Inventory Search
Displaying 6901 to 7000 of 48619 results
Description | Object Type | NAM Accession Number |
Photograph of four mounted Yeomanry soldiers, Shorncliffe, 1900. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-264 |
Two photographs of a Royal Review of 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Aldershot, 1907. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-266 |
Collection of 36 photographs, including 24 mounted in an album, probably collected by Capt C Ashby, 1/7 Middlesex Regiment, 1917. | Photographs | 1993-01-163 |
Twenty nine 35 mm slides relating to Women's Royal Army Corps Junior Leaders, 1970-1989 (c). | Photographs | 1994-07-349 |
Photograph of a VC parade at Kamptee, India; presentation by General Westmacott of a Victoria Cross to Cpl James Smith, and a Distinguished Conduct Medal to Pte C Poile (Pile (?)), 1898 (c). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-267 |
Photograph of warrant officers and sergeants of 4th Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment), Malta, 1941; CSM Moat is pictured third from the right on the bottom row. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-269 |
Collection of 46 photographs mainly relating to 1/9 Middlesex Regt, India 1916; contains material concerning Sir Winston Churchill, Lord Kitchener, silver, barrack inspection, camp, fort, parade, veteran, drum, colours; associated with Solan, Khanspur,India, Arundel Park, Sussex, England; associated with World War One, India (1914-1918). | Photographs | 1993-01-165 |
Photograph of the winning team of 4th Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) inter-platoon football tournament, Bareilly, India, 1917; associated with World War One, India (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-270 |
Two hundred and thirty five 35 mm slides relating Women Royal Army Corps trades with descriptive notes, 1970-1989 (c). | Photographs | 1994-07-350 |
Photograph of 4th Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Bareilly, India, 1917; associated with World War One, India (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-271 |
Two group photographs associated with the sports team of D Coy, Middlesex Regiment, 1937 (c); also relating to depot staff, Middlesex Regiment, including V C Bint. | Photographs | 1993-01-166 |
Photograph of four officer prisoners of war, nd; associated with The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-273 |
Photograph relating to E Coy 1st Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) at Kamptee, 1900. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-274 |
9 photographs probably collected by Henry (?) Bennett, Middlesex Regiment, 1911-1914; contain material relating to Bordon Camp, Harry Bennett and his father and canvas fatigues, groups of men, unidentified social occasion and unidentified soldiers. | Photographs | 1993-01-168 |
Eleven photographs relating to Gen Ross and 53rd Regiment, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, at Hertogenbosch. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-275 |
Group photograph, probably officers 1/7 Bn Middlesex Regiment, including Maj G A H Bower, 1920 (c). | Photographs | 1993-01-169 |
157 photographs collected by 6196512 V Bradshaw, 2nd Bn Middlesex Regiment, India and Sudan, 1926-1930 (c); contain material relating to portraits, groups, route marches, armoured car. | Photographs | 1993-01-170 |
30 photographs of a squad, officers and non-commissioned officers of B Coy No 12 Infantry Training Centre at Canterbury, 1942. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-276 |
3 photographs, one original and two copies, collected by A E Brooks, 17th Bn Middlesex Regiment, 1916 (c). | Photographs | 1993-01-171 |
48 official war photographs of the Western Front, World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-277 |
Postcard photograph; the Drums, 10th Bn Middlesex Regiment, 1910 (c). | Photographs | 1993-01-172 |
Collection of 98 official war photographs: British Advance in the West; illustrating the British advance in the Western Front, World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-279 |
2 photographs relating to WO1 Harry Graves, 1st Bn Middlesex Regiment, 1912 (c). | Photographs | 1993-01-176 |
Photograph of officers and non-commissioned officers of 2nd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Portland, 1923-1924 (c). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-281 |
Photograph of group of officers and NCOs, probably 1st Bn Middlesex Regiment, collected by Sgt C S Clifton, 1900 (c). | Photographs | 1993-01-178 |
Photograph of a funeral party, 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Fermoy, 1913. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-282 |
Copy photograph of portrait of 39946 Pte W Batchelar, C Coy 25th Middlesex Regiment, Dec 1916; with photocopies of 22 postcard photographs relating to Allied forces in Vladivostock 1918, and Hong Kong, 1917 (c). | Photographs | 1993-01-179 |
Photograph of 4th Bn Territorial Army (?) at Dibgate Camp, 1935. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-283 |
13 photographs collected by Sgt George Tishy Cullen, 1st Bn Middlesex Regiment, 1922-1927 (c). | Photographs | 1993-01-180 |
Photograph of Machine Gun Coy 2nd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Aldershot, 1928. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-284 |
Photograph of C Coy 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), 1936. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-285 |
Six photographs collected by Sgt Davenport, 1st Bn Middlesex Regiment, 1924-1929 (c). | Photographs | 1993-01-181 |
Photograph of A Coy 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) Athletic Team, Bareilly, 1927 (c). Associated with Pte Lesley Elgar Dale. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-286 |
Photograph of Cross Country team, A Coy 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Bareilly, 1928. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-287 |
