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Description Object Type NAM Accession Number
Formation badge, original annotation: 9397. 57 ORDNANCE BRIGADE Colours/shapes: Black circle with four red stylised flower motifs at the cardinal points. All in a gold hexagon with a red border From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3426
Formation badge, original annotation: 5049. USO CAMP SHOWSColours/shapes: White eagle with spread wings, detail in blue. Below are the words "CAMP" and "SHOWS" in blue. All this on a red arcFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3427
Formation badge, original annotation: 5050. ARMY LIBRARIAN HOSTESS Colours/shapes: Nine multicoloured segments on a pale blue hub to form a semicircle From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3428
Formation badge, original annotation: 5051. DISCHARGED PERSONNEL Colours/shapes: Yellow eagle with spread wings in a yellow circle, all in a light brown diamond From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3429
Formation badge, original annotation: 5052. DISCHARGED PERSONNEL Colours/shapes: Yellow eagle with spread wings in a yellow circle, all in a dark brown diamond From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3430
Formation badge, original annotation: 5053. CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS Colours/shapes: Green landscape with "CCC" also in green, all in a yellow circle with a green border From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3431
Formation badge, original annotation: 5054. ITALIAN PRISONERS OF WAR Colours/shapes: "ITALY" in white in a green ovalFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3432
Formation badge, original annotation: 5055. CADET NURSEColours/shapes: Black "US" in a white flower head, this in a red oval. Outside this oval, above "CADET" and below "NURSE" both in red. All this in a white ovalFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3433
Formation badge, original annotation: 5056. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY AIDE Colours/shapes: Pair of red wings above two intertwined red snakes on a central vertical pole. Around this in blue is "OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY". All in a white ovalFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3434
Formation badge, original annotation: 5057. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY APPRENTICE Colours/shapes: Intertwined "O T" above "APPRENTICE" , all in red. In a white ovalFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3435
Formation badge, original annotation: 5058. COMBAT LEADER TRAINING UNIT Colours/shapes: Eight pointed star in alternate black and goldFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3436
Formation badge, original annotation: 7677 ARMY SPECIALISED TRAINING PROGRAM Colours/shapes: Vertical blue and yellow sword on a blue oil lamp. All this in a yellow irregular octagon with a blue border From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3437
Formation badge, original annotation: 5058. AMERICAN FORCES NETWORK KOREA Colours/shapes: Silver microphone and silver "AMERICAN FORCES KOREA NETWORK" in a black arcFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3438
Formation badge, original annotation: 5060. OFFICIAL WAR CORRESPONDENT Colours/shapes: "OFFICIAL US WAR CORRESPONDENT" in gold on a black arc with a gold borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3439
Formation badge, original annotation: 5061. ARMY PHOTOGRAPHER Colours/shapes: "PHOTOGRAPHER U.S. ARMY" with a star either side all in yellow, on a black arc framed in yellow From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3440
Formation badge, original annotation: 5062. OFFICIAL ARMY PHOTOGRAPHER Colours/shapes: "OFFICIAL U.S. ARMY PHOTOGRAPHER" in gold in a black rectangle with a gold border From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3441
Formation badge, original annotation: 5063. "YANK" CORRESPONDENT Colours/shapes: "YANK" in red on a khaki brown background above "CORRESPONDENT " in yellow on a red background. All to form a rectangle with a red border From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3442
Formation badge, original annotation: 5064. "INVADERS" BAND Colours/shapes: "THE INVADERS" in gold flanked by two music clefts also in gold. All in a black arcFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3443
Formation badge, original annotation: 5065. RADIO OPERATORColours/shapes: "RADIO OPERATOR" between two radio aerials with connecting radio waves, all in gold within a gold rectangular frame. This in a black rectangle From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3444
Formation badge, original annotation: 5066. BLOOD DONOR SERVICE Colours/shapes: "BLOOD DONOR SERVICE" in white in a blue rectangle with a red border From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3445
Formation badge, original annotation: 5067. UNITED PRESS WAR CORRESPONDENT Colours/shapes: "UP WAR CORRESPONDENT" in white in a blue circle From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3446
Formation badge, original annotation: 5825 OFFICE OF WAR INFORMN.Colours/shapes: "U.S O.W.I." in green in a light khaki brown square From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3447
