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Displaying 109701 to 109800 of 110970 results
Description | Object Type | NAM Accession Number |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4415. NURNBERG DISTRICTColours/shapes: Shield. The top half has a figure of scales in White on a pale Blue background. The lower half has a small Black square with Silver detail on a Red backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2628 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4416 BERLIN DISTRICT 1st p.Colours/shapes: Shield with the Brandenburg Gate in Black on a Gold background and with a Red borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2629 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4417. BERLIN DISTRICT 2nd p.Colours/shapes: Shield with an overall Blue background. On this from the top down is the word Berlin in Gold within a Red box then crescents of pale Blue, Red, Gold, and Green then in the lower part a sword upright with Gold handle and hilt, a White blade and Red flames on both sides of the blade.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2630 |
Formation badge, original annotation: NoneColours/shapes: Circle with arc above. The circle has a Chinese bridge like figure in gold braid set with in a Gold braid circle on a Black background. The arc at the top has OKINAWA in a box both in Gold on a Black background.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2631 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4418. EUROPEAN CIVIL AFFAIRSColours/shapes: Shield with vertical stripe from left Blue / Silver (narrower) / Red / Silver (narrower) / Blue. The Red centre stripe has a dagger with a Silver blade above a Gold hilt. The whole has a Red borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2632 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4419. EUROPEAN SECURITY EXCHANGEColours/shapes: Shield with vertical stripes from left Red / Silver (narrower) / Blue / Silver (narrower) / Red. The Blue centre stripe has a dagger with a Silver blade above a Gold hilt. The whole has a Blue borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2633 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4420. MILITARY MISSION TO MOSCOWColours/shapes: Sector with point down. The upper quarter has Russian characters (for AMERICA) in White on a Blue background. The lower 3 quarters has an upright eagle with wings spread and head to the left holding a Blue cut-out shield. The background is Red. The whole has a White border with upper and lower parts separated by a White wavy lineFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2634 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4421. HUNGARIAN OCCUPATION FORCEColours/shapes: Square with a shallow curly bracket shaped base. Upper 1/4 has AMERICA in White on a Blue background. Middle 2/4 has US above ACC both in Gold set on a background of narrow Red (7) and White (6) stripes. The lower 1/4 has MAGYARORSZAG in White on a Green background. The whole has a thin White border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2635 |
Formation badge, original annotation:4422. WAR AID TO FRANCEColours/shapes: Shield with the a narrow top band with FRANCE in Blue on a Silver background and the lower part with 3 vertical bands in Blue, Silver and Red as per the French flagFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2636 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4423. BERMUDA BASE COMMAND.Colours/shapes: Circle. The central symbol is daisy shaped with a large Red centre and 6 triangular "petals" alternating White and Gold (White at the top). The background is Blue and there is a thin Green borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2637 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4424. NORTH AFRICAN THEATERColours/shapes: Moorish arch (like a spade on a playing card) with a Blue 5 point star at its centre on a Silver background and with a thin Red borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2638 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4425. U.S. TROOPS, TRIESTEColours/shapes: Banner above a Quatrefoil. The banner has TRUST in White on a Blue background and has a thin White border. The Quatrefoil has a small shield at its centre which has a White vertical sword on a Red background. The remainder of the Quatrefoil is Blue with a thin White border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2639 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4426. ARMY EUROPEAN ZONEColours/shapes: Shield with 3 parts - top left 1/3 has a White fluer-de-lys on a Blue background; top right 1/3 has a White fleur-de-lys on a Red background. The centre 1/3 is solid white and has an arrowhead at its top.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2640 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 5739. 7 SERVICE COMMAND HQColours/shapes: Circle with 7 asymmetrical diamonds pointing from the centre to the perimeter, all are Silver on a Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2641 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4427. ICELAND FORCEColours/shapes: Rectangular with a polar bear facing left on top of an ice berg both in White on a deep Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2642 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4428. ICELAND FORCEColours/shapes: Rectangular with a polar bear facing left on top of an ice berg both in White on a deep Black backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2643 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4430 SIBERIA EXPED. FORCEColours/shapes: Diamond with a line about 1/3 from the top. Above this is S and below is AEF. Line and letters are in White on a Black background. From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2644 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4429. N.RUSSIA EXPEDITIONColours/shapes: Rectangular except that the top side is bowed upwards. There is a polar bear on ice in White on a pale Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2645 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4431. MARIANAS-BONIN FORCEColours/shapes: Circle with a palm tree (green leaves, brown trunk) against a