Inventory Search
Displaying 110301 to 110400 of 110970 results
Description | Object Type | NAM Accession Number |
Formation badge, original annotation: 9106 A.F. COMMUNICATIONS SERVICEColours/shapes: Shield with banner below. Shield has a clenched fist in the bottom right corner in Yellow with brown detail. From this there are 6 curved red/white lightening flashes reaching out into the top left area. The background in the bottom left where there is the fist is the top of a Globe in dark blue with light blue long/latitude lines. Beyond this is pale blue 'sky' with 4 stars. There is a thin yellow border. The banner has AIR FORCE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE in Orange on a White background with a Yellow borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3247 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 9107 ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS DIVISIONColours/shapes: Shield with banner beneath. The SHield has a pale Blue globe with lines of latitude/longitude in Yellow. Passing vertically through centre is a White tower with a broad White arrow above the globe. The base of the tower has 2 lightening flashes to left and right. These are all in White. The background is Blue with a thin yellow border. The banner has ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS DIVISION in Yellow on a White background with a thin Yellow border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3248 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 7612 2nd AIR FORCEColours/shapes: Square. The main image is an eagle like bird swooping down on its prey in Gold. Above is a small 5-point star in White with a Red centre. The background is BlueOther: Waring number on the back of the badge is 7602From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3249 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 7674 9th AIR FORCEColours/shapes: Shield. At the bottom is a Red '9" in a Gold disc which has white wings from its sides. At the top between the wing tips is a 5-point star in White with a Red centre. The background is Blue.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3250 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 7675 ARMY AIR FORCE HQColours/shapes: Circle with a 5-point star in White with a Red centre from which there are wings extending upwards in Gold. The background is BlueFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3251 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 8516 116 CARRIER ESCORT SGN.Colours/shapes: Circle. The left half is pale Blue with a small sun at the top. The right half is dark blue with a small crescent moon at the top. Across these is an Eagle in Brown and White carrying a 'stick' in Black. The wing tips extend outside the circle. At the bottom is CVE-116 in White.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3252 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 10260 172 MILITARY AIRLIFT GROUPColours/shapes: Shield with banner beneath. The shield is divided into 4 by a Gold cross which overlays a Globe in Brown with Yellow lat-longitude lines. Around the globe are 2 crossing lines indicating orbiting. These each have an arrow head. The top left and bottom right quadrants have a background of stars on a Blue background. The other quadrants are plain Grey. There is a yellow border. The banner has 172 MILITARY AIRLIFT GROUP in Blue on a White background and a Yellow border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3253 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 7118. 30 BOMB SQDN.Colours/shapes: Circle with banner beneath. The circle has a White skull facing left. From its eye socket is a Red and Gold flash. At the back of the skull is a Gold wing which extends outside the circle. above the skull is a Green fleur-de-lys. At the W, E and S points are small Gold triangles. The background is Blue and there is a thin yellow border. The banner has 30 BOMB SQDN in Yellow on a Blue background with a thin yellow borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3254 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 6987. FLYING TIGERSColours/shapes: Circle with a lying tiger facing right in Gold and Black which has Gold wings on its back a s between the wing tips a Gold & Black 5-point star with Red centre. The bacvground is Blue.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3255 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 7119. 101 AIR SQDNColours/shapes: Triangle but with an indented base and tabs on each of the left & right sides. The centre has 0 in Black on a Silver background and the tabs have 1 in Silver on a Black background. (reading across as 101) The main triangle has a black borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3256 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 7120. 4397 AIR REFUELING WINGColours/shapes: Shield with banner beneath. The shield has from top left to bottom right the tail of a plane connected to the nose of a plane (as is refuelling). These are in Blue. in top right are 2 Brown birds sitting on a Green tree branch. Below is a globe like structure in Blue with White detail. The background is Yellow with Blue inset border. The banner has 4397th AIR REFUELING WING in Yellow on a White background with a Brown border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3257 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 6824. FIXED WING AVIATION SCHOOLColours/shapes: Shield. In bottom left is a Black torch with yellow detail and flame. This has Black wings on its right hand side. The is set on an Orange background with a thin Black borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3258 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 8728Colours/shapes: Shield with banner beneath. The shield is split diagonally top left to bottom right - the border is like a jigsaw puzzle connection. The top right has a Red bird ascending on a White background. The bottom left has a White 11-point star on a Pale Blue background. The banner has SUPER PRIMUM in Black on a White background.