Formation badge, original annotation: 4732. ALASKA GUARDColours/shapes: Rectangle with 7 5-point stars in the shape of The Plough with the North star being larger than the others all set on a dark blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3448
Formation badge, original annotation: 4733. ALASKA TERRITORIAL GUARDColours/shapes: Square with 7 5-point stars in the shape of The Plough with the North star being larger than the others. Around the stars are letters in White - A top centre, T bottom left and G bottom right. There is a dark blue backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3449
Formation badge, original annotation: 4734. ALABAMA STATE GUARD 1st p.Colours/shapes: Rectangle with semi circle on top. In the centre is a shield with top left 3 fleur de lys in Gold on Blue, top right is quartered with Red lion on white top right/top left and with Yellow motif on Red top left/bottom right, bottom left is a Union Jack, and bottom right is a confederate flag. Overlaying this in the centre is a small shield with Red and White stripes beneath 3 white stars on Blue. Either side of the shield is a Eagle in Brown with a Yellow beak and White detailing. Above the shield is a galleon with a Brown hull and yellow sails. Beneath the shield is a Yellow scroll. At the bottom is ALALBAMA in Brown. The background is White From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3450
Formation badge, original annotation: 4735. ALABAMA STATE GUARD 2nd p.Colours/shapes: Rectangle with semi circle on top. In the centre is a shield with top left 3 fleur de lys in Gold on Blue, top right is quartered with Red lion on white top right/top left and Yellow motif on Red top left/bottom right, bottom left is a Union Jack, and bottom right is a confederate flag. Overlaying this in the centre is a small shield with Red and White stripes beneath 3 white stars on Blue. Either side of the shield is a Eagle in Brown with a Yellow beak and White detailing. Above the shield is a galleon with a Brown hull and yellow sails. Beneath the shield is a Yellow scroll. At the bottom is ALALBAMA in Brown. The background is Blue From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3451
Formation badge, original annotation: ARKANSAS GUARD 4736Colours/shapes: Circle with interlocking A and C in Red overlaid with an outline diamond shape in Blue with 25 5-point stars in White. Within the diamond shape are 4 5-point stars in Blue. Tha background is White with a Blue outline. From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3452
Formation badge, original annotation: 4737. OHIO STATE NAVAL MILITIAColours/shapes: Circle with the outline of Ohio State in Red on a Blue background. Inside the state shape is OHIO STATE NAVAL MILITIA over 3 lines in RedFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3453
Formation badge, original annotation: 4738 CONNECTICUT STATE GUARD 2nd p.Colours/shapes: Octagon with 3 equal horizontal bands from the top Red, White and Blue. In the White band is CT is Black. There is a Gold borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3454
Formation badge, original annotation: 4739 CONNECTICUT STATE GUARD 1st p.Colours/shapes: Rectangle with the shape of Connecticut state in solid Blue on a Red background. In the Blue is CONN. in WhiteFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3455
Formation badge, original annotation: 4740 COLORADO STATE GUARD 2nd p.Colours/shapes: Rectangle with 2 mountain peaks (larger on the left) with "valleys' picked out in Blue. The sky is Grey with a large Gold sun in the top right. At the bottom is COLORADO S.G. in Gold on Grey From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3456
Formation badge, original annotation: 7411 GEORGIA STATE GUARDColours/shapes: Circle with a motif of 3 pillars supporting an arch and with "ribbons" around the outside pillars all in Gold. The arch has the word CONSTITUTION in Blue and beneath is 1776 in Gold. Around this is a broad border with GEORGIA STATE at the top and GUARD at the bottom in Gold on Blue. There is a Gold border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3457
Formation badge, original annotation: 2nd CALIFORNIA SECURITY DIVISION 4741Colours/shapes: Octagon split top and bottom by 2 diagonal Red stripes with a Blue middle. In the top part is a Gold standing bear facing right with a Gold 5-point star all on a Blue background. In the bottom part is a solid blue shape a bit like a kneeling man facing left and wearing a hat and panning for gold. The background colour is Gold. there is a Gold border around the whole badge.From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3458
Formation badge, original annotation: 1st CALIFORNIA SECURITY DIVISION 4742Colours/shapes: Octagon split top and bottom by 2 diagonal Red stripes with a Blue middle. In the top part is a Gold standing bear facing right with a Gold 5-point star all on a Blue background. In the bottom part is a Gold Sun. There is a Gold border around the whole badge.From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3459
Formation badge, original annotation: CALIFORNIA STATE GUARD Proposed design - not authorised 4743Colours/shapes: Circle with a Yellow bear on all fours facing left. Above is STATE and below GUARD in Yellow. The background is Blue with a Yellow border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3460
