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Displaying 701 to 800 of 3277 results

Description Object Type NAM Accession Number
Two music scores with illustrated covers: 'The 7th Royal Fusiliers, A Story of Inkerman', with words by Wal Pink and music by Georges le Brunn; 'Volunteers March', by Frederick Rosse, 1900 (c). Archives 1972-02-27
History, nd; account of the brave conduct of two soldiers of the 47th Foot at the battle of the Alma, Crimean War; associated with the Battle of the Alma, Crimean War (1854-1856). Archives 1961-12-479
Stable jacket, undress, officers', 17th Light Dragoons (Lancers), worn by Lt Col Sir William Gordon, 1854 (c)-1856; associated with Crimean War (1854-1856). Uniforms 1951-12-83
Photocopy of typescript journal of Daniel William Powell, Crimean War, 12 Dec 1854 to 31 May 1855; Powell was a Corporal in the 17th Regiment. Archives 1973-06-22
Collection of 19 portrait photographs, 1860 (c). Senior officers, mostly connected with the Crimean War 1854-1856. Photographs 1968-04-11
Correspondence and papers of Gen Sir William John Codrington (1804-1884), Commander in Chief during the Crimean War (1854-1856), 1855-1856. Archives 1968-07-376-1
Collection of official letters from Horse Guards to Lord Raglan (Commander-in-Chief, Crimea) and Lt-Col T M Steele (Military Secretary). The letters are from the Military Secretary (Maj-Gen Charles Yorke) and the Adjutant-General (Maj-Gen George Wetherall) and their subordinates, and relate to appointments, promotions, leave, establishments, arrivals and departures of troops, and related matters. From the papers of Gen Sir William John Codrington (1804-1884), Commander in Chief during the Crimean War (1854-1856), 1855-1856.(Printed finding aid available) Archives 1968-07-377-1
Letters from the War Department addressed to Gen Sir William John Codrington or the Military Secretary, signed by the staff of the Secretary at War. The letters cover the period November 1855-May 1856, and relate chiefly to claims by officers, NCOs, and men for compensation for the loss of horses, baggage, necessaries, etc during the campaign in the Crimea. A small proportion refer to other financial matters such as pay, and the effects of deceased officers. From the papers of Gen Sir William John Codrington (1804-1884), Commander in Chief during the Crimean War (1854-1856), 1855-1856. Archives 1968-07-378-1
Photocopy of letter, describing 'Camp before Sevastopol, June 23rd 1855', from James Evans, 97th Foot, to friends at home in which he describes the capture of the Mamelon and an assault on the Redan battery; with photocopy of drawing of James Evans. Archives 1969-10-7
Seven diaries of Lt Col R H Russell, 57th Foot; associated with the Crimean War. Archives 1965-09-25
File of biographical material of VC winners; associated with Capt Henry Mitchell Jones, VC, KLH, 7th Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment), Sir Collingwood Dickson, VC, Senior Col Commandant, Royal Artillery and Sgt Alfred Ablett, VC, DCM, 3rd Bn Grenadier Guard, 1st Division; associated with the Siege of Sevastopol, Crimean War. Archives 1963-09-115
Photostat copy of printed pamphlet, 'Short Sketch of the 17th Lancers and Life of Sergt-Major J I Nunnerley, late of the Lancashire Hussars, formerly Sergeant of the 'Death or Glory Boys' and One of the 'Six Hundred'; associated with Omskirk, W A Guest, 1892. Archives 1971-08-3
Letters, press cuttings, programmes, 1854; relating to the Bugle of Tpt Maj Joy, 17th Lancers, said to have been used at the Charge of the Light Brigade; with printed pamphlet, 'The World's Most Famous Bugle', published in Newcastle, 1906 (c). Archives 1972-03-36
Invitation card and menu for 'Balaclava' dinner to celebrate the 59th Anniversary of the Battle, 25th Oct 1913; associated with the Battle of Balaklava, Crimean War (1854-1856). Archives 1967-11-23