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3259 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 10267Colours/shapes: Circle with banner above and below. The circle has a two pedestal table like image set on a large single wing all in White and Grey. The background is dark blue with a broad pale blue border. The banner above has 2d AIR DIVISION in pale Blue on White. The banner below has SOUTH EAST ASIA in pale Blue on WhiteFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3260 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 9140Colours/shapes: Shield split top / bottom by a yellow band. The top has 6100th* in Blue on White. The bottom has SUPPORT above QADRON in Red on White. (The S covers both lines to read Support Squadron). There is a Yellow border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3261 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 9143Colours/shapes: Circle with banner below. The circle has a plane wing shaped image stretching across the whole circle. This has a red upper part and a White lower part. This overlays a broad band going top left to bottom right which has 6 white stars above the wing and 5 below. The background to the band is Blue. In the top right of the circle is an image like electrons whizzing round. This is in mixed Red, Yellow. Blue and White colours. The background for this section is pale blue. In the bottom left is a Green and Blue branch crossed with a lightening bolt in Yellow and Red. The background to this section is pale Blue. The circle has a border of thin Blue, Red and Yellow lines. The banner has ACCURATUM EST in Blue on a White background with a Blue border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3262 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 9139Colours/shapes: Shield split top / bottom by a yellow band. The top has 6100th* in Blue on White. The bottom has SUPPORT above QADRON in Red on White. (The S covers both lines to read Support Squadron). There is a Yellow border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3263 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 8489Colours/shapes: Octagon with a Back and Yellow wasp holding a Green box which has 2nd in Black on its side. To the right of the box is FMS in Black. The background is pale blue with a broad Black borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3264 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 8475Colours/shapes: Circle with banner above. The circle has a Black Octopus . At the end of each arm is a small igloo in White with Black detail. The background is Red with an inset castellated border in Yellow. The banner has SEMPER VIGILES in Black on a Yellow background with a Black border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3265 |
Formation badge, original annotation: NoneColours/shapes: Quatrefoil with a black silhouette of the head (with white eyes and red nose and mouth) and arms only of a man holding an extended Black bow and arrow. The man has 3 Red feathers coming from the top of his head. The background is Yellow and there is a thin Red border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3266 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 11721 AEROSPACE RESCUE & RECOVERY SERVICEColours/shapes: Shield with banner above and below. The shield has Gold triangle from top to bottom overlayed with an angel with white wings and red arms holding a globe which is blue with lines of long/latitude in Gold. The background to the shield is Blue with a darker blue border. The scroll above has AEROSPACE RESCUE AND RECOVERY SERVICE in Blue on White with a yellow border.The banner below has THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE in Blue on White with a yellow background.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3267 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 10125Colours/shapes: Circle. At the base is a White dome on top of a tower - like a tracking station. The left half of the circle is pale blue with 3 small gold lightening bolts and the right is dark blue with 15 small gold stars. There is a broad border in which is written at the top 762ND RADAR SQDN. and at the bottom POTENT DEFENSE-PERMANENT PEACE in both cases in Blue on White with a Yellow border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3268 |
Formation badge, original annotation: NoneColours/shapes: Shield with banner below. Shield has a cartoon like Brown dog sat on a small patch of Green. Behind are black scales with the left pan lower than the right. To the right of the dog is a vertical torch like image with a red flame. Above the dog is a cartoon like aeroplane in white with a blue stick figure man jumping out. Above the plane is DET. hash 2 in Blue. Below the dog are odd style letters 1045 O.EPTGR. The background is Yellow with a Blue border. The banner has HQ. COMMAND in Blue on Yellow.