Formation badge, original annotation: 4744 CALIFORNIA STATE GUARDColours/shapes: Circle with an irregular shape in Yellow framed by a yellow diamond set on a Blue background with a Yellow borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3461
Formation badge, original annotation: FLORIDA STATE GUARD 4748Colours/shapes: Rectangular with F.S.G. in dull Gold on a Black backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3462
Formation badge, original annotation: FLORIDA STATE GUARD 4746Colours/shapes: Curvilinear triangle like Shield with FSG above an aligator facing right both in Blue on an Orange background with a Blue borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3463
Formation badge, original annotation: GEORGIA STATE GUARD 4747Colours/shapes: Circle with a motif of 3 pillars supporting an arch and with "ribbons" around the outside pillars all in Gold. The arch has the word CONSTITUTION in Blue and beneath is 1776 in Gold. Around this is a broad border with GEORGIA STATE at the top and GUARD at the bottom in Gold on Blue. There is a Gold border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3464
Formation badge, original annotation: GEORGIA DEFENSE CORPS 4748Colours/shapes: Circle with a motif of 3 pillars supporting an arch and with "ribbons" around the outside pillars all in Yellow. Beneath the arch is 1776 in Yellow. Around this is a broad border with GEORGIA STATE at the top and DEFENSE CORPS at the bottom in Yellow on Blue. There is a Yellow border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3465
Formation badge, original annotation: IDAHO VOLUNTEER RESERVES 4749Colours/shapes: Circle with IDA at top, VOL at centre and RES at bottom each in Gold on a Blue background with a Gold borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3466
Formation badge, original annotation: IDAHO STATE GUARD 4750Colours/shapes: Circle with an outline of the state of Idaho in Yellow with IDAHO inside written top left to bottom right in White. To the left of the state outline is S and to the right G in White. At the bottom of the circle is a sun like image with rays radiating in all directions all in White. The background is Blue with a Yellow borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3467
Formation badge, original annotation: ILLINOIS RESERVE MILITIA 4751Colours/shapes: Circle with an Eagle facing left in Brown but with White neck and Yellow head carrying a small shield with Red and White stripes in the lower half and 3 White stars on Blue at the top. Around the outside of the circle is ILLINOIS at the top and RESERVE MILITIA at the bottom, all in White. The background is Black with a Gold border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3468
Formation badge, original annotation: 4752. INDIANA STATE GUARD 1st p.Colours/shapes: Rectangle with an outline of the state border in Gold inside if which is a torch with 18 5-point stars radiating from the torch all in Gold. The background is BlackFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3469
Formation badge, original annotation: 4753. INDIANA STATE GUARD 2nd p.Colours/shapes: The shape is an outline of the state border in Gold inside of which is a torch with 18 5-point stars radiating from the torch all in Gold. The background is BlueFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3470
Formation badge, original annotation: 4654 INDIANA STATE GUARD 3rd. p.Colours/shapes: Circle with a picture showing from the left a Dark Brown cow jumping over a Light Brown log. Behind is a man holding an axe and behind that 2 trees. in the background are 3 mountains with a Red sun behind. The overall background is Green with several clumps of brown vegetation. There is a Brown borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3471
Formation badge, original annotation: 4755 IOWA STATE GUARD 1st p.Colours/shapes: Circle with a solid Yellow image in the shape of Iowa. In its middle is IOWA in Blue. Above the image is STATE and below is GUARD each in Yellow on a Blue background From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3472
Formation badge, original annotation: IOWA STATE GUARD 2nd.p. 4756Colours/shapes: Circle with an Eagle in flight with a ribbon in its mouth spreading on both sides. Above is IOWA and below is SG intertwined. All of the above is in Yellow on a Blue background and there is a Yellow borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3473
Formation badge, original annotation: 4757 KANSAS STATE GUARDColours/shapes: Inverted triangle with a smaller triangle outlined inside to form a wide border. In the border on the top edge is KANSAS, left edge STATE and right edge GUARD. All if the detail is in Yellow with a Blue background. From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3474
Formation badge, original annotation: KENTUCKY ACTIVE MILITIA 4758Colours/shapes: Circle with 2 men facing each other and holding both hands. The men are in White with Blue detail on a Gold background. There is a broad Blue border within which is written KENTUCKY at the top and ACTIVE MILITIA at the bottom in Gold. There s a thin Gold border to the badgeFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3475