Four notebooks, relating to the participants in the Charge of the Light Brigade, 1854; associated with the 17th Lancers, 8th Hussars, and 4th Light Dragoons. Archives 1968-01-25
Typescript transcript of letter written by Australian Steamer, Sir William Gordon, Bart, 17th Lancers, to his mother, 30 Oct 1854. Archives 1983-10-132
Photocopy of a manuscript copy of a letter written by Cornet George Wombwell, 17 Lancers, to a Mr Scott, from the Heights before Sebastopol, 2 Dec 1854. Archives 1974-03-124
Photostat copy of documents connected with Trum Maj Joy, 17th Lancers, Balaklava, 1854. Archives 1964-10-3
Printed booklet containing transcriptions of 3 letters written by Sgt John Hopkins, 97th (Earl of Ulster's) Regiment of Foot, to his family from the camp near Sebastopol (December 1854 - September 1855); associated with the Crimean War (1854-1856). Archives 1963-01-89
Four manuscript letters associated with Pte G Burdis, 47th Regt, 1854-1855; associated with Crimean War (1854-1856). Archives 1963-11-151
Copy photograph: Grave of 'Sir Briggs' the horse ridden by Lord Tredegar 17th Lancers in the Charge of the Light Brigade, 1854. The memorial is in the grounds of Tredegar Park, Newport, Gwent and was erected in 1874. Photographs 1982-09-18
Ten officers' portrait photographs, 1878 (c)- 1917 (c); subjects includeLt Col Herbert Stewart, 3rd (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards, 2/Lt R A Steele, 7th (Princess Royal's) Dragoon Guards, E M Lafone, 4th (Queen's Own) Hussars, A E Burnaby, 12th Lancers, Capr Arthur Banbury, Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Fusiliers), W F Templer, Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Fusiliers), Prince Victor Albert Jay Duleep Singh, RMC Sandhurst, Prince Imperial Louis Napoleon, 2/Lt G W R Templer, Royal Irish Fusiliers, and a group of the Army Physical Training Corps. Photographs 1985-10-138
Papers of Gen Sir Henry James Warre, commander of 57th (West Middlesex) Regiment of Foot in the Crimea and New Zealand, relating to his military career, 1843-1891, including staff appointments in Canada, India and Ireland, and Command of the Bombay Army, 1878-1881. 297 filesA collection of material relating to Gen Sir Henry James Warre (including personal papers and diaries) are held at the Alexander Turnbull Library, New Zealand. Archives 1981-12-54
650 photographs, 1939-1947; compiled by the Commando Association; associated with World War Two (1939-1945). Includes some graphic images of concentration camp victims. Photographs 1985-11-36
Medal group awarded to Trumpet Maj Henry Joy, 17th Light Dragoons (Lancers), 1854-1857: Distinguished Conduct Medal, 1855; Crimea Medal 1854-56, 4 clasps: Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol; Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, 1857; Turkish Crimea Medal 1855 1855, Sardinian issue. Medals 1963-10-51
Crimea Medal 1854-56, two clasps: Alma, Inkerman; awarded to Pte G Burdis, 47th (Lancashire) Regiment. Medals 1963-08-66
Medal group awarded to Gen William Inglis (1823-1888), 57th (The West Middlesex) Regiment: Order of the Bath, Badge of a Companion (CB); Crimea Medal 1854-56, three clasps: Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol; Legion of Honour, France, Badge of a Chevalier (5th Class); Order of the Mejidie, Turkey, Badge of the 5th Class; Turkish Crimea Medal 1855 1855, Sardinian issue. Medals 1965-02-163
Medal group awarded to members of the Cox family: Military General Service Medal 1793-1814 awarded to Capt C Cox; Crimea Medal 1854-56, clasp: Alma awarded to Lt Col Augustus Cox, Grenadier Guards; Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 4 clasps awarded to Lt A C Cox; British War Medal 1914-20 and Allied Victory Medal 1914-19 awarded to Lilian Cox, ambulance driver; .1939-45 Star and British War Medal 1939-45 awarded to Lt R B Cox. Medals 1966-12-24