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3269 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 5880 120 OBSERVATION SQNColours/shapes: Circle with the face of a tiger in yellow with black and white detail for eyes, whiskers and teeth plus a red nose and mouth. This is on a Brown background with a thin black border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3270 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 9872 40 FIELD MAINTENANCE SQN.Colours/shapes: Circle over banner. The circle has a stylised Gold eagle overlaying a White plane next to a Red and White lightening bolt all going from bottom right to top left. The background is Blue with a Yellow border. The banner has 40TH FLD MAINT SQ in Red on Blue with yellow borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3271 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 8512Colours/shapes: Shield with banner beneath. The shield has a large D in Blue in a gothic type font. Inside the D is a man in green & blue jacket, pink head and hands above a figure which could be a model of an aeroplane. The background is Silver and there is a Red border.The banner has QUI IN INFERNOS SUMUS in Black on Yellow with a thin Black border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3272 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 11722 FIXED WING AVIATION SCHOOLColours/shapes: Shield with a Black torch and flame. This has Black wings on its right hand side. The is set on an dark Green background with a thin Black borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3273 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 8003 99 AIR REFUELING SQUADRON (HEAVY)Colours/shapes: Other - swirl like shape. There is a pale Blue globe with black lines for latitude and longitude. There is a white plane which has a red tail which goes around the globe (as if it has made an orbit). The background is black with an inset thin silver borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3274 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 8004 68 TACTICAL FIGHTER SQNColours/shapes: Ellipse above banner. The ellipse has a Black figure like a medieval man in armour carrying in his left hand a shield with a white cross on a Red background, in his right arm a sword with a red hilt and white blade. His helmet has a red plume and each foot has been replaced by a gold lightening bolt. The plume and sword tip extend outside the ellipse. The background is Grey. The banner has 68 TAC FTR SQDN in Red on Grey with a black borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3275 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 12758 SYSTEMS COMMANDColours/shapes: Shield with banner beneath. The shield has a upward pointing arrow, there are 3 flights on each side at the bottom. Around the flights and the lower part of the arrow shaft is a circle. These are all in white on a pale blue background with a thin yellow border.The banner has AF SYSTEMS COMMAND in yellow on White with a yellow borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3276 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 12759 SECURITY SERVICEColours/shapes: Shield above banner. The shield has a yellow border and is split into quarters. Top left has a green earth with the Americas in Green shown on a blue backgroundTop right is a gold lightening bolt on a red backgroundBottom left is a single Blue bird wing on yellowBottom right is White shield with a Gold flame and a sword behind that has a gold handle and white blade.The banner has USAF SECURITY SERVICES in yellow on white with a yellow border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3277 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 9874 577 STRATEGIC MISSILE SQN.Colours/shapes: Circle above bannerThe circle has a deep pink globe with black lines for longitude and latitude. Across this is an arrow head pointing to top left the top half in gery and the lower half in black.Around the left side of the globe is a band of blue and white stripes with 3 blue stars - top, centre and bottom. Around the right side is a solid blue band with 3 white stars - top centre and bottom.The banner has 577TH STR.MSL.SQ.(ICBM-ATLAS) in white on blueFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3278 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 10272 186 TACTICAL RECONN GROUPColours/shapes: Shield with banner belowThe shield has a thin white band from top left to bottom right on a red background. Above the band there is a blue 'parcel' with a pair of white wings. above this are 4 white stars with another 2 white stars beneath. Below the band there is a globe with blue se and green land mass and white lines for latitude and longitude.The banner has 186TH TAC RECONN GROUP in yellow on white with a yellow borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3279 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 10275Colours/shapes: Shield with banner below.The bottom left of the shield has te top part only of a globe. This has land masses in Silver with blue lines for latitude/longitude. there is a section of red cogged wheel at its bottom right.From the top right to the globe's pole there is a lightening bolt in White with blue border. The top right has a 5-point white star which has 5 gold stars around its lower left side. The overall background is pale blue with a yellow border.The banner has GEEIA in Blue on a Silver background with yellow borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3280 |
