with a plate bearing an inscription; associated with the Battle of Perembacum, 2nd Mysore War (1780-1784) 1780. Ammunition 1961-10-6
Mauser rifle cartridges, said to be 'Dum-dum', from the Boer War, 1899-1902; some are nickel plated with longitudinal slits in a nickel case. Ammunition 1961-07-35
Sword bayonet, Mk I, pattern 1913, 1917; made by Remington Arms, USA; associated with Pte A Bickle, Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, and World War Two; with webbing bayonet frog. Edged Weapons 1999-06-79
Sword bayonet, Mk I, pattern 1913, 1917; made by Remington Arms, USA; associated with Pte A Bickle, Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, and World War Two; with webbing bayonet frog. Equipment, general 1999-06-79
Shell fuse, from World War One, Mesopotamia, 1914-1918; inscribed in Turkish. Ammunition 1960-12-114
Aerial dart stated to have been dropped from an aircraft at Gallipoli, Aug 1915, World War One. Ammunition 1960-12-86
Mauser rifle shell with wood stand and four cartridges, from the Battle of Paardeberg, 1900, Boer War; stand engraved with battle honours. Ammunition 1960-08-265
Hollow based lead Minié bullets, used by the 88th Regiment of Foot (Connaught Rangers) for range practice before entering the Crimean War, 1854-1856. Ammunition 1960-05-75
Three rounds of 7 mm rimless soft-nose sporting ammunition from the Boer War, 1899-1902; made by Eley. Ammunition 1959-12-151
Two cartridge cases from the Battle of Magersfontein, Boer War, 1899-1902. Ammunition 1959-12-151
Two rounds of 7 mm Mauser rifle ammunition, one live, one fired, from the Boer War, 1899-1902. Ammunition 1959-11-368
Two military percussion caps from the Indian Mutiny, 1857-1859. Ammunition 1959-10-98
Photocopies of unidentified publications relating to the infantry of East Africa command, 1944 (c). Archives 1996-11-71
Two iron shot from World War One, 1914-1918. Ammunition 1959-09-226
Shell fragment, picked up by Queen Mary in France, Jul 1917, between Albert and Pozieres. Ammunition 1959-07-154
Typescript regimental history: '81 (West African) Division and the 'Disaster' at Kyauktaw by J A L Hamilton, 1st battalion The Gambia Regiment. Archives 1996-11-72
Two two pounder shells with brass cases, used by Sgt A Goodman, Prince of Wale's Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians) during World War One, 1914-1918. Ammunition 1959-06-17
Unissued plastic membership card from the 'Challenge Team', 1996. Archives 1996-11-73
Minié bullet; found in the cemetery outside Sevastopol, Crimean War (1854-1856), 18 Jun 1855. Ammunition 1959-03-86
Typescript, Weekly Block Programme, 29 Jan to 25 Feb 1996; with 2 plans of the camp, Infantry Training Centre, Catterick. Archives 1996-11-74
Stone shot picked up from the field of Sedgemoor, Monmouth Rebellion, 1685. Ammunition 1958-01-8
Typescript regimental history: Burma 1944-45: Memories of the Second Kaladan Campaign, 5th (West African) Brigade, 81st (West African) Division; by Brig P J Jeffreys, DSO, OBE. Archives 1996-11-75
Photocopy of drill book: An Explanation of the Manual Exercise and of the Exercise of the Officers and the Manner of Saluting Composed for the use of the Militia of the County of Norfolk, 1758; this appears to be the same as Part 1, pp1-26 of the 1759 edition of 'A Plan of Discipline Composed for the use of the Militia of the County of Norfolk'. Archives 1996-11-76
Small lead shot, possibly canister for blunderbuss, used at the Battle of the Boyne, Irish Wars 1689-1691. Ammunition 1957-10-51
Leather ammunition pouch; brass charger. Equipment, general 1957-10-50
Leather ammunition pouch; brass charger with measure fitted inside and secured by a spring. Equipment, general 1957-10-50
Leather ammunition pouch and charger, issued 1876-1883; charger marked in two positions on opening, 1.25 and 1 ounce. Equipment, general 1956-08-44
