Online Collection

The Online Collection showcases a selection of our objects for you to discover and explore. This resource will grow as the Museum's Collection is catalogued and computerised, and as new acquisitions are added.

Displaying 1 to 12 of 12 results List | Grid
Name Type Image

Fragment of rock or pebble, Langemarck, West Flanders, 1917

NAM. 1956-02-956-1


German Army respirator, 1917

NAM. 1956-02-929-1


German army respirator case, 1917

NAM. 1956-02-929-2

Case, respirator

Treating a wounded German prisoner near Langemarck, 26 September 1917

NAM. 1999-11-70-36


British troops near Boesinghe, 18 August 1917

NAM. 1999-11-70-69


Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant James Littler (seated front right) with fellow warrant officers, 1916 (c)

NAM. 2003-03-635-1


Lance Corporal James Littler, 12th Battalion The King's Royal Rifle Corps, 1915 (c)

NAM. 2003-03-635-2


Bronze commemorative medal for Canadian Troops at Langemarck, Belgium 1915

NAM. 1996-06-40-1

Commemorative medal

Pocket diary kept by Brevet Major Percy Ingpen, 1/8th Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment), 28 June 1917 to 2 January 1918

NAM. 1994-04-390-5


Three page manuscript operation order for the attack of 167th Infantry Brigade on Polygon Wood, 16 August 1917

NAM. 1994-04-390-7


Observing the barrage, 16 August 1917

NAM. 1978-11-157-24-36

Lantern slide

Captain Percy Ingpen, 1/8th Battalion The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment), 1915

NAM. 1992-08-93-58


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