Formation badge, original annotation: LOUISIANA STATE GUARD. 4759Colours/shapes: Circle with the words STATE at top, LOUISIANA at middle and GUARD at bottom each in Gold on a Black background. There is a thin Gold border From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3476
Formation badge, original annotation: 4760 MASSACHUSETTS STATE GD.Colours/shapes: Circle with a the shape of the state in Blue on a White background with a broad Red border then a thin Green border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3477
Formation badge, original annotation: MAINE STATE GUARD 4761.Colours/shapes: Shield with a fir tree (green upper, brown lower trunk) at its centre. Above is DIRIGO, left is M, right is S and below is G each in White on a Black background but with a thin White border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3478
Formation badge, original annotation: MISSOURI STATE GUARD 4773Colours/shapes: Circle with the outline of the state in Yellow on a Blue background and with a thin Red borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3479
Formation badge, original annotation: MISSOURI STATE GUARD 4774. HQ. TR.Colours/shapes: Circle with the outline of the state in Yellow on a Blue background and with a thin Red border. Inside the state outline is HQ. above TR. both in RedFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3480
Formation badge, original annotation: MISSOURI STATE GUARD 4775 AIR UNITColours/shapes: Circle with the outline of the state in Yellow on a Blue background and with a thin Red border. Inside the state outline is an upright bomb with wings in RedFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3481
Formation badge, original annotation: MISSOURI STATE GUARD 1st. REGT. 4776Colours/shapes: Circle with the outline of the state in Yellow on a Blue background and with a thin Red border. Inside the state outline is a large figure 1 in RedFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3482
Formation badge, original annotation: MISSOURI STATE GUARD 2nd. REGT. 4777Colours/shapes: Circle with the outline of the state in Yellow on a Blue background and with a thin Red border. Inside the state outline is a large figure 2 in RedFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3483
Formation badge, original annotation: MISSOURI STATE GUARD 4th. REGT. 4779Colours/shapes: Circle with the outline of the state in Yellow on a Blue background and with a thin Red border. Inside the state outline is a large figure 4 in RedFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3484
Formation badge, original annotation: MISSOURI STATE GUARD 3rd. REGT. 4780Colours/shapes: Circle with the outline of the state in Yellow on a Blue background and with a thin Red border. Inside the state outline is a large figure 3 in RedFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3485
Formation badge, original annotation: MISSOURI STATE GUARD 6th. REGT. 4781Colours/shapes: Circle with the outline of the state in Yellow on a Blue background and with a thin Red border. Inside the state outline is a large figure 6 in RedFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3486
Formation badge, original annotation: MISSOURI STATE GUARD. 1st Design 1st Regiment 4782Colours/shapes: Circle with the outline of the state in Red on a Blue background and with a thin Red border. Inside the state outline is the figure 1 in Yellow. Around the state outline is MISSOURI STATE above and GUARD beneath all in YellowFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3487
Formation badge, original annotation: MISSOURI STATE GUARD. 1st Des. 2nd Regiment 4783Colours/shapes: Circle with the outline of the state in Red on a Blue background and with a thin Red border. Inside the state outline is the figure 2 in Yellow. Around the state outline is MISSOURI STATE above and GUARD beneath all in YellowFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3488
Formation badge, original annotation: MISSOURI STATE GUARD. 1st DESIGN. 3rd REGIMENT 4784Colours/shapes: Circle with the outline of the state in Red on a Blue background and with a thin Red border. Inside the state outline is the figure 3 in Yellow. Around the state outline is MISSOURI STATE above and GUARD beneath all in YellowFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3489
Formation badge, original annotation: MISSOURI STATE GUARD. 1st DESIGN. 4th REGIMENT 4785Colours/shapes: Circle with the outline of the state in Red on a Blue background and with a thin Red border. Inside the state outline is the figure 4 in Yellow. Around the state outline is MISSOURI STATE above and GUARD beneath all in YellowFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3490
Formation badge, original annotation: MISSOURI STATE GUARD. 1st DESIGN. HEADQUARTERS 4786Colours/shapes: Circle with the outline of the state in Red on a Blue background and with a thin Red border. Around the state outline is MISSOURI STATE above and GUARD beneath all in YellowFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3491