Trading token, No 33, 1795; copper; inscribed on one side with a horseman leaning against his horse and on the reverse with the regimental coat of arms of the Suffolk Loyal Yeomanry Cavalry, and the name of the Suffolk towns Hoxne and Hartsmere; associated with Wars of the French Revolution, Home Defence (1793-1802). Equipment, general 1974-05-66
Four Turkish bullets and four Turkish shrapnel balls, from Bandits Hill, Gallipoli, World War One, 1914-1918. Ammunition 1956-02-963
Four Turkish bullets and four Turkish shrapnel balls, from Bandits Hill, Gallipoli, World War One, 1914-1918. Equipment, general 1956-02-963
Pair of binoculars, 1914-1918 (c); in brown leather case with a suspension strap. Scientific Instruments 1974-06-7
One German anti-aircraft shell fragment; two German shell fragments; one German 7.92 mm bullet said to have been fired from an aircraft; souvenirs of the Bois Grenier, Sept 1917, World War One. Ammunition 1956-02-961
Waterbottle, 1918, for mounted troops, in a leather carrier; pair of mule hobbles, leather with a metal connecting chain; Rifle holder for tent poles, in buff leather. Equipment, general 1974-06-8
Waterbottle, 1918, for mounted troops, in a leather carrier; pair of mule hobbles, leather with a metal connecting chain; Rifle holder for tent poles, in buff leather. Horse Furniture 1974-06-8
Shell fragment which fell near Colonel Jourdain at HQ Grenier, 1 October 1917. Ammunition 1956-02-960
Two live rounds of 7.92 mm ball ammunition from World War One; one made by Munitionswerke, Shoenbeck and Elbe, Sept 1916, the other made by Gustav Geuschow and Co, Durlack; three fragments of German fuse and shrapnel ball. Equipment, general 1956-02-959
Two live rounds of 7.92 mm ball ammunition from World War One; one made by Munitionswerke, Shoenbeck and Elbe, Sept 1916, the other made by Gustav Geuschow and Co, Durlack; three fragments of German fuse and shrapnel ball. Ammunition 1956-02-959
Piece of bullet and shrapnel found in a trench at Bois Grenier, 21 November 1917. Ammunition 1956-02-958
George Keppel, 3rd Earl of Albemarle (1724-1772), 1765 (c). Framed, oval, white glass cameo by James Tassie, 1765 (c); portrait in profile to the left, in relief, head and shoulders wearing armour and the Bath Star, his hair tied in a queue with a ribbon. Ceramics 1999-06-80
Shell fragment from a shell fired at the 6th Battalion Connaught Rangers at Vierstraat, Kemmel Hill, 1917. Ammunition 1956-02-941
Three live rounds and three fired cases of British .303 in Mk II cordite ammunition, souvenir from Fourteen Streams, Boer War, 1899-1902; made by Royal Laboratory. Ammunition 1956-02-957
Shell fragment from Pilckem Ridge, August 1917. Ammunition 1956-02-942
German shell fragment from the Yser Canal bank, 23 Jul 1917, World War One. Ammunition 1956-02-940
Six rounds of 7.92 mm Mauser ammunition (live caps) with charge clips, from Langemarck, Aug 1917. Ammunition 1956-02-939
Hallowe'en, 1914: Stand of the London Scottish on Messines Ridge, 31st Oct-1st No. 1914. Photograph of a painting by Richard Caton Woodville, produced by the London Scottish Regiment in aid of their benevolent fund, 1999. Prints 1999-06-81
15 rounds of live 7.92 mm Turkish Mauser ammunition in clips, in original carton, from Gallipoli, World War One, 1915. Ammunition 1956-02-938
Typescript regimental history: 1/16 Punjab Regiment Draft of Regimental History 1857 to 1947 (Part 2, 1921-1947). Archives 1996-11-77
Shell fragments from World War One, Gallipoli, 1915. Ammunition 1956-02-937
German High Velocity shell fragment from Clare Camp, Loure, Belgium, Jun 1917. Ammunition 1956-02-935
Printed leaflets relating to the Siege of Ladysmith, the battlefield route in Kwazulu-Natal and the museums of Kwazulu-Natal, 1996; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902). Archives 1996-11-78
Two German shell fragments found at Zeebrugge, 17 Jan 1919. Ammunition 1956-02-934
Coffin plate, 1843 (c); rectangular, made of lead and inscribed to Sir John Fraser, Colonel of the Royal York Rangers, 1760-1843. Crafts 1999-06-82