Crimea Medal 1854-56, with clasp: Sebastopol; awarded to Sgt Frederick Newman, 97th (Earl of Ulster's) Regiment of Foot; associated with the Crimean War (1854-1856). Medals 1968-12-25
Medal group awarded to Capt A Lemprière, 77th (East Middlesex) Regiment of Foot: Crimea Medal 1854-56, 3 clasps: Alma, Inkermann, Sebastopol; Turkish Crimea Medal 1855. Medals 1974-09-48
Medal group awarded to FM Sir Henry Evelyn Wood, GCB, GCMG, late 17th Lancers, Army Staff, Royal Navy and other Regiments, 1854-1903 Medals 1993-03-39
Printed form filled in in manuscript, 2nd Nov 1857; gives detail of Guards, Quebec, 2nd November 1857, with a manuscript note, 'My last days garrison duty', signed by Raplph Smyth, 17th Regiment of Foot. Archives 1960-11-36
Manuscript note relating to the sales of Capt Smyth's effects, Quebec, 1858. Archives 1960-11-36
Microfilm copy of typescript transcripts of the journal of Sir T H Browne 1807-1815 and the memoirs of Gen H R Browne written in May 1895. Archives 1979-01-78
Letters written by Lt A M Earle, 57th (West Middlesex) Regiment of Foot, Crimea, 1854-1856. Archives 1994-03-153
Six letters from Capt Joshua Cunliffe, 57th Regiment of Foot, to his father from Cork, December 1854 en route to and in the Crimea, Jan to Jun 1855. From the collection of the former Middlesex Regiment Museum. Archives 1994-04-389
Papers relating to Capt. John Nicholson, including: a letter from Capt John Nicholson, 77th Regiment of Foot, to his brother Octavius, from Bulgaria Aug 1854, reporting his promotion to Captain, with typescript transcript; also a photocopy extract from an unknown newspaper reporting his death at Inkerman; with a collection of other documents. Archives 1994-04-460
Medal group awarded to Sgt J Martin, 57th (West Middlesex) Regiment of Foot: Crimea Medal 1854-56 with clasp: Sebastopol; Turkish Crimea Medal 1855; New Zealand Medal 1865-66; Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, Army. Medals 1992-08-406
Medal group awarded to Pte G Currant, 57th (West Middlesex) Regiment of Foot: Crimea Medal 1854-56, clasp: Sebastopol; New Zealand Campaigns Medal 1845-66; Turkish Crimea Medal 1855, Sardinian type. Medals 1992-08-409
Thirteen medals, awards and orders awarded to Gen Sir George Harry Smith Willis, late 77th (East Middlesex Regiment) of Foot, nd. Medals 1992-08-420
Medal group awarded to Maj Arthur Maxwell Earle, 57th (West Middlesex Regiment) of Foot 1854-1856: Crimea Medal 1854-56, clasps: Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol; Turkish Crimea Medal 1855, Sardinian issue, 1855; Legion of Honour, France, 1856 (c); associated with the Crimean War (1854-1856). Medals 1992-09-108
Crimea Medal 1854-56, 3 clasps: Alma, Inkermann, Sebastopol; awarded to Col Thomas Graham Egerton, 77th (East Middlesex Regiment) of Foot; associated with the Crimean War (1854-1856). Medals 1992-09-185
Crimea Medal 1854-56, clasps: Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol, awarded to Pte Edward Cheeseman, 57th (West Middlesex Regiment) of Foot. Medals 1992-09-187
Crimea Medal 1854-56, awarded to Pte George Meacock, 57th (West Middlesex Regiment) of Foot. Medals 1992-09-190
Medal group awarded to Capt F J Butts, 77th (East Middlesex Regiment) of Foot, 1854-1856; Crimea Medal 1854-56 3 clasps: Alma, Inkermann, Sebastopol; Order of the Medije, Turkey, 5th Class; Turkish Crimea Medal 1855, Sardinian Type; medals mounted on a leather covered shield embellished with silver mounts; associated with the Crimean War (1854-1856). Medals 1992-09-196
Crimea Medal 1854-56 3 clasps: Alma, Inkermann, Sebastopol, awarded to Pte A McClelland, 77th (East Middlesex Regiment) of Foot. Medals 1992-09-261