Formation badge, original annotation: NoneColours/shapes: Shield with banner below. The shield has a Silver aeroplane with eagle's head flying top right to bottom left. This has 2 black missiles on its underside.Above the plane are Silver & Grey clouds with 2 lightening bolts in gold.Beneath the plane are 2 lightening bolts in gold.The background is Blue with a broad red border.The banner has 27TH AIR DIVISION in Black on White with a Gold borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3281 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 11163 HELICOPTER COY. 1 CAV DIVISIONColours/shapes: Circle with a hawk facing left in Black with dark green detail set on a dark green background. There is a broad band around the circle with BLACKHAWKS in dark green on Black with a dark green borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3282 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 12953 5010 COMBAT SUPPORT GROUPPamphlet: Colours/shapes: Shield with banner below. The top 1/3 of the shield is Blue with a white airplne heading to the top left corner. this section also has 7 white stars. The remainder of the shield is essentially white with the outline of mountains and waves on the sea picked out in Blue. There is also a single blue star and the contrails of the plane are blue. There is a yellow border.The banner has 5010TH COMBAT SUPPORT GR. in Brown on White with Gold border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3283 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4608 AIR CADETColours/shapes: Circle with a 2-blade vertical propellor which has wings to left and right all in Gold. The background is BlueFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3284 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4609 AIR CADETColours/shapes: Circle with a 2-blade vertical propellor which has wings to left and right all in Gold. The background is BlackFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3285 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 5750 15th AIR FORCEColours/shapes: Circle. At the bottom centre is a 5-point star in Silver but with a Red disc at the centre. Sat on top of this to left and right are bird wings in Gold. At the top in between the wing tips is a large "15" in Silver. This is all set on a Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3286 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 9028Colours/shapes: Circle with a 2-blade vertical propellor which has wings to left and right all in Gold. The background is dark BlueFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3287 |
Formation badge, original annotation:4611 AIR FORCE CONTRACT TECHNICIAN. CIVILIANColours/shapes: Rectangle. At the centre is a Blue triangle with US in Beige. Above this is AF CONTRACT and below is TECHNICIAN both in Blue on a Beige background.From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3288 |
Papers and a Book of Common Prayer from a collection relating to Sgt Charles Douglas Neville Walker MM. nd. | Archives | 2018-11-19-2 |
Silver pocket watch associated with Gnr Alfred Pearson, Royal Field Artillery, who served in World War One and became a Prisoner of War, 1918; inscribed with: "Prisoner of War/ Braubark/ 168068 Gnr. Pearson A./ R.F.A. 1918"; associated with World War One, POWs (1914-1918). | Scientific Instruments | 2019-09-2-1 |
Queen Victoria, 1879 (c); lithograph, presented to Col Marter 1879 | Prints | 1965-06-47 |
'A Hard Sell', Qala-E-Bost, Lashkar Gah District, Afghanistan. Pencil and watercolour by Lynne Moore, 2012; Lynne Moore travelled to Helmand Province in 2012 and was embedded with The Light Dragoons. This sketch was drawn in the artist's first day in Helmand Province. The locals were trying to sell beads and old coins to her and the soldier accompanying her. After some discussion, she bought some; associated with Operation HERRICK (2002-2014), Afghanistan (2001- ). | Drawings and Watercolours | 2019-09-3-1 |
Silver presentation salver, Royal West African Frontier Force, presented to Capt Harold Dennis Edwards Verschoyle OBE by the officers of the Nigeria Regiment Royal West African Frontier Force, 1935 (c) | Silver | 2019-09-4-1 |
Collection of 70 photographs from Keith Steward relating to Royal West African Frontier Force; previously associated with Maj Lanning and relating to Royal West African Frontier Force. | Photographs | 2019-09-4-2 |
Papers of Maj E C Lanning and Maj Whitehead, 1940 (c)-1993 (c); includes orders of service, diaries, articles, published histories of the Nigeria Regiment, prints and photographs. From the Steward Collection relating to Royal West African Frontier Force. | Archives | 2019-09-4-3 |
Medal group awarded to Lt Col Charles Augustus Edwards, 35th (Sikh) Regiment of Bengal Infantry, Indian Army, late of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers; India General Service Medal, with clasp: Burma 1885-87; Central Africa Medal 1891-98, with clasp: Central Africa 1894-98; associated with Burma, Guerrilla Warfare (1885-1895) and anti-slavery operations in Africa. | Medals | 2019-09-5-1 |
Letters with typescript transcripts written by Spr J Palmer, Royal Engineers, Salonika January 1917 to December 1918; associated with World War One, Salonika (1914-1918). | Archives | 1993-12-33 |
Distinguished Conduct Medal (King's Africa Rifles and West African Frontier Force), awarded to Cpl Tani, 1st Bn 2nd King's African Rifles, for gallantry in Portuguese East Africa; associated with World War One, East Africa (1914-1918). | Medals | 2019-09-6-1 |
Five photographs of the 2nd Bn Grenadier Guards, showing the Colours being marched to Cologne, 1919, and group portraits; collected by and featuring Capt (later Lt Col) Laurence Holbech DSO MC; associated with World War One (1914-1918). | Photographs | 2019-10-1-1 |
File containing Gen Primrose's record of service (1837-1880), Sandhurst leaving certificate (1836), commissions (1837-1880), correspondence and documents relating to Primrose's appointments (1849-1880); associated with the Battle of Kandahar, 2nd Afghan War (1878-1880) 1880. From the collection of Gen James Primrose. | Archives | 2019-10-2-1 |
Two scrapbooks containing personal accounts, photographs and official paperwork relating to the service of William Gillespie Brogan, 1959-1961; associated with Malaya (1948-1960). | Archives | 2019-10-3-1 |
Fashion camouflage combat trousers with applied sequins, 2001 (c); made by 'Artwork'. | Uniforms | 2019-10-4-1 |