Shell fragment from Pilckem Ridge, 24 Aug 1917. Ammunition 1956-02-931
Two fragments of a German High Velocity shell, from Clare Camp, Loure, Belgium, June 1917, World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). Ammunition 1956-02-930
Shell fragment, thought to be the base of a 4.7 in naval gun shell, Battle of Diamond Hill, Pretoria, June 1900, Boer War (1899-1902). Ammunition 1956-02-920
Soup plate of the Ceylon Mounted Rifles, 1910 (c); earthenware, with the maker's name, 'J Abrahams Limited, Canterbury' and four random spots in blue on the back; white with a wavy leaf band and flower swag pattern on the rim and regimental crest in the middle, both in dark blue. Ceramics 1999-06-83
Photograph album containing 49 photographs (including eight loose) relating to the Auxiliary Territorial Service, Germany 1945-1946; photographs include portraits and groups, sailing, views, the 11th Hussars Gymkhana and a garden party. Photographs 1995-01-64
Photograph album containing 12 photographs relating to the SAAA Manorbier, 'C' Company Carmarthen Sub-Distinct Group of the Auxiliary Territorial Army and 7th AA (ATS) Kine-Theodolite Detachment, 12 Jun 1945. Photographs 1995-01-65
Soup plate of the Ceylon Mounted Rifles, 1910 (c); earthenware, with the maker's name, 'J Abrahams Limited, Canterbury' on the back; white with a wavy leaf band and flower swag pattern on the rim and regimental crest in the middle, both in dark blue. Ceramics 1999-06-84
Computer mouse mat, 1999; printed plastic foam, manufactured for the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, 1999; bearing a colour image of a Fusilier cockade and text in black on yellow, black strip along the bottom; textured upper surface. Crafts 1999-06-85
Computer mouse mat, 1999; printed plastic foam, manufactured by the British Army, 1999; bearing a photographic image of a soldier in jungle kit with an L95 A1 rifle with a SUSAT sight fitted; textured upper surface inscribed with the World Wide Web site addresses, 'ARMY'. Crafts 1999-06-86
Two identity discs and a crucifix attached with string, 1939-1945; belonged to WO2 William Tizzard, Royal Artillery and Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. Equipment, general 1999-06-87
Photocopies from published sources and manuscript notes relating to the history of the Royal Garhwal Rifles, 1887-1945; compiled by Capt E B Rochard. Archives 1996-11-80
Ten live rounds of 7 mm Mauser ammunition, 1898; made on contract for DM (?) by Hintenberger or Nederland Patronenfabrik Dordrecht; double leather pouch containing charger clips and remnant of belt or bandolier. Ammunition 1956-02-914
Ten live rounds of 7 mm Mauser ammunition, 1898; made on contract for DM (?) by Hintenberger or Nederland Patronenfabrik Dordrecht; double leather pouch containing charger clips and remnant of belt or bandolier. Equipment, general 1956-02-914
Papers relating to Pte F M Sauter, Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1943-1946. Archives 1996-11-81
Map painted on cloth apparently commissioned by Maj Kenneth Gilbert Livingstone with the intention of familiarising his Home Guard unit with the Chislehurst area, 1943 (c). Maps 1996-11-82
British driving band from shrapnel shell, Fourteen Streams, Boer War (1899-1902). Ammunition 1956-02-913
Part of a British shell fuse, Boer War (1899-1902). Marks indicate time fuse for shrapnel shell. Ammunition 1956-02-911
Washstand, 1940 (c); oak with two metal towel rails; the top is hinged and lifts to reveal an enamel bowl and soap dish; a mirror rests on the base of the lid and there are double doors on the front; owned by Lt Col G Allen. Furniture 1974-06-28
Fragment of Boer shell, Colenso 15 Dec 1899, fired at Irish Brigade, Boer War (1899-1902). Ammunition 1956-02-909
Waterbottle, for mounted troops, 1918; brown enamelled body, covered with wool felt and bound with leather; canvas carrying strap; metal mouthpiece with a wooden stopper; issued to Brig S St C Holbrook, serving on the North West Frontier, India. Equipment, general 1974-07-118
