Inventory Search
Displaying 9201 to 9300 of 48619 results
Description | Object Type | NAM Accession Number |
Canvas map case, nd; associated with The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Equipment, general | 2001-05-288 |
Red identity disc owned by Pte Percy William Bills (270405), 10th Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), nd; associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Equipment, general | 2001-05-269 |
Canvas map case, nd; belonged to H Veasey, Royal Field Artillery; associated with The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Equipment, general | 2001-05-289 |
Two green and two red identity discs, nd; belonged to 18151 2/Lt Thomas Neville Penlington, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment); from the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Equipment, general | 2001-05-270 |
Medals awarded to L/Cpl (later C/Sgt) Arthur Charles Todd, Essex Regiment and The Buffs (East Kent Regiment): Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 4 clasps: Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902; Africa General Service Medal with clasp: Somaliland 1902-1904; British War Medal 1914-20. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-311 |
Oriental knife in wooden scabbard bound with twine, 1942 (c); knife of high quality workmanship; associated with The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Edged Weapons | 2001-05-355 |
Drummer's protective leg cloth, nd; associated with The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Equipment, general | 2001-05-290 |
Two identity discs and one tag: metal identity disc with wrist chain, nd, belonged to 9568 E J Evans, 1st Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), nd; metal identity disc with wrist chain, 1915-1918 (c), belonged to 55891 W Measday, Machine Gun Corps; associated with N Home and The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Equipment, general | 2001-05-271 |
Bayonet frog, possibly German, 1914-1918 (c); made of leather; associated with The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Equipment, general | 2001-05-291 |
One red and one green identity disc, nd; belonged to 6287772 Pte S D Davis; metal prisoner of war plaque; associated with The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Equipment, general | 2001-05-272 |
Two metal POW identity tags, with lace of leather, 1939-1945 (c); belonged to Pte Herbert Sydney Stupples, 5th Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Equipment, general | 2001-05-273 |
Medal group awarded to Fwmn Dorothy Satchwell, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, 1914-1920 (c): Order of the British Empire, medal for Meritorious Service 1917-1922, in original box of issue; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19. | Medals | 2001-05-356 |
Medals awarded to Pte G T Simpson, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment): 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-312 |
Medals awarded to Pte Harry Ransley, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment): 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-313 |
Narrative of the 10th Cavalry Brigade, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 11 Sep- 25 Nov 1918. Bound, typescript history compiled by Brig Gen W G K Green, DSO, nd; illustrated with maps and three photographs relating to the history of the Indian Army 1746-1947 and William Linneaus Gardner of Gardner's Horse. | Archives | 2001-05-357 |
British War Medal 1914-20 awarded to Pte E Gregory, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-314 |
1914-15 Star awarded to L/Cpl G W Euden, The Buffs (Royal Kent Regiment). Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-316 |
British War Medal 1914-20 awarded to 2/Lt J M Rayden, Army Service Corps, commissioned 8 May 1916. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-317 |
Button, nd; manufactured by Jennens and Company, and C and J Weldon, Cheapside, London, nd; shows a dragon above a scroll inscribed 'The Buffs'. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-318 |
Allied Victory Medal 1914-19 awarded to 2/Lt J M Rayden, Army Service Corps, commissioned 8 May 1916. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-319 |
Brass button, nd; manufactured by C and J Weldon, Cheapside, London, nd; shows a dragon above a scroll inscribed 'The Buffs'. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-320 |
Medals awarded to Victor W Hewson, Royal Air Force: 1939-45 Star, British War Medal 1939-45; Defence Medal 1939-45; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Territorial Force War Medal 1914-19. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-322 |
Falklands The Land Battle Part 3 The Final Battle. British Defence Film Library video, produced in 1984; associated with South Atlantic (Falklands War) (1982). [RESTRICTED] | Film and Videos | 2000-10-288 |
Medals awarded to Pte S T Obee, Northumberland Fusiliers: British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-330 |
Uniform worn by Maj Poulson, The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment), nd: linen khaki shirt; khaki trousers; service dress tunic; battle dress blouse with divisional signs and Buffs Regiment shoulder titles; khaki wool trousers. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Uniforms | 2001-05-335 |
Uniform worn by Maj Poulson, The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment), nd; khaki peaked forage cap service dress, pair of black leather Wellington boots, dark blue peaked forage cap with red band, royal regiment. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Uniforms | 2001-05-336 |
Allied Victory Medal 1914-19 awarded to 201610 Pte Walter Pottle, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-458 |
1914-15 Star awarded to 10665 Pte A F Lewis, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-461 |
Uniform worn by A F B Bridges, nd; levee dress sash, crimson shoulder sash, box spur, sword knot, Infantry, stable belt, pouch, Queen's Own Buffs, The Royal Kent Regiment, pouch belt, Sam Browne waistbelt, Sam Browne sword frog and Sam Browne shoulder sling, Royal Army Medical Corps. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Equipment, uniform | 2001-05-343 |
Medal group awarded to 6281749 Sgt E J Jury, South Staffordshire Regiment: 1939-45 Star; British War Medal 1939-45; Defence Medal 1939-45; Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, Army. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-464 |