Medal group awarded to Frederick James (Jim) Terry, The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment): 1939-45 Star and British War Medal 1939-45; associated with World War Two, POWs (1939-1945). | Medals | 2019-02-4-2 |
Bullion badge, The Buffs, Frederick James (Jim) Terry, The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment); possibly a blazer badge; associated with the Evacuation of Dunkirk, World War Two, North West Europe and World War Two, POWs, Germany (1939-1945). | Badges | 2019-02-4-3 |
Filmed oral history interview with Lt Col Ben Wilde MBE, Mercian Regiment, 2019; Lt Col Wilde was Assistant Director of Army Recruiting; interview conducted by Emma Harper at the National Army Museum for the special exhibition, 'The Art of Persuasion, Wartime Posters by Abram Games'; Lt Col Wilde was responsible for the commissioning of the Army's controversial recruitment campaign, 'Your Army Needs You', launched in January 2019. | Film and Videos | 2019-10-9 |
Filmed oral history interview with David Gentleman, 28 Feb 2019; interview conducted by Emma Mawdsley and Mal Clarke at David Gentleman's studio in Camden for the special exhibition, 'The Art of Persuasion, Wartime Posters by Abram Games'; associated with World War Two, Home Front (1939-1945). | Film and Videos | 2019-10-5-1 |
Filmed oral history interview with Naomi Games, 29 Feb 2019; interview conducted by Emma Mawdsley at the National Army Museum for the special exhibition, 'The Art of Persuasion, Wartime Posters by Abram Games'; Naomi Games is the daughter of the graphic designer Abram Games; associated with World War Two, Home Front (1939-1945). | Film and Videos | 2019-10-6-1 |
Filmed oral history interview with Charlotte Elizabeth 'Betty' Webb MBE, 2 Mar 2019; interview conducted by for the special exhibition, 'The Art of Persuasion, Wartime Posters by Abram Games'; associated with World War Two, Home Front (1939-1945). | Film and Videos | 2019-10-7-1 |
Filmed oral history interview with Monika Parrinder, 27 Feb 2019; interview conducted for the special exhibition, 'The Art of Persuasion, Wartime Posters by Abram Games'; associated with World War Two, Home Front (1939-1945) | Film and Videos | 2019-10-8-1 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4612 393 BOMBARDMENT SQDN.Colours/shapes: Ellipse with a bomb shaped figure facing to the left in Grey with a circular nose in Red. Beneath and at the rear are grappling hooks in Black with other thin black lines top and bottom to indicate speed. The background is WhiteFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3289 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 93 FIGHTER SQDN. 4613Colours/shapes: Circle with a skull in White with wings in Gold from behind. It has 2 "legs" in Gold with a Blue 5-point star at their join. The background is BlueFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3290 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 12759 TACTICAL AIR COMMANDColours/shapes: Shield with banner beneath. The shield has a downward pointing dagger in White but with a Red hilt. The are Gold upward point wings either side. The background to the top half is Blue and the lower half is Red with the border being wavy like a jigsaw puzzle piece. The banner has TACTICAL AIR COMMAND in Gold on a White background and it has a Gold borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3291 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 414 FIGHTER SQDN. 4614Colours/shapes: Circle with a bull's head in Red with White eyes, horns and breathe from its nostrils. Some detail picked out in Black. Above the bull's head is 414 in White. The background is Blue with a Black borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3292 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4615 AIR DEFENSE COMMANDColours/shapes: Arc with AIR DEFENSE COMMAND in Gold on a Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3293 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4616 PERSONNEL DISTRIBUTION COMMANDColours/shapes: Arc with PERSONNEL DISTRIBUTION COMMAND in Gold on a Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3294 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4617 STRATEGIC AIR COMMANDColours/shapes: Arc with STRATEGIC AIR COMMAND in Gold on a Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3295 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4618 ALASKA AIR COMMANDColours/shapes: Arc with ALASKA AIR COMMAND in Gold on a Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3296 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4619 AIR TRANSPORT COMMANDColours/shapes: Arc with AIR TRANSPORT COMMAND in Gold on a Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3297 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4620 PROVING GROUND COMMANDColours/shapes: Arc with PROVING GROUND COMMAND in Gold on a Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3298 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4621 TRAINING COMMANDColours/shapes: Arc with TRAINING COMMAND in Gold on a Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3299 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4623 AIR UNIVERSITYColours/shapes: Arc with AIR UNIVERSITY in Gold on a Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3300 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4624 MOBILE DISPLAY UNITColours/shapes: Arc with MOBILE DISPLAY UNIT in Gold on a Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3301 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4625 WEATHER SERVICEColours/shapes: Arc with WEATHER SERVICE in Gold on a Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3302 