Formation badge, original annotation: MISSOURI STATE GUARD. 1st DESIGN. 6th REGIMENT 4787Colours/shapes: Circle with the outline of the state in Red on a Blue background and with a thin Red border. Inside the state outline is the figure 6 in Yellow. Around the state outline is MISSOURI STATE above and GUARD beneath all in YellowFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3492
Formation badge, original annotation: MISSOURI STATE GUARD. 3rd REGT. (original design) 4788Colours/shapes: Circle with the Black silhouette of a native American on a horse facing left on a Yellow background and with a thin Black borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3493
Formation badge, original annotation: 4789 MAINE STATE GUARD 1st. p.Colours/shapes: Shield with a fir tree (green upper, brown lower trunk) at its centre. Above is MAINE, upper left is STATE, upper right is GUARD and below is DIRIGO each in White on a Black backgroundFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3494
Formation badge, original annotation: 4790. DELAWARE STATE GUARDColours/shapes: Diamond with STATE DELAWARE GUARD split into 3 lines in Yellow on a Pale Blue background with a thin Blue borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3495
Formation badge, original annotation: MARYLAND STATE GUARD 4762Colours/shapes: Circle with a vertical cross with each arm half and half red and white. This is set on a background of yin and yang in Black and Gold.From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3496
Formation badge, original annotation: MICHIGAN STATE TROOPS 4763Colours/shapes: Circle with a small shield at its centre. This has Brown earth(?) and yellow sun on a pale blue background. The top of the shield has a Blue band. Each side of the shield is an upright moose in Brown. Between the mooses' heads is MICH STATE in Yellow and at the bottom of the circle is TROOPS in Yellow, The overall background is Pale Blue with a thin Yellow borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3497
Formation badge, original annotation: MARYLAND MINUTE-MEN 4764Colours/shapes: Ellipse with banner above and below. The ellipse has a Black and Gold yin and yang symbol overlaid by the figure of a rifleman facing right in Black. The end of a crucifix in Red and White shows behind the rifleman. The banner above has MARYLAND in Black on Gold and the banner below has MINUTE-MEN in Black on Gold.From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3498
Formation badge, original annotation: MINNESOTA STATE GUARD 4765Colours/shapes: Circle with MINNESOTA STATE GUARD around the circle in Maroon on a Blue background and with a thin Maroon border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3499
Formation badge, original annotation: MISSISSIPPI STATE GUARD 4766Colours/shapes: Circle with MSG in Red with each letter of varying length to fill the circle. The background is Grey and there is a thin Red borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3500
Formation badge, original annotation: NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE GUARD 4767Colours/shapes: Circle with N.H. in Pale Blue on a Yellow background with a thin Pale Blue borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3501
Formation badge, original annotation: 4768 NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE GUARD Colours/shapes: Shield with NH above SG with 2 dots at the top all in Gold on a Blue background with a thin Gold border slightly inset from the edgeFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3502
Formation badge, original annotation: 4769 NEBRASKA STATE GUARD Colours/shapes: Circle with the shape of a building with a tall central tower in white with a thin yellow border set on a Red background. Written vertically in the tower part is NEBRASKA with a thin line either side. In the left part of the building is STATE and GUARD in the right side. Lettering and lines are all RedFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3503
Formation badge, original annotation: NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE GUARD 4770Colours/shapes: Circle with N.H. STATE GUARD OVER 3 lines in Blue on a Yellow background with a thin Blue border From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3504
Formation badge, original annotation: NEW JERSEY STATE GUARD 4771Colours/shapes: Circle with the centre having the outline of a shield in which there is a motif with ivy leaf like decoration. Around the shield are the words NEW JERSEY STATE GUARD. All of the above is in Black with a dull green background From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3505
Formation badge, original annotation: NEW MEXICO STATE GUARD 4772Colours/shapes: Circle containing the outline of a circle which has 4 dashes at each compass point. IN the circle are the letters NMSG one in each quadrant. All the above is in Red on a Gold background with a bright Gold border From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3506
Formation badge, original annotation: NEW YORK STATE GUARD 4791Colours/shapes: Circle with NY in Black on a light Blue background and with a thin Black border From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3507
Formation badge, original annotation: N. CAROLINA STATE GUARD 4792Colours/shapes: Circle with a large interlocking N and C and small s and g either side of the diagonal of the N (s top right, g bottom left). All the above in White on a Red background. There is medium thickness Blue circle border set in a little from the edge.From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3508