Major's scarlet frock, pattern 1896, nd; associated with The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Uniforms | 2001-05-465 |
Khaki drill tunic, nd. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Uniforms | 2001-05-469 |
Mess overalls, nd; worn by Lt H L Crenick, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Uniforms | 2001-05-346 |
Medals awarded to Pte H L Filmer, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment): 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-347 |
Uniform worn by Capt A S K Anderson, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), nd; crimson sash,embroidered waistcoat, detachable black silk cravat, crimson waist sash, tasselled, mess jacket with a Buffs Regiment badge, 1935 (c). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Uniforms | 2001-05-475 |
Meritorious Service Medal, nd; awarded to WO1 W H Smith, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-349 |
Regimental flag, nd; associated with The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Flags and Colours | 2001-05-476 |
Eight die stamps used by armourers at Weedon to mark any weapon inspected or repaired: 'W' in large star; 'W' in small star; HS in circle (H Sidwell); DP; asterisk; 'L'; 'S'. | Equipment, general | 1965-01-44 |
Video: Going in to Kosovo. British Defence Film Library video, nd. | Film and Videos | 2001-05-378 |
Video: The GPMG. British Defence Film Library video produced in 1973; 'The characteristics, action and capabilities of the General Purpose Machine Gun and the techniques and methods of employment as the primary weapon of the infantry section'. [RESTRICTED] | Film and Videos | 2001-05-379 |
Machine Gunner's Pocket Book. | Equipment, general | 1960-10-1 |
Universal pattern uniform items, 1956 (c); olive green battle dress blouse, made of cellular cotton for hot weather, olive green drill trousers, khaki tie, olive green drill jacket. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Uniforms | 2001-05-483 |
Round cloth badge, nd; embroidered 'Treasurer London Buffs'; white metal Buffs badge pinned in the centre. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-333 |
Case for Vickers machine gun 1939-1945, 4th Bn Royal Welch Fusiliers; made of leather. | Equipment, general | 1979-06-38 |
Drab serge trousers, nd. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Uniforms | 2001-05-485 |
Silver prize medal, 1908-1909; circular, surmounted by a crown, with an inscription on scrolls around the edge and on a shield in the centre; with a pendant fitting; possibly awarded for shooting to a member of The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-486 |
Medal group on a bar awarded to 6065 Pte J M Sharp, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment): 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Defence Medal 1939-45; Unofficial Coronation Medal for the Coronation of Edward VII, 1902 (not on bar), probably awarded to deserving members of the community Maidstone, presented by Sir Francis Evans, M P. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-487 |
Cap badge, 1916; worn by Cpl Cotter VC, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment); presented by his friend G/498 Cpl F W Parker MM and bar, who helped to carry him from the trench when fatally wounded in the fighting near the Holenzollen Redoubt, 6 Mar 1916, World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-544 |
Three Warrant Officer Class 1 or regimental sergeant major rank badges, service dress and battle dress, Universal pattern, 1918. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-546 |
Blazer badge, nd, The Buffs (Royal East Regiment); gold embroidered dragon on a silver couched wire ground, below all a blue scroll, edges gold wire bearing the title, 'Buffs'. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-549 |
Captain's mess jacket, nd; marked with the letter 'R' on the shoulder straps; associated with The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Uniforms | 2001-05-490 |
Embroidered colonel's cap badge, nd; possibly worn by Col Aim; red wool cap band. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-550 |
Uniform items including foarge cap, tunic and trousers, No1 dress, pair of captain's khaki cloth shoulder straps, with three rank stars, nd; associated with Maj E G Cox. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Uniforms | 2001-05-551 |
Officer's shoulder title, nd; gold wire embroidery on French grey; associated with South East Asia Command. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-553 |
Pair of major's khaki shoulder straps, 1944; with crown on each and the word 'Buffs' beneath the crown, in white wool on khaki wool cloth. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Uniforms | 2001-05-556 |
Embroidery bearing the Buffs dragon, a crown and devices of 4th Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), India, 1914-1915. Wool embroidery on green and yellow cloth. Said to be a pram cover. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Crafts | 2001-05-495 |
Army Video Diary April 1997. Video produced by Grosvenor Television on behalf of the Directorate of Public Relations (Army); relating to the Royal Logistic Corps and featuring the Challenger tank and the Land Rover. [RESTRICTED] | Film and Videos | 2001-05-389 |
Other ranks helmet plate, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), 1881-1902 (c). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-559 |
Helmet plate centre, 1914 (c); associated with 1st Cadet Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment), 1939 (c). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-561 |
Lapel badge, nd; depicts a bronze metal Buffs dragon set against a white enamelled horse shoe. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-565 |
Formation badge, 78th Division, 1944; depicts a yellow Crusader's battle axe on a black square. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-567 |
Embroidered cushion cover or fire screen, nd; cotton thread on khaki drill, bearing badges of The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Crafts | 2001-05-506 |
Cloth badge, nd; depicts a red wool diamond with the word 'Buffs' in white silk thread. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-570 |
British Legion lapel badge, nd; worn by Lt Col Guy Lee. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-508 |
Tunic, nd; worn by Gen Sir Charles Pearson, Army Staff, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Uniforms | 2001-05-510 |
