Online Collection

The Online Collection showcases a selection of our objects for you to discover and explore. This resource will grow as the Museum's Collection is catalogued and computerised, and as new acquisitions are added.

Displaying 501 to 520 of 525 results List | Grid
Name Type Image

'Private Dyck, 33 FD Hospital, Royal Army Medical Corps', Afghanistan, 2010

NAM. 2018-03-5-6


'Battle', Afghanistan, 2010

NAM. 2018-03-5-8


'Brigadier's Eve of Battle Speech (Operation Moshtarak)', Afghanistan, 2010

NAM. 2018-03-5-9


'2 Yorks training ANP', Afghanistan, 2010

NAM. 2018-03-5-10


'OMLT SITREP', Afghanistan, 2010

NAM. 2018-03-5-12


The Duke of Edinburgh at a medal parade for the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Munster Barracks, Catterick, North Yorkshire, 1 May 2013

NAM. 2018-01-80-49


The Duke of Edinburgh at a medal parade for the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Munster Barracks, Catterick, North Yorkshire, 1 May 2013

NAM. 2018-01-80-50


The Duke of Edinburgh at a medal parade for the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Munster Barracks, Catterick, North Yorkshire, 1 May 2013

NAM. 2018-01-80-51


The Duke of Edinburgh at a medal parade for the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Munster Barracks, Catterick, North Yorkshire, 1 May 2013

NAM. 2018-01-80-52


The Duke of Edinburgh at a medal parade for the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Munster Barracks, Catterick, North Yorkshire, 1 May 2013

NAM. 2018-01-80-53


Martyn Compton, 2017

NAM. 2018-12-12-1

Oil painting

Jaco Van Gass, 2017

NAM. 2018-12-13-1

Oil on canvas

'Stubby' prosthetic leg, 2015 (c)

NAM. 2019-02-5-1-1

Prosthetic leg

Below-knee running prosthetic leg for the right leg, with Ossur 'Flex-Run' running blade, 2015 (c)

NAM. 2019-02-6-1-1

Prosthetic leg

Knee, ankle and foot orthotics (KAFO), Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre, Headley Court, 2013 (c)-2018.

NAM. 2019-02-7-1-1


Genium prosthetic leg/knee joint, Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre, Headley Court, 2012 (c)-2018.

NAM. 2019-02-8-1-1

Prosthetic leg

Plaster cast of left transfemural above knee amputation, 2018 (c)

NAM. 2019-02-11-1-1


Diagnostic socket for right transfemural above the knee amputation, Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre, Headley Court, 2018

NAM. 2019-02-12-1-1

Prosthetic leg

Prosthetic limb and cosmetic cover, 2015 (c)

NAM. 2019-02-13-1-1

Prosthetic leg

'In the Afternoon of Time', Afghanistan, 2011.

NAM. 2019-12-3-1-1

Oil painting

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(Tip: Click on a header to select or deselect all sub-categories)

(eg Oliver Cromwell, Montgomery, Florence Nightingale)

(eg 14th Hussars, 7th Armoured Division, 30 Corps, Zulu Army)

(eg Isandlwana, Market Garden, Peterloo Massacre)

(eg World War Two, 2nd Afghan War, Gulf War)

(eg tank, remembrance, sniping)


(eg From: 1950 To: 1965)

(eg Roger Fenton)