Formation badge, original annotation: N.DAKOTA STATE GUARD 4793Colours/shapes: Circle with the thin outline of the state (broadly square) in Red within which is the word STATE. Above is NORTH DAKOTA and below is GUARD. All lettering is in Yellow on a Blue background. There is a tin red borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3509
Formation badge, original annotation: N.CAROLINA STATE GUARD 4794Colours/shapes: Rectangle with N.C.S.G. in Yellow inside a thin Yellow frame. The background is Beige From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3510
Formation badge, original annotation: OHIO STATE GUARD 4795Colours/shapes: Circle with a thin red line in the shape of the state inside which over 3 lines is OHIO STATE GUARD. The background is a dark Blue with a thin border in lighter Blue From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3511
Formation badge, original annotation: OHIO NATIONAL DEFENSE 4796Colours/shapes: Shield with broad diagonal bands from the top in Red, White and Blue. In the centre of the white band is outline of a circle containing an H with it's horizontal bar crossed by an l. The shield has a thin black border From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3512
Formation badge, Unit: NoneOriginal annotation: 4997. OREGON STATE GUARD 1st p.Colours/shapes:Circle with OREGON curved inside the top STATE straight across the centre and GUARD curved inside the bottom in Grey on a Red background and with a thin Grey borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3513
Formation badge, original annotation: OREGON STATE GUARD 2nd p. 4998Colours/shapes: In the shape of the state with OREGON in Gold on a Blue background with a thin Gold border From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3514
Formation badge, original annotation: RHODE ISLAND STATE GUARD 4999Colours/shapes: Shield with an upright anchor in Gold with R. to the left and I. to the right. The background is Blue with a thin Gold border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3515
Formation badge, original annotation: S.DAKOTA STATE GUARD 4860Colours/shapes: Circle with 4 arrow heads at NSEW and pointing to the centre in Red. In the quadrants formed reading from left to right and top to bottom are the letters S D S G in Black. The background is dull Gold and there is a thin Black border.From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3516
Formation badge, original annotation: S.CAROLINA DEFENSE GORCE 4801Colours/shapes: Circle with a thin outer border and a thin inner circle. Between these lines at the top is SOUTH CAROLINA and at the bottom is DEFENSE FORCE. Across the middle is MELIOREM LAPSA LOCAVIT. above is a palm tree on an island and below is 1776. All markings are in Yellow on a Blue background From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3517
Formation badge, original annotation: TENNESSEE STATE GUARD 4802Colours/shapes: Circle with an outer border and inner circle in White. Between these lines is TENNESSEE above and STATE GUARD below in White on a Red background. In the centre are 3 5-point stars in White on a Blue background From the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3518
Formation badge, original annotation: PENNSYLVANIA STATE GUARD 1st INFANTRY DIVISION 4803Colours/shapes: Small trapezium on top of a larger one with a large figure 1 in White on a Black background and with a Red borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3519
Formation badge, original annotation: PENNSYLVANIA STATE GUARD 2nd INFANTRY DIVISION 4804Colours/shapes: Small trapezium on top of a larger one with a large figure 2 in White on a Black background and with a Red borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3520
Formation badge, original annotation: PENNSYLVANIA STATE GUARD 4th INFANTRY DIVISION 4805Colours/shapes: Small trapezium on top of a larger one with a large figure 4 in White on a Black background and with a Red borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3521
Formation badge, original annotation: PENNSYLVANIA STATE GUARD 10th INFANTRY DIVISION 4806Colours/shapes: Small trapezium on top of a larger one with a 1 overlaying a 0 (as in 10) in White on a Black background and with a Red borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3522
Formation badge, original annotation: PENNSYLVANIA STATE GUARD 16th INFANTRY DIVISION 4807Colours/shapes: Small trapezium on top of a larger one with a 1 overlaying a 6 (as in 16) in White on a Black background and with a Red borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3523
Formation badge, original annotation: PENNSYLVANIA STATE GUARD DIVISION STAFF 4808Colours/shapes: Small trapezium on top of a larger one with 2 overlapping 5-point stars in White on a dark Blue background which has White flecks as in a night sky and with a Red borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3524
Formation badge, original annotation: NoneColours/shapes: Small trapezium on top of a larger one with a large letter P in Gold on a Red background and with a dull Gold borderFrom the collection of Maj John Waring. Badges 2008-02-3525