Online Collection

The Online Collection showcases a selection of our objects for you to discover and explore. This resource will grow as the Museum's Collection is catalogued and computerised, and as new acquisitions are added.

Displaying 1 to 20 of 205 results List | Grid
Name Type Image

Lieutenant-General John Manners, Marquess of Granby, 1763 (c)

NAM. 1988-09-10-1

Oil painting

Colonel The Honourable John Barrington, 1758 (c)

NAM. 1959-11-22-1

Oil painting

The Battle of Alexandria, 1801

NAM. 1969-02-8-1

Oil painting

Lieutenant General Sir John Moore, 1805 (c)

NAM. 1966-07-22-1

Oil painting

Lieutenant-General Thomas Graham, Baron Lynedoch, 1820 (c)

NAM. 1963-03-33-1

Oil painting

The Battle of Blenheim, 13 August 1704

NAM. 1975-11-82-1

Oil painting

French 8 mm M1892 revolver, 1895 (c)

NAM. 1998-02-160-1


Sir David Baird Bart GCB, KC Colonel of the 24th Regiment, 1811

NAM. 1998-10-240-1


Allied Victory Medal 1914-19, 2nd Lieutenant R P Hallowes, Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment)

NAM. 1992-07-1-5

Campaign medal

General Officer's sword used by Lieutenant-General Sir John Moore, 1809 (c)

NAM. 1990-09-1-1

Sword, officer

King James edition of the bible, Sir John Moore (1761-1809)

NAM. 1996-11-16-1

Religious book

Despatch case used by the Duke of Wellington, 1808 (c)

NAM. 1973-03-31-1

Case, despatch

'The Convention of Cintra, a Portuguese Gambol for the Amusement of John Bull, 1809'

NAM. 1999-08-14-1


The Battle of Alexandria, 21 March 1801

NAM. 1999-10-12-1

Oil painting

Letter from the War Office to the father of Lance Corporal Val Oram Lander, 16 December 1915

NAM. 1999-10-23-1


Certificate attesting the mention of Sergeant Major James Frederick Plunkett, 2nd Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment, in a despatch of 8 October 1914 by Field Marshal Sir John French

NAM. 1994-05-398-4


A Corporal of the 10th or Prince of Wales's Own Royal Hussars, In Review Order, 1812

NAM. 1950-11-33-14


A Private of the 15th or Kings (Hussars), 1812

NAM. 1950-11-33-17


Privates of the First Regiment of Foot Guards on Service, 1812

NAM. 1950-11-33-28


Soldiers of the 1st Regiment of Foot Guards in Marching Order, 1812

NAM. 1950-11-33-29


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