backdrop of a White sky and pale Blue sea all with a thin Red borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2646 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4432. GUAM FORCEColours/shapes: Upright rugby ball but with pointed ends. Contains a central palm tree growing on a spit of Golden sand in the bottom right. This is set against a Blue sky and Green sea. On the sea to the left is a small single sail (White) boat (Brown). Across the middle and split by the palm tree is GU AM in Red. The whole has a thin Red border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2647 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4410. CHINA-BURMA-INDIA THEATERColours/shapes: Shield. Top part has 2 stars side by side. To the left is a 12 point star in White with a pale Blue circle at its centre. To the right is a 5 point star in White. The background is Blue. The lower part has equal Red (3) and White (2) stripes. The whole has a thin Green border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2648 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4411. CHINA COMBAT COMMANDColours/shapes: Shield. At the centre is a 12 point star in White with a thin Blue circle around its centre. This is set on a circular Blue background. The main background has Red (3) and White (2) stripes set o the diagonal top right to bottom left. The whole has a thin White border From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2649 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4412. LEDO ROADColours/shapes: Triangular with point at its base and with its corners rounded off. From the top :- a broad Red band containing 3 5 point stars in White; a thin White and thin Blue band; A broad pale Blue band then a broad Green band. From the bottom point there is a White zigzag cutting across the Green band leading to a flower-like head with 7 points above a semicircular Blue band which sits at the base of the broad pale blue bandFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2650 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4413 CHINA HQ.Colours/shapes: Shield. The top 1/3 is a broad Blue band with 2 sets of Chinese letters in White. The bottom 2/3 is Red with 3 interlocking thin rings in White. There is an overall thin White borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2651 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4414. MILITARY ASSISTANT ADVISORY GROUP. FORMOSAColours/shapes: Shield. The top 1/3 is split into 2 parts. At the left is a 12point star with a thin Blue circle around its centre; this is set on a Blue background. To the right is MAAG in White on a Red background. The bottom 2/3 has Red (3) and White (2) vertical stripes. The whole has a thin Green borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2652 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4406 MERRILL'S MARAUDERSColours/shapes: Shield. At its centre is a Red lightening strike from top right to bottom left set on a Green background. in the top left corner is a 5 point start in Gold braid set on a Blue background. In the bottom right corner is a 12 point Gold braid star with a Blue circle around its centre set on a Blue background. From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2653 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4407. MERRILL'S MARAUDERSColours/shapes: Shield with a banner above. The banner has MERRILL'S MARAUDERS in Red on a Blue background. The shield has at its centre a Red lightening strike from top right to bottom left set on a Green background. in the bottom right corner is a 5 point start in White set on a Blue background. In the top left corner is a 12 point White star with a Blue circle around its centre set on a Blue background. There is a thin Red border around both the banner and the shield.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2654 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 9019 342 GUERILLA DEPROCESSING CENTREColours/shapes: Arc with 342ND GUERILLA DEPROCESSING CENTRE in Black on a Red background. there is a thin Black borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2655 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4408. JINGPAW RANGERS.Colours/shapes: Shield with pointed top edge. The top 1/3 has USA JINGPAW RANGERS on 3 line in White on a Blue background. The bottom 2/3 has equal width Red (7) and White (6) vertical stripes. The whole has a thin Blue border.Other:From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2656 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4409. KACHN RANGERS.Colours/shapes: Shield with pointed top edge. The top 1/3 has USA KACHIN RANGERS on 3 lines in White on a Blue background. The bottom 2/3 has equal width Red (7) and White (6) vertical stripes. The whole has a thin Blue border.Other:From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2657 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4355 INDIGO TASK FORCEColours/shapes: Circle. At the centre is a triangle the bottom part White, the top part Red and with a wavy boundary between the two parts. The background of the top half is White and that of the bottom half is Blue and again there is a wavy boundary between these parts. The whole has a thin Green border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2658 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4356. TASK FORCE VColours/shapes: Shield with a large V in White occupying most of the shield. Beneath, also in White are ..._ (dot, dot, dash). The background is RedFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2659 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4358 1st AIRBORNE TASK FORCE.Colours/shapes: Circle with the outline of a plane flying to the right in Red on a White background and with a thin Red borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2660 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4357. 