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4626 INSTRUCTORColours/shapes: Arc with INSTRUCTOR in Gold on a Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3303 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4648 TACTICAL CENTERColours/shapes: Arc with TACTICAL CENTER in Gold on a Blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3304 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4311 SIXTH ARMY HONOR GUARDColours/shapes: "HONOR GUARD" in red on a white scroll with a red and khaki brown border From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3305 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4313. ALASKA COMMUNICATIONS Colours/shapes: Five scarlet thunder flashes in a white five pointed star, all in a blue circle From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3306 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4312. EIGHT ARMY HONOR GD. Colours/shapes: White four armed propeller in a red octagon above which is "HONOR GUARD" in white in a red arcFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3307 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4314 SPECIAL CATEGORY ARMY WITH AIR FORCE Colours/shapes: White winged sword in a red shield Other: See also 2008-02-3309From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3308 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4314 SPECIAL CATEGORY ARMY WITH AIR FORCE Colours/shapes: White winged sword in a red shield Other: See also 2008-02-3308From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3309 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 5786. MILY. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Colours/shapes: Blue and white sword above a white " genie" lamp in a blue triangle From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3310 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4316 MILY. INTELLIGENCE JAPAN Colours/shapes: Gold reclining dog outlined in black between two rows of three gold stars, all in a purple shield with a olive green border From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3311 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4317 MILY. INTELLIGENCE JAPAN Colours/shapes: Gold reclining dog outlined in black between two rows of three gold stars, all in a purple shield From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3312 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4318. LABOR SERVICEColours/shapes: "LABOR SERVICE" in gold on a blue background, above vertical alternating red and white stripes, the whple forming a shieldFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3313 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4319 CAMP FRESNO SIGNAL CORPS BASEColours/shapes: White, blue and gold abstract design portraying headphones, telegraph lines, wireless signalsFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3314 |
Formation badge, Unit:n None Original annotation: 4320. 9802 LABOR SERVICE CO. Colours/shapes: Gold flame in a red diamond From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3315 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4321 RESEARCH AND OPERATIONS ANALYSTS Colours/shapes: "ORO" in yellow with a yellow set of tipped scales above, all in a blue circle with a yellow border From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3316 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4322. 4205 SIGNAL CO. Colours/shapes: Five pointed red star on white with a gold "signal" through, seven white stars above and four white stars below, all in a blue shield From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3317 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4207. MILITARY DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON Colours/shapes: White obelisk on a green base, with a gold handled red sword superimposed on it. All on a blue background bordered in white and redFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3318 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4208 TANK DESTROYER UNITSColours/shapes: Black, red and white snarling feline head with two black gun barrels either side, all in a gold circle with a black border From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3319 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4209. ENLISTED RESERVE CORPSColours/shapes: Shield consisting of two elements. At the top is "ERC" in gold in a red arc, this is above a black and white screw with "- ED" in gold, on a blue background with a gold scalloped borderOther: A subtle depiction of "SCREWED" !From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3320 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4210. MILITARY MISSION Colours/shapes: 13 five pointed white stars within a blue scalloped shape with a white border From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3321 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4211 ARMY FIELD FORCESColours/shapes: Circle made up of blue, white and red vertical linesFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3322 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4212 ARMY GRPU D FORCES REPLACEMENT DEPOTColours/shapes: Circle of thin red outer ring, wider white ring and a blue circle at the centreFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3323 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4213 GENERAL HEADQUARTERS RESERVE Colours/shapes: Horizontal lines of red, white and blue forming a circle, this is a white circle From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3324 |
Formation badge, original annotation: 4214. ARMY UNIVERSITY FACULTY Colours/shapes: "US ARMY UNIVERSITY FACULTY" in white on a blue rectangle with a red border From the collection of Maj John Waring. | Badges | 2008-02-3325 |