Eighty three 35 mm slides relating to trades in which Women's Royal Army Corps personnel were employed, 1970-1989 (c). | Photographs | 1994-07-351 |
Photograph of D Coy 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) in front of a pillared building in Multan, 1922. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-288 |
Photograph of corporal, 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Gibraltar, 1924. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-289 |
Photograph of D Coy 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Gibraltar, 1924. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-290 |
Photograph of D Coy 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Gibraltar, 1926. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-291 |
Collection of three original and two reproduction photographs relating to Capt T F Dixon, 39th Regiment, and Gen George Dixon, formerly 77th Regiment; and to the 57th and 77th Regiments in the Crimea, 1855. | Photographs | 1993-01-184 |
Twenty two 35 mm colour transparencies relating to Women's Royal Army Corps order of dresses during 1977 and historic costumes. | Photographs | 1994-07-352 |
Three copy photographs of 1st and 2nd Bns The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Dover Garrison Parade after the Boer War (1899-1902), 1903. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-293 |
Two copy photographs of 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Gibraltar, 1926. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-295 |
Twenty 35 mm colour transparencies relating to Beating Retreat by the Women's Royal Army Corps, 1975 (c) | Photographs | 1994-07-353 |
Two photographs of A Coy 2nd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Portland, 1926. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-296 |
Two photographs collected by George Duffield; one relating to the presentation of prizes to 2nd and 4th Bns Middlesex Regiment at Aldershot, 16 May 1911. | Photographs | 1993-01-185 |
Six 35 mm colour transparencies of the Women's Royal Army Corps commemorative window in Guildford Cathedral, Surrey, nd. | Photographs | 1994-07-355 |
14 photographs collected by Pte Frederick Edwards, 2/10th Bn Middlesex Regiment, 1915 (c) -1917 (c). | Photographs | 1993-01-186 |
Photograph of 4th Vol Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Dover, 1907-1908. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-297 |
Collection of 137 photographs collected by Cpl N Ellingworth, 1st Bn Middlesex Regiment, subjects include Egypt, Singapore and Hong Kong, 1933-1938; also contain material concerning portraits, informal groups, barracks, ship, guns, aircraft, camps and ceremonial and graves. | Photographs | 1993-01-187 |
Three 35 mm colour transparencies, one showing the Women's Royal Army Corps badge and motto and two illustrating cartoons relating to the Women's Royal Army Corps, nd. | Photographs | 1994-07-357 |
Photograph of a detatchment of D Coy 2/4th Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) (TF) at Deal, 1916; associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-298 |
Six 60 mm colour transparencies of trades in which the Women's Royal Army Corps personnel were employed, 1975 (c). | Photographs | 1994-07-358 |
Ten 70 mm colour transparencies associated with a visit of Women's Royal Army Corps personnel to Adelaide, Australia, 1961. | Photographs | 1994-07-359 |
Five 70 mm coloured lantern slides relating to the duties of the Women's Royal Army Corps Provost, 1975 (c). | Photographs | 1994-07-360 |
Seven 80 mm coloured lantern slides of recruiting advertisements for the Women's Royal Army Corps TA, presumably for use in cinemas, 1955(c). | Photographs | 1994-07-361 |
Photograph of 4/5th Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Falmer, 1936. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-299 |
Photograph of sergeants, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Depot, 1899. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-300 |
Photograph of sergeants, 2nd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Ireland, possibly the Curragh, in 1894. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-301 |
Typescript transcript of the diary of 62830 Pte Ernest Walter Abbott, The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment); kept while he was a prisoner of war at Stalag 20B, Marienburg, Poland, World War Two, POW's (1939-1945), 30 Jun 1940- 20 May 1945; with photocopied documents relating to his first period of service with The Buffs, 1925-1928. | Archives | 2001-01-352 |
Typescript transcript of the diary of 62830 Pte Ernest Walter Abbott, The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment); kept while he was a prisoner of war at Stalag 20B, Marienburg, Poland, World War Two, POW's (1939-1945), 30 Jun 1940- 20 May 1945; with photocopied documents relating to his first period of service with The Buffs, 1925-1928. | Photographs | 2001-01-352 |
Three forms issued to 6285547 Pte Frederick William Blaker, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), 1933-1936: AB64 Soldiers service and pay book; AF B108 Regular Army certificate of service; AF W5258 record of service. | Archives | 2001-01-353 |
Two copy photographs relating to Past and Present Association officers of 2nd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Canterbury, 1902; verso officers at Dover, 1903; from the Sgt E Smith collection. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-304 |
Five files and one folder of papers relating to the award of Good Service Certificates, 1941-1963. | Archives | 2001-01-354 |
Photograph of officers, 1st and 2nd Bns The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Dover, 1904. Verso: troops at camp; on route march; two portraits of unidentified officers; from the Sgt E Smith collection. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-305 |
Bound typescript transcript of letters written by 2/Lt Arthur P Hamilton Trueman, 3rd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Boer War (1899-1902), April 1900-May 1901. | Archives | 2001-01-355 |
Typescript Royal Army Medical Corps Headquarters Officers' Mess Rules, August 1998. | Archives | 2001-01-356 |