Crimea Medal 1854-56 clasp: Sebastopol, awarded to Pte S Taylor, 77th (East Middlesex Regiment) of Foot. Medals 1992-09-266
Crimea Medal 1854-56, 3 clasps: Alma, Inkermann, Sebastopol, awarded to Pte W Dowdle, 77th (East Middlesex Regiment) of Foot. Medals 1992-09-272
Crimea Medal 1854-56, clasps: Sebastopol, awarded to Pte P Coleman, 57th (West Middlesex Regiment) of Foot. Medals 1992-09-273
Crimea Medal 1854-56, 2 clasps: Alma, Inkermann, awarded to Pte W Long, 77th (East Middlesex Regiment) of Foot. Medals 1992-09-274
Distinguished Conduct Medal 1855, awarded to Pte C Johnson, 77th (East Middlesex) Regiment. Medals 1992-09-279
Turkish Crimea Medal 1855, Sardinian issue, awarded to Sgt S Boot, 77th (East Middlesex) Regiment. Medals 1992-09-282
Crimea Medal 1854-56, 3 clasps: Alma, Inkermann, Sebastopol, awarded to Dmr P Fox, 77th (East Middlesex) Regiment. Medals 1992-09-288
Crimea Medal 1854-56, 3 clasps: Alma, Inkermann, Sebastopol, awarded to J Gavin, 77th (East Middlesex) Regiment. Medals 1992-09-289
Framed piece of silk, 1854 (c); carried by 57th (West Middlesex) Regiment of Foot during the Crimean War (1854-1856). Flags and Colours 1992-12-14
Rank badge, arm, No 1 Dress, WO2s', 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards, 1973, sealed pattern, 1973. Badges 1995-10-200
19 photographs showing portraits and groups. Related to Hussars, 7th Dragoon Guards, 8th (King's Royal Irish) Hussars, 18th (Queen Mary's Own) Hussars, Army Service Corps, Irish Guards, Rifle Brigade, Royal Army Medical Corps, 19th London (St Pancras) Regiment, Royal Navy, Gordon Highlanders, Dorsetshire Regiment, Highland Light Infantry, Corps of Royal Engineers, Royal Artillery. 1890-1920. Photographs 1985-11-61
Nine photographs related to Household Cavalry and Yeomanry, World War One, 1914-1918. Photographs 1985-11-62
Manuscript biographical account, 1842 (c); written by Sgt Maj J [?] W Lissant, 37th Bengal Native Infantry; gives an account of the Siege of Jellalabad, 1st Afghan War, 1842; written in ink with some pencil amendments; associated with the Siege of Jellalabad, 1st Afghan War (1838-1842) 1842. Archives 2002-12-100
34 photographs showing portraits of veterans of the Charge of the Light Brigade, 25 Oct 1854; associated with the Battle of Balaklava, Crimean War (1854-1856). Photographs 1986-02-38
Thirty nine colour photographs of actions for which the Victoria Cross was awarded to members of the medical services, 1854-1945. Photographs 1983-06-55
Ten coloured photographs by J Wilson of paintings by Chevalier Louis William Desanges, Crimean War (1854-1856). Prints 1964-05-90
A collection of files relating to Victoria Cross winners between 1855 and 1967 compiled by the Rev Canon William Murrell Lummis MC, Rural Dean of Hingham, Norfolk, retired Captain, Suffolk Regiment; the majority of files contain biographical information and photographs of the recipients together with details of citations and war graves and where known the present ownership of individual medals. Archives 1974-07-83
Military Costume of the British Cavalry, 1820. Album of aquatints. Volume of 18 coloured aquatints by and after William Heath, published by J Watson, Vere Street, Bond Street, London, 15 Apr to 1 Dec 1820. Prints 1982-04-217
Five sound cassettes: oral history interview with Maj C C Lane; Lane joined the 7th Gurkha Rifles from the Calcutta Light Horse in 1940 and became Staff Captain 114th Indian Infantry Brigade in 1941, and Brigade Major in 1943; interviewed by Peter Boyden. (Transcript Available) Sound Recordings 1990-11-58
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Lt Col John Russell Lindsay Roberts, 1931-1948, covering his service in World War Two, Middle East and World War Two, India; interview conducted by Dr Peter Boyden, 7 February 1991. Sound Recordings 1991-02-104