Lapel badge, Buffs Regiment Past and Present Association, 1921; Buffs dragon on a gilt coloured face. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-572 |
Staff sergeant's tunic, 1902-1914 (c); with Musketry Instructor's badge. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Uniforms | 2001-05-511 |
Cap badge, 1944; associated with the Canadian Buffs. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-512 |
Officers cape, pre 1914. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Uniforms | 2001-05-513 |
Blazer badge, nd. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-516 |
1914-15 Star awarded to 8235 Pte W Reynolds, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-517 |
Medal group awarded to 241400 Pte L Knight, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment): British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-518 |
Vehicle badge, nd; shows a Buffs dragon in white metal within a wreath surmounted by a Kings crown, the whole upon a blue and white enamel circle, divided in two horizontally. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Equipment, general | 2001-05-574 |
Lapel badge, 1915-1919; associated with E R Elliot; round badge showing a gold setting sun, with a white sky and blue sea, within an inscribed red circle. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-575 |
Medal group awarded to 4449 Pte A W Hunt, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment): British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-519 |
Lapel badge, nd; shows a gilt metal dragon upon a blue enamel scroll, bearing the word 'The Buffs' in gold letters. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-576 |
Uniform worn by Col E Argyle DSO, The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment), nd; mess jacket, hot weather, mess vest, cape, mess vest, wing collar, bow tie, dickie, dress shirt, mess vest, mess jacket with miniature medals: DSO, Military Medal, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Allied Victory Medal. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Uniforms | 2001-05-521 |
Cap badge, 1942; worn by Pte Herbert Sydney Stupples, 5th Bn The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment); shows a dragon in gilt metal. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-578 |
Two cap badges, 1914; General List; worn by Sgt J A Richards. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-579 |
Medals awarded to Pte E R Hopkins, 3rd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment): Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902, 3 clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal; King's South Africa Medal 1901-02, with clasps: South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-581 |
Medal group awarded to G-2121 Pte G A Privett, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment): 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-522 |
Medal group awarded to Pte (later Cpl) P L Weeks G4117, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment): 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-582 |
Medals awarded to L/Cpl (later Sgt) A E Walker, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment): 1914-15 Star;Allied Victory Medal 1914-19. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-583 |
Medals awarded to Cpl L W Twyman, The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) and Army Cyclist Corps: 1939-45 Star; Africa Star 1940-43; Italy Star 1943-45; British War Medal 1939-45; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-584 |
British War Medal 1914-20 awarded to G-1841 Pte A E Rust, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-525 |
Medal group awarded to S R W Sands, possibly Royal Air Force: 1939-45 Star; Defence Medal 1939-45; British War Medal 1939-45; in the original postage box containing ribbons for all three and a certificate from the Air Council confirming the awards. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-526 |
Medals awarded to Pte A Leaney, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment): British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-585 |
Medals awarded to Pte Walter Greenstreet, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment): Defence Medal 1939-45; 1914-15 Star; British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19; Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-586 |
Button, 1935-1961; associated with The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Uniforms | 2001-05-527 |
Silver War Badge or Ex-Serviceman's Badge 1914-18 awarded to 799 or 779 Pte G E Allen, 7th Bn, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), 1916. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-528 |
King's Badge for the Disabled 1945, 1944 pattern, nd. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-529 |
British War Medal 1914-20 awarded to Pte S D Saxby, 3rd Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-587 |
Allied Victory Medal 1914-19 awarded to Pte F Smith, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-588 |
Medal group awarded to Pte W C Rodwell: British War Medal 1914-20; India General Service Medal 1908 with clasp: Afghanistan NWF 1919; Defence Medal 1939-45, with part of the original box and certificate from the Army Council confirming the award of medals for World War Two (1939-1945). Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-533 |
British War Medal 1914-20 awarded to Pte G J Waghorn, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-589 |
British War Medal 1914-20 awarded to Pte H Hicks, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-590 |
Medal group on bar awarded to G-8658 Pte W E Stock, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment): British War Medal 1914-20; Allied Victory Medal 1914-19. Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-538 |
Embroidered badge, nd; depicts a gold dragon facing right to left standing on a blue scroll, and embroidered on gold thread 'The Buffs'. From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Badges | 2001-05-539 |
British War Medal 1914-20 awarded to G-18510 Pte F E Herridge, The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). Associated with World War One (1914-1918). From the collection of the former Buffs Regimental Museum. | Medals | 2001-05-540 |
Video: Logistic Support and the RLC [Royal Logistic Corps]. Services Sound and Vision Corporation video produced in 1996. [RESTRICTED] | Film and Videos | 2001-05-401 |