Collection of papers relating to G-1603 Pte Charles Robert Howard, 7th Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), World War One (1914-1918). | Photographs | 2001-01-357 |
Collection of papers relating to G-1603 Pte Charles Robert Howard, 7th Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), World War One (1914-1918). | Archives | 2001-01-357 |
Scrapbook: The Celebration of The Fourth Centenary of the First Raising of The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) Canterbury, Saturday, 29th April, 1972; relating to the 400th Anniversary of the foundation of The Buffs, 1972. | Archives | 2001-01-358 |
Scrapbook, mainly relating to the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Queens Own Buffs Past and Present Association, Denmark Branch, 28 Oct 1995; also records a visit by members of the association to Copenhagen, 1998. | Archives | 2001-01-359 |
Colour photograph of a memorial to 6291970 Pte W J Nash, 70th Young Soldiers Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) and to all members of the Battalion killed in all theatres of war; Nash was killed by enemy action at Hawkinge, Kent, 14 Oct 1940, World War Two (1939-1945). | Photographs | 2001-01-361 |
Photograph of an unidentified officer possibly of The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment), on a seafront, 1944 (c); associated with World War Two (1939-1945). | Photographs | 2001-01-362 |
Group photograph of the wedding of George Arthur William Kennard, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Boer War (1899-1902), and possibly the Royal Artillery, World War One (1914-1918). | Photographs | 2001-01-363 |
Six colour photographs of graves of men, The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) killed in action in the Italian Campaign, World War Two, Italy (1943-1945). | Photographs | 2001-01-364 |
Photograph of two recruiting sergeants, Women's Royal Army Corps, 1950-1959 (c). | Photographs | 1994-07-305 |
Two copies of the Colchester Garrison newssheet, 'Garrison Herald', 29 May and 11 Sept 1953; 26 copies of 'Current Affairs Discussion Briefs' issued to Royal Army Education personnel, July 1952-August 1954. | Archives | 2001-01-366 |
Nine LP sound discs of military band music, 1954-1978. | Sound Recordings | 2001-01-368 |
Regular Army certificate of service, 1933-1942 and Army certificate of education, second class, April 1936; issued to 6285492 Pte Albert Henry Pullinger, 2nd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). | Archives | 2001-01-369 |
Four photographs relating to 6285492 Pte Albert Henry Pullinger, 2nd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), United Kingdom, 1933 (c), and Palestine, 1936 (c) or 1938-1939. | Photographs | 2001-01-370 |
10 photographs collected by Pte F Filbee, 25th Bn Middlesex Regiment, 1917-1950 (c). | Photographs | 1993-01-188 |
28 photographs collected by Capt L F Findley, 1/9th Bn Middlesex Regiment, India 1915-1916 (c), and Kingston, Jamaica. | Photographs | 1993-01-189 |
Copy photograph of a portrait of Tpr John Mulady, probably 11th Hussars, 1881-1900 (c). | Photographs | 1994-01-39 |
36 photographs collected by Capt, later Maj, E K Ridley, 1st Volunteer Bn, Dorsetshire Regiment, South African War, 1900 (c). | Photographs | 1994-01-40 |
Photograph of sergeants, 2nd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Bloemfontein, 1900; associated with the Boer War (1899-1902); from the Sgt E Smith collection. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-306 |
6 photographs collected by P C Connor, 21st Bn Middlesex Regiment, 1916 (c) and 1965 (c). | Photographs | 1993-01-190 |
7 photographs collected by Pte H Breckon, Machine Gun Corps, 1917-1919, and the Home Guard, 1940-1944; associated with the India and Surrey, England. | Photographs | 1994-01-196 |
Photograph of sergeants, 2nd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Hong Kong, 1909; from the Sgt E Smith collection. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-307 |
8 photographs collected by Pte F H Geard, No 1 Special Reserve Coy Middlesex Regiment, 1919, and B Coy 3rd Bn, 1920-1922. | Photographs | 1993-01-191 |
Photograph of sergeants, 2nd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Singapore, 1910-1911; from the Sgt E Smith collection. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-308 |
Photograph of a tug-of-war team from Home Counties Brigade, 4th (Reserve) Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) with rope, 1918. From the Sgt E Smith's collection. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-309 |
52 photographs relating to the Middlesex Regiment, Britain 1906-1912; India and World War One, Western Front (1914-1918). | Photographs | 1993-01-192 |
Photographs of B Coy 2nd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Harrismith, 1905-1907; from the Sgt E Smith collection. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-310 |
Photograph of tug-of-war team, 2nd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Harrismith, 1905; from the Sgt E Smith collection. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-311 |
Photograph of C Coy 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Aldershot, 1910. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-312 |
Photograph of football team, C Coy 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), Aldershot, 1910. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-313 |
Photograph of officers and non-commissioned officers, 2/4th Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment) (TF), World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-314 |
Photograph associated with Civil Defence, World War Two (1939-1945). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-315 |
28 photographs relating to various battalions of the Middlesex Regiment, 1908-1935 (c). | Photographs | 1993-01-193 |
Photograph of a reunion dinner, 1st Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment), London, 1947. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Photographs | 2001-01-317 |