Two sound cassettes: oral history interview with Major Jim W Peyton, Frontier Force Regiment and Royal Scots Fusiliers, 1939-1958; interview conducted August 1990. (Copy of memoir available) Sound Recordings 1990-08-249
Papers of General Sir Rob Lockhart, 1914 - 1977, covering his military career in the Indian Army from 1914 - 1952 and his work with the Punjab Frontier Force Association from 1947 - 1977. Comprised of correspondence, orders, official papers, reports, speeches, newspaper cuttings, programmes, and training material relating to his role in Mesopotamia (1916); his service with the 12th Frontier Force Regiment (1922-1937); on the North West Frontier and as GOC in C Southern Command (1945-1947); during the Royal Indian Navy Mutiny (1946); as Governor of the North West Frontier Province (1947); during the Sarawak Emergency (1951-1952); and his role in Malaya (1952-1953). Archives 1983-10-154
Bonnet, green, superfine, Royal Irish Rangers (27th Inniskilling, 83rd and 87th) [?], nd; sealed 1968. Uniforms 2003-02-126
Plaque, 1964 (c)-1967 (c); shield shaped, attached to centre is a wooden shield shaped motif of skull and cross bones with draped scarf inscribed, 'Or Glory'; with a metal plate attached to the top inscribed, 'Maj. N.H.RA. Broomfield/ 1964-67'; with a plastic scroll attached to the bottom of the plaque inscribed, '17th/21st Lancers'. Crafts 2003-01-128
Sound cassette: oral history interview with Maj Gen A E Younger, Royal Engineers, Korea (1950-1953); interview conducted by David Smurthwaite, 1 August 1988. (Transcript available) Sound Recordings 1989-05-157
62 sound cassettes: oral history interview with 2/Lt P R Barrass, Essex Regiment, World War Two, North West Europe (1939-1943), 1938-1944; interview conducted by Mark Nicholls, July to December 1990. Sound Recordings 1990-07-2-1
Ammunition pouch, 97th Regiment of Foot, 1794-1796. Equipment, general 1966-09-64
Plunkett collection of approx 1,540 78 rpm microgroove acoustic and electrical phonodiscs, including several albums, and some 45 rpm, 33 rpm, 12 inch, 10 inch, 8 inch 7 inch discs; containing military and popular music performed by army, air-force, marine and civilian bands of Great Britain, Germany, France, Denmark and Holland, 1905 (c)- 1945. Sound Recordings 1981-10-34
Typescript copy poem written in the Belsen Camp by Anthony Rawlings, 7th Armoured Division, 1951; published by the 'Jewish Chronicle' in 1955 to commemorate the Holocaust; associated with World War Two (1939-1945). Archives 2003-02-300
Photograph album of 116 photographs compiled by Lt Hugh Stephenson Turnbull, 57th Wilde's Rifles (Frontier Force) in India and Egypt, 1903-1906; photographs include his travels through the Suez Canal. Photographs 2003-02-301
Five Army Commission Certificates, 1815 - 1824 (c); three for the rank of ensign, one lieutenant and one major. Archives 2003-02-322
The Great War, 1914-18. Watercolour drawing by Mike Chappell, 2002, the original illustration for plate G in 'British Cavalry Equipments 1800-1941' (revised edition); full-length figure to left and full-length figure, side view; associated with 17th Lancers 1918 and 7th (the Princess Royals') Dragoon Guards 1918, with detail of machine gun. Drawings and Watercolours 2003-02-343
Charge of the Light Cavalry Brigade, 25th October 1854, under Major General the Earl of Cardigan, 1855 (c). Tinted lithograph by Day and Son after William Simpson; No 15 in the series 'The Seat of the War in the East' I, published by Paul and Dominic Colnaghi, London, 1 Mar 1855; relating to Lord James Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan and the 17th Light Dragoons (Lancers); associated with the Charge of the Light Brigade, Crimean War (1854-1856). Prints 1984-07-61
