Online Collection

The Online Collection showcases a selection of our objects for you to discover and explore. This resource will grow as the Museum's Collection is catalogued and computerised, and as new acquisitions are added.

Displaying 1 to 12 of 12 results List | Grid
Name Type Image

Vapour detector kit, 1953

NAM. 1993-12-160-1


'Under cover of gas and smoke we break through to Serre and Thiepval', 1916 (c)

NAM. 2001-02-256-48


'Poisonous Gas. Tear Gas-1917'

NAM. 2003-09-65-1


'Battlefront in the Passchendaele Sector of the Ypres Salient in 1918. 4th Worcester Regiment, 29th Division. Front Line', 1918

NAM. 1997-12-75-80


A view of the front held by the 29th Division in the Ypres Salient - Passchendaele Sector, 1917

NAM. 1997-12-75-81


French troops don their gas masks while manning a trench on the Western Front, 1915 (c)

NAM. 2000-12-304-7


'Gas Alarm! Ready with respirators to repel a Hun attack under cover of the deadly cloud at Loos', 1917 (c)

NAM. 1972-08-67-1-40


'Under cover of gas and smoke we break through to Serre and Thiepval', 1916 (c)

NAM. 1972-08-67-1-48


'Attending to wounded on the Menin Road, Ypres, during the stiff fighting around Zennebeke', 1917

NAM. 1972-08-67-1-92


'Through gas and smoke, our troops advance to the final assault of Passchendaele Ridge', 1917

NAM. 1972-08-67-1-97


'Tenderly carrying a "blighty" case to an aidpost through the maze of trenches at Passchendale', 1917 (c)

NAM. 1972-08-67-1-98


Comparative aerial photographs of Passchendaele, 1 October and 12 November 1917

NAM. 1952-01-33-55-391


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