Shell fragment from the Battle of Spion Kop, Boer War, 1899-1902. Ammunition 1956-02-908
Fragment of segmented shell, from the Battle of Vaalkranz, Boer War (1899-1902), Feb 1900. Ammunition 1956-02-907
Fragments of British 6 in shell from Fourteen Streams, Boer War (1899-1902), May 1900. Ammunition 1956-02-905
Nosecap of British shell from Fourteen Streams, Boer War, Boer War (1899-1902), May 1900. Ammunition 1956-02-904
Fragment of British shell fired at the Boers by the British, Cape Colony, Boer War (1899-1902), 1900. Ammunition 1956-02-896
Fragment of first shell fired at the Irish Brigade at the Battle of Colenso, Boer War, 1899-1902. Ammunition 1956-02-893
Ten rounds of nickel jacketed .303 in ball cartridge ammunition, by Eley Brothers, found on a kopje north of Colenso, damaged carton found near Fort Wylie, 21 Feb 1900. Ammunition 1956-02-892
Identity disc, 1908-1915; owned by Capt Robert Grant, 5th Bn Seaforth Highlanders; made of white metal and oval in shape, with a steel chain; not regular issue, hand made or locally made. Equipment, general 1978-08-45
Six live rounds of Portuguese 8 mm Mk III Guedes ammunition, 1896; made by F and C, Portugal. Ammunition 1956-02-891
Ceremonial mace, 1918 (c); the wooden staff is covered in velvet with metal mountings, the head is alabaster; the mace has Indo-Persian characteristics; acquired by Maj Trevor Newall Watson, MVO MC, 12th Hodson's Horse. Polearms/Other Weapons 1974-08-27
Collection of nine items used by Major A D F White, North Staffordshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's), during his service in World War Two (1939-1945), Palestine and Malaya, 1945-1957 (c); folding bed; camp bucket; two wash basins; three woven wool rugs; bed roll camp chair. Furniture 1974-08-30
Collection of nine items used by Major A D F White, North Staffordshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's), during his service in World War Two (1939-1945), Palestine and Malaya, 1945-1957 (c); folding bed; camp bucket; two wash basins; three woven wool rugs; bed roll camp chair. Equipment, general 1974-08-30
Clip of .300 in poisoned Mauser ammunition, 1896; labelled as 'No 6 Boer Mauser ammunition (poisoned) at Warenton, Cape Colony, 5 May 1900'; made on contract to Deutsche Waffen Munitions-fabriken in Argentina; nickel plated bullets covered in green paint (?) and paraffin wax, with brass cases. Ammunition 1956-02-889
Group photograph of the Matabeleland Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, Nov 1969; the sitters are named. Photographs 1996-11-85
Four iron cannon balls from the Battle of Assaye, 1803; reputedly found on the battlefield of Assaye by Sir Richard Crofton (CIE), 150 years after the battle; associated with the 2nd Maratha War (1803-1805). Ammunition 1956-02-127
Small canon ball or grape shot, 1803 (c); reputedly found on the battlefield of Assaye by Sir Richard Crofton (CIE), 1953 (c), 150 years after the battle; associated with the 2nd Maratha War (1803-1805). Ammunition 1956-02-127
Typescript history of 3rd Auxiliary Group, Gold Coast Regiment, Royal West African Frontier Force (RWAFF), 81st (West African) Division, May 1941 to Dec 1945, by Maj E S Stafford, (revised 1996). Archives 1996-11-83
Glove, standard pattern, 1995; red plastic PVC glove, fabric lined, wrist length; made by John Ward and Sons Limited. Equipment, general 1999-06-89
Glove, standard pattern, 1996 (c); plastic PVC glove, fabric lined. Equipment, general 1999-06-90
Bullet; .68 in diameter, lead. Ammunition 1951-05-18
Apron, standard pattern, 1957 (c); resealed; leather with a bib. Equipment, general 1999-06-91
Flattened lead bullet, taken from the thigh of Maj General Arthur Eldeston at the Battle of Gujerat, 2nd Sikh War, 1848-1849. Ammunition 1951-02-5
Blacksmith's apron, standard pattern, 1996; made of leather. Equipment, general 1999-06-92