1985/ ARMY. Calendar published by the Ministry of Defence (Army), 1984; battle scenes and portraits of winners of the Victoria Cross from paintings and photographs; inscribed at the bottom of the front cover as title. Prints 1984-11-226
Wrist guard or gauntlet of Dingane kaSenzangakhona (1795 (c)-15 Mar 1840), King of the Zulus, 1820 (c); brass or yellow metal; given to Sir Charles Mansfield Clarke, 57th Regiment, by John Dunn. From the Middlesex Regiment Museum Collection. Crafts 1994-01-1-342
Pair of Zulu anklets, 1879 (c); brass, made by Zulu people; both circular with a small gap in ring; picked up on a battlefield by Capt Charles Matthews, 57th Regiment, Zulu War (1879). From the Middlesex Regiment Museum Collection. Crafts 1994-01-1-343
Collection of eleven Zulu bangles and upper arm bands, 1879; brass and thin copper wire, made by Zulu people; some with regularly spaced bead like pieces. From the Middlesex Regiment Museum Collection. Crafts 1994-01-1-344
Album of 100 photographs. Compiled by George Froom, 94th Regiment, Zulu War (1879).Showing: arrival at Durban; views of battlefields of Isandlwana and Rorke's Drift; grave of Prince Imperial; portraits of British and Zulus; Transvaal War (1880), battlefields of Bronkhurspruit and Majuba, British troops in camp, views of Durban. Photographs 1951-04-22
Album of 70 photographs, including photographs associated with the Zulu War, 1879, and the Transvaal War, 1880-1881; including officers of the Royal Engineers in Zululand 1879, Zulu King Cetshwayo and his brother, the burning and Battle of Ulundi 1879, the death of the Prince Imperial 1879, the Battle of Bronkhorstspruit 1880, Portuguese scenery, group portraits, the 94th Regiment of Foot, and the 2nd Bn Connaught Rangers. The album belonged to Col J F Hume, 94th Regiment of Foot Photographs 1954-06-5-2
Title EMB 27 L black on khaki, nd; sealed pattern, sealed 1 May 1941. Badges 2003-03-60
Shoulder title, 7th (Queen's Own) Hussars, nd; sealed pattern, sealed 11 Jan 1907; with pate and pin; made of gilt metal. Badges 2003-03-74
Shoulder title, 4th/7th Dragoon Guards, nd; sealed pattern, sealed 6 Feb 1923; with plate and pin; made of gilt metal. Badges 2003-03-79
Cap badge, 257th (Sussex Yeomanry) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, nd; sealed pattern, sealed 9 Feb 1962. Badges 2003-03-131
Cap badge, 7th London Regiment, nd; sealed pattern, sealed 9 Jun 1916. Badges 2003-03-311
Collar badge, 17th/21st Lancers, nd; sealed pattern, sealed 21 Jan 1952. Badges 2003-03-338
Arm title, 7th Gurkha Rifles, nd; sealed pattern, sealed 14 Jun 1951; embroidered on green. Badges 2003-03-365
Arm title, 7th Gurkha Rifles, nd; sealed pattern, sealed 14. Jan 1954; embroidered. Badges 2003-03-374
Shoulder title, 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Rifles; sealed pattern, sealed 2 July 1952; embroidered black title on khaki. Badges 2003-03-377
Arm title, nd; sealed pattern, sealed 21 Jul 1952; embroidered '7th London'. Badges 2003-03-425
Service cap, 17th/21st Lancers, nd; sealed pattern, sealed 31 Dec 1958; obsolete. Uniforms 2003-03-499
BATTLE OF CASTALLA, IN VALENCIA, 13TH APRIL 1813... Coloured aquatint by Clark and Dubourg after Lt Col Reeves, 27th Regiment, published by James Daniell, 2 Nov 1814; associated with the Battle of Castella, Peninsular War (1808-1814) 1813. Prints 1971-02-33-103
A View of the town of Biar, in Valencia...1813. Coloured aquatint by Clark and Dubourg after Lt Col Reeves, published by James Daniell, November 1814; associated with the Peninsular War (1808-1814). Prints 1971-02-33-104
South Africa Medal for Zulu and Basuto Wars 1877-79, with clasp: 1879, awarded to 2283 Pte George Oatley, 17th (Duke of Cambridge's Own) Lancers. Medals 1983-02-32
The Skirmish at Driekoppen, near Zwaartkopjes, 1845. Coloured lithograph by P Gauci after 'C B', published in London, 1845 (c); associated with the 7th Dragoon Guards. Prints 1971-02-33-149