1st SPECIAL SERVICE FORCEColours/shapes: An upward point arrow head with USA in White horizontal above CANADA in White vertical all on a Red backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2661 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4359. HAWAIIN CADREColours/shapes: Shield. At the top is HAWAIIAN in Red on Gold. This has a think Red border. The lower part has a Green leaf with a Gold border set on a Red background. This part has a thick Green borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2662 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4360. HAWAIIN COASTAL BDEColours/shapes: Oval with a flower with Greem stem and 2 leaves coming up from the bottom. The flower head is daisy like with 19 upward pointing petals. This is set on a Gold background and also has a thin Green borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2663 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 5901. ASMARA-ERITREAColours/shapes: Shield containing a Gazelle head facing left in Red with a White eye set on a silver background. From the bottom and extending up both sides of the shield are horn like motifs in BlueFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2664 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 10288Colours/shapes: Shield. Moving from the centre outwards there are 4 Gold asymmetrical diamonds pointing outwards overlaying a Red 12 point star overlaying a douze foil (12 petal daisy shape) in White on a Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2665 |
Formation badge, original annotation: NoneColours/shapes: Shield. Moving from the centre outwards there are 4 Black asymmetrical diamonds pointing outwards overlaying a dull Green 12 point star overlaying a douze foil (12 petal daisy shape) in Black on a dull Green backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2666 |
Formation badge, original annotation: NoneColours/shapes: Shield with a vertical sword in Black. The blade sits between castle walls coming in from both the right and left edges. The castle walls are in Black on a dull Green background. There is a thin Black border.Other: Duplicate of 2008-02-3813?From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2667 |
Formation badge, original annotation: NoneColours/shapes: Circle with banner beneath. In the circle is a spur (horseshoe + point) with the point at the top with a lightening flash crossing through from top right to bottom left. These are all in Black on a dull Green background. There is a thin Black border. The banner beneath has RUTHLESS RIDERS in Black on a dull Green background with a Black border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2668 |
Formation badge, original annotation: NoneColours/shapes: Shield with equal vertical stripes from left Black, Dull Green, Black. The centre stripe has a vertical Black sword. From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2669 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 10316Colours/shapes: Squarish shield. The top 1/3 has a horizontal bull horn like figure in White on a Gold background. The bottom 2/3 has a Red 8 overlayed with a 4 blade propellor in White (like an X) on a Gold background. Each part and the overall shield have a thin Red borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2670 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 11759 MAAG VIETNAM. 2nd p.Colours/shapes: Shield with equal vertical stripes from left Black, Dull Green, Black. The centre stripe has a vertical Black sword. From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2671 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 7991 MILITARY LIAISON MISSION TO POTSDAMColours/shapes: Shield with an overall Blue background. The top 1/3 has UNITED STATES MILITARY LIAISON MISSION in White. Below this is POTSDAM in Red on a Pale Blue background which has beneath it 4 thin arched lines from the top being Red, Orange, Yellow and Green. The bottom half has a vertical sword with a White blade, Gold hilt and guard and Red flames either side of the blade. Overlaying this is a Stars and Stripes flag from a Gold flag staff to the leftFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2672 |
Formation badge, original annotation: NoneColours/shapes: Trapzoid with a White loop at its centre overlayed with KOREA in Yellow on a Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2673 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 12864Colours/shapes: Downwards Arc with JUSMAG-K in Orange on a Blue background with a thin White border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2674 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4218 6th AIRBORNE DIVISION Colours/shapes: Two part badge. "AIRBORNE" in gold on black, above a white shield with a blue parachute motif, the shield edged in greenFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2675 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4219. 18th AIRBORNE DIVISION Colours/shapes: Two part badge. "AIRBORNE" in white on blue above a green edged shield with a white, blue and yellow motifFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2676 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4220. 11th AIRBORNE DIVISION Colours/shapes: Shield with "AIRBORNE" in white above a white "11" in a red circle with a white border and wingsFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2677 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4221. 13th AIRBORNE DIVISION Colours/shapes: Shield with "AIRBORNE" in gold on black above a gold unicorn head on blue.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2678 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4226. 9th AIRBORNE DIVISION Colours/shapes: "AIRBORNE" in silver on blue above a yellow thunder flash also on blue with a silver border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2679 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4627. 21st. AIRBORNE DIVISION Colours/shapes: Silver "AIRBORNE" on blue above three yellow thunder flashes with silver "clouds", also on blueFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2680 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4228. 17th AIRBORNE DIVISION Colours/shapes: Gold "AIRBORNE" on black above a gold raptor's claw also on black From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2681 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4229. 101st AIRBORNE DIVISION Colours/shapes: Gold "AIRBORNE" on black above a black shield with a white, yellow and red eagle's headFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2682 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 6726. 80th AIRBORNE DIVISION Colours/shapes: Pale blue "AIRBORNE" in a pale green arc above a pale green shield with silver edging depicting three pale blue mountains above a silver horizontal lineFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2683 |
