Online Collection

The Online Collection showcases a selection of our objects for you to discover and explore. This resource will grow as the Museum's Collection is catalogued and computerised, and as new acquisitions are added.

Displaying 1 to 20 of 392 results List | Grid
Name Type Image

Major-General John Alexander Dunlop Agnew Wallace, Colonel of the 88th Regiment of Foot (Connaught Rangers), 1835 (c)

NAM. 1955-05-97-1

Oil painting

Lieutenant General Sir Thomas Bradford KCB, Colonel of the 94th Regiment of Foot, 1825 (c)

NAM. 1955-05-98-1

Oil painting

Wellington at Sorauren, 1813

NAM. 1960-04-1-1

Oil painting

Field Marshal Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, 1820 (c)

NAM. 1965-01-1-1

Oil painting

Lieutenant General Sir John Moore, 1805 (c)

NAM. 1966-07-22-1

Oil painting

Lieutenant-General Robert Brownrigg, 1810 (c)

NAM. 1966-07-23-1

Oil painting

Major James Hugonin, 4th Light Dragoons, with his black trumpeter, 1820 (c)

NAM. 1988-04-51-1

Oil painting

Lieutenant-General Thomas Graham, Baron Lynedoch, 1820 (c)

NAM. 1963-03-33-1

Oil painting

Major-General Sir James Kempt, Colonel of the 81st Regiment of Foot, 1820 (c)

NAM. 1959-11-278-1

Oil painting

'Right about turn Nobby', 10th Hussar, 1809 (c)

NAM. 1967-05-56-1

Oil painting

A glimpse of the enemy, 1808 (c)

NAM. 1965-01-2-1

Oil painting

Lieutenant General Sir William Carr Beresford KB, 1812 (c)

NAM. 1977-03-28-1

Oil painting

Major Sir John Scott Lillie, 7th Cacadores, Portuguese Army, 1820 (c)

NAM. 1981-08-64-1

Oil painting

Battle of Vittoria, 1814

NAM. 1998-06-51-1


Snuff box from the mess plate of the 88th Connaught Rangers, 1793 (c)

NAM. 1951-12-2-1

Box, snuff

12-pounder Blomefield pattern siege gun, 1800 (c)

NAM. 1998-09-19-1


Handkerchief, Sir William Inglis, 57th (West Middlesex) Regiment of Foot, 1810 (c)

NAM. 1996-02-206-1


Sir David Baird Bart GCB, KC Colonel of the 24th Regiment, 1811

NAM. 1998-10-240-1


Military General Service Medal 1793-1814, awarded to Lieutenant Daniel Forbes, 95th Rifles

NAM. 1998-11-131-1

Campaign medal

Military General Service Medal 1793-1814, Sergeant William Woolgar, 10th (Prince of Wales's Own) Light Dragoons

NAM. 1998-11-132-1

Campaign medal

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(Tip: Click on a header to select or deselect all sub-categories)

(eg Oliver Cromwell, Montgomery, Florence Nightingale)

(eg 14th Hussars, 7th Armoured Division, 30 Corps, Zulu Army)

(eg Isandlwana, Market Garden, Peterloo Massacre)

(eg World War Two, 2nd Afghan War, Gulf War)

(eg tank, remembrance, sniping)


(eg From: 1950 To: 1965)

(eg Roger Fenton)