Formation badge, original annotation: No original annotation Colours/shapes: "AIRBORNE" in black in a green arc edged in black above a green leaf shape edged in black depicting a black thunder flash From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2684 |
Formation badge, original annotation: No original annotation Colours/shapes: "AIRBORNE" in gold above a gold helmet in a yellow parachute motif, all in a black ornate shield From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2685 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4622. 82nd. AIRBORNE DIVISION Colours/shapes: Silver "AIRBORNE" in a blue arc above a red rectangle with "AA" in silver in a blue circle From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2686 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4223 108th AIRBORNE DIVISION Colours/shapes: Silver "AIRBORNE" in a red arc above a red heptagon depicting a gold mythical winged creature From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2687 |
Formation badge, original annotation: No original annotationColours/shapes: "AA" in dark green in a black circle within a dark green square From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2688 |
Formation badge, original annotation: No original annotation Colours/shapes: Green eagle head in a dark green shield From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2689 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4224. 84th AIRBORNE DIVISION Colours/shapes: White "AIRBORNE" in a red arc above a red circle edged in green depicting an axe chopping wood in silverFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2690 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4225. 135th AIRBORNE DIVISION Colours/shapes: Gold "AIRBORNE" in a lack arc above a gold circle depicting a black spiderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2691 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4522 501 PARACHUTE REGT.Colours/shapes: Silver parachute design above a silver figure holding a red thunderbolt, all in a blue circle with silver and red borders. Below this is the word GERONIMO" in red, in a silver scroll with a red border From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2692 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4523. 2nd AIRBORNE INF. BDE.Colours/shapes: "AIRBORNE" in gold in a black arc above a shield of two swords, one blue and one silver on silver and blue backgrounds respectively From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2693 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4524. 508th AIRBORNE REGTL. COMBAT TEAMColours/shapes: "AIRBORNE" in silver in a blue arc above a red square with a silver circle in which is a blue dragon motif From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2694 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4525. 503 PARACHUTE REGT.Colours/shapes: "AIRBORNE" in gold above a silver parachute with "503" in blue above an silver eagle with blue and gold detail, with "THE ROCK" in silver on a red background. All this in a blue shield From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2695 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4526. 503 PARACHUTE REGT.Colours/shapes: "AIRBORNE" in gold in a black arc above a silver parachute with "503" in blue above an silver eagle with black, yellow and red detail, with "THE ROCK" in silver on a red background. All this in a blue shield From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2696 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4527. Colours/shapes: "HELLS ANGELS" in red in a blue arc above a silver parachute with "188th" in red and a silver eagle with black and gold detail hold in its claws a red rectangle with a silver border depicting the word "AIRBORNE" in silver, all on a blue background From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2697 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4529Colours/shapes: "AIRBORNE" in silver in a blue arc above a pale blue shield edged in blue. In the shield is a parachute motif with a "cartoon" dog with a halo in brown , red and black holding a black bomb. To the left is the word "ANGELS" and to the right "511th" both in redFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2698 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4528 127 AIRBORNE ENGINEER BN.Colours/shapes: Cartoon character in brown, gold and blue in a silver and pale blue parachute, all in a red circle with a silver border From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2699 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4530. 508 PARACHUTE REGIMENT Colours/shapes: Red "devil" figure in a parachute holding a rifle, detailed in black and silver, all in a pale grey circle with a black border.Other: See also ref 2008-02-2703From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2700 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4531. WOMEN'S FERRY COMMAND Colours/shapes: Multi coloured leaping winged cartoon figure in a blue circleFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2701 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 5740Colours/shapes: Muli coloured cartoon character hanging from a parachute, in a silver circle edged in blueFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2702 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4530. 508 PARACHUTE REGIMENT Colours/shapes: Red "devil" figure in a parachute holding a rifle, detailed in black and silver, all in a dark grey circle with a black border.Other: See also 2008-02-2700From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2703 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 8499 173 AB INF BRIGADE Colours/shapes: "AIRBORNE" in white in a blue arc above a blue shield with a white border showing a feather headdress with a red daggerFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2704 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 8486 11 (AIR ASSAULT) DIVISION Colours/shapes: "AIR ASSAULT" in red above a red circle bordered in white with white wings with "11" inside.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2705 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 9993 173 ABN. INF BRIGADE JUNGLE UNIFORM Colours/shapes: "AIRBORNE" in dark green in a green arc above a green shield bordered in dark green showing a dark green headdress holding a daggerFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2706 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 7223 501 AIRBORNE INFANTRY REGTColours/shapes: "501 APACHES" in red on a white and blue parachute above a native Indian head with a red thunderbolt, in blue circle bordered in white and red. Below this is "GERONIMO" in blue in a white arc bordered in red,Other: See also 2008-02-2692From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2707 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 7630. 187 AIRBORNE INFANTRY REGTColours/shapes: Red vertical sword on a silver background in a blue shield edged in silver, above the words "NE DESIT VIRTUS" in black.Other: From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2708 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 11126 505 AIRBORNE INFANTRY REGT Colours/shapes: "PANTHERS" in black above a design of four red parachutes and a winged black cat, on four diagonal blue lines. 505 in black at the bottom, all in a silver shield with a blue border From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2709 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 11732 101 AIRBORNE DIVISION Colours/shapes: "AIRBORNE " in green in a black arc above an eagle's head in camouflage colours in a black shield.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2710 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 9968 HQ 5th SPECIAL FORCES Colours/shapes: Stylised design of a parachute, wings and a helmet in brown, yellow and black with "AIRBORNE" above and "SCHOOL" below From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2711 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 11679 188 ABN INFANTRY REGTColours/shapes: Eagle in blue, white , red and yellow holding a yellow thunderbolt, all in a pale blue circle with a white border From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2712 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4257. 187 A/B REGTL. COMBAT TEAM Colours/shapes: White parachute above a white "wing" on red flames. "AIRBORNE " in white above these, all in a blue shield From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2713 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4258. 187 A/B REGTL. COMBAT TEAM Colours/shapes: White parachute above a white "wing" on red flames. "AIRBORNE " in white above these, all in a pale blue shield.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2714 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4259. 187 A/B REGTL. COMBAT TEAM Colours/shapes: Black stylised cat with red tongue and feet in a white parachute, set in a yellow background. "AIRBORNE " in white on blue above and "P61" in white on blue below. From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2715 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4260.187 A/B REGTL. COMBAT TEAM Colours/shapes: White parachute above a white "wing" with a pale blue "187" on red flames. "AIRBORNE " in white above these, all in a pale blue shield.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2716 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4261. 187 A/B REGTL. COMBAT TEAM Colours/shapes: White parachute above a white "wing" with a blue "187" on red flames. "AIRBORNE " in white above these, all in a blue shield.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2717 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4251. 5 REGTL. COMBAT TEAM Colours/shapes: Red pentagon with white border From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2718 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4262. 25 REGTL COMBAT TEAM Colours/shapes: Shield formed by two triangles. Top right blue with four white stars, bottom left red with a white castle From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2719 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4249. 158 REGTL. COMBAT TEAM Colours/shapes: Two white entwined snakes detailed in black on a dark blue shield From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2720 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4247. 176 REGTL. COMBAT TEAM Colours/shapes: Shield, right side red and left side blue, bordered in white. Crossed swords above a lighted torch both in white.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2721 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4248. 178 REGTL COMBAT TEAM Colours/shapes: Blue halberd head with a white border, in a shield formed of red on the right side and blue on the left. All bordered with white From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2722 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4250. 196 REGTL. COMBAT TEAM Colours/shapes: Two "heads" in profile both in white, in a blue shield From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2723 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4246. 278 REGTL COMBAT TEAM Colours/shapes: Gold arrow head facing right in a blue circle From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2724 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4264. 442 REGTL COMBAT TEAM 1st p.Colours/shapes: Gold forearm holding a red and white sword, on a red, white and blue background From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2725 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4243. 442 REGTL COMBAT TEAM 2nd pColours/shapes: White forearm holding a torch on a blue background bordered in white and redOther: See also 2008-02-2728From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2726 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4244. 474 REGTL. COMBAT TEAM Colours/shapes: Stylised Viking boat in red, black and white, on a blue